
chéng yùn
  • accept for carriage;receive heaven's mandate or call to rule as emperor;undertake to transport
承运 [chéng yùn]
  • (1) [receive heaven's mandate or call to rule as emperor]∶承受天命的运气

  • (2) [undetake to transport]∶承担运输之事

承运[chéng yùn]
  1. 去年,在承运台北和北京之间罕有的直航航班时,台湾航空公司长荣航空(EvaAir)就使用了一架内外都绘满了凯蒂猫的飞机。

    Last year , Taiwan carrier Eva Air used one of its Kitty-covered planes ( inside and out ) on a rare non-stop flight between Taipei and Beijing .

  2. 餐馆行业组织——纽约市酒店联盟(NYCHospitalityAlliance)证实,多数承运商不愿再为用过的食用油付钱。

    NYC Hospitality Alliance , a restaurant industry group , confirmed most hauliers would no longer pay for used oil .

  3. CAPE型船舶以承运矿石、煤炭等大宗散货为主,具有载货多、运货稳、费用省等特点。

    CAPE type of ship mainly carries solid bulk cargoes such as ores and coals , it characters with heavy loading , stable freight and charge saving .

  4. 铁路行政许可授权电子政务信息系统是针对成都铁路局下辖铁路危险货物托运、危险货物承运、超限超长超重集重货物承运、铁路道口施工资格申请与审核的一套Web信息系统。

    The railway administrative licensed e-government information system is a web information system designed for the application and audit of the dangerous goods consignment , dangerous goods carriage , overloaded overlong overweight container carriage and railroad crossing construction qualification under the jurisdiction of Chengdu Railway Bureau .

  5. 八年前,欧盟(EuropeanUnion)制定了似乎可以切实保护消费者的措施,要求航空公司对长时间的航班延误和航班取消给予乘客赔偿,这样做的目的是强制承运商减少航班延误以及由于订票数量少而取消航班的行为。

    Eight years ago , the European Union established what seemed like far-reaching consumer protections , requiring that airlines compensate passengers for long delays and cancellations . The intent was to force carriers to reduce delays and cancellations due to light bookings .

  6. 无船承运人(NVOCC)制度是规范和监管无船承运业务的制度。

    Non – Vessel Operating Common Carrier ( NVOCC ) system is the regulation and supervision of non-vessel operating system .

  7. 公司已经拥有了主要美国承运商的手机,包括广为欢迎的谷歌Nexus6P。

    The company already has phones on all of the major U.S. carriers , including the well-received Google Nexus 6P .

  8. 歌诗达协和号(CostaConcordia)邮轮在意大利西海岸失事,不太可能引发人们反思行业模式,即订造越来越大、越来越豪华的船舶,承运越来越多的乘客。

    The foundering of Costa Concordia , the cruise liner , off the west coast of Italy is unlikely to prompt a rethink of the industry model , predicated on filling ever bigger and more luxurious vessels with ever greater numbers of passengers .

  9. 万航&中国无船承运业优质品牌!

    City Union , the quality brand of NOVCC in China !

  10. 全球空运,海运,陆地运输以及无船承运服务。

    Global air , sea land freight forwarding NVOCC service .

  11. 国际海运世界贸易的承运者2005年世界海事日

    International Shipping Carrier of World Trade World Maritime Day 2005

  12. 没有《动物检疫合格证明》的,承运人不得承运。

    No carrier may accept them without an Animal Quarantine Conformity Certificate .

  13. (不过,丢失财产的价值由承运商确定。)

    ( Carriers set the value of possessions lost , however . )

  14. 请参阅关于非国际运输的承运价格表或条件。

    See tariffs or conditions of carriage regarding non-international transportation .

  15. 承运商是个西非奴隶贩子,适度削减每个囚犯的定量食物。

    The operator , a west African slaver , duly cut back rations .

  16. 关于无成人陪伴儿童的承运规定可向我们咨询。

    Regulations governing the carriage of unaccompanied minors can be obtained from us .

  17. 远洋运输企业在承运航次任务时的决策通常依赖于航次预估。

    The decision of voyage tasks undertaking usually rely on the voyage estimates .

  18. 贵重湿精矿的一次承运实践

    An Experience in the Carriage of Valuable Wet Concentrates

  19. 论无船承运业务下的海上货物留置权

    On Lien On Cargo Under Non-vessel-operating Services ; Claims Secured by Maritime Lien

  20. 改变售票方式、方法及货物承运方法;

    The way and method of selling tickets and carrying freight should be changed ;

  21. 由于现货市场销售风险的存在,承运商更倾向于合同市场的销售。

    Because of the uncertainty of spot market , carrier prefers to contract market .

  22. 承运人必须凭检疫证明方可承运。

    Any consignee must undertake the shipment on the strength of the quarantine certificate .

  23. 承运运往美国钢材的主要货损赔风险及规避

    Major Cargo Claim Risk and Avoidance in the Carriage of Steel Products to the USA

  24. 乙方委托甲方承运自中国宁波至俄罗斯莫斯科的的服装货物国际运输代理业务。

    Part B consign Part A carry its fashion cargo from Ningbo China to Moscow Russia .

  25. 货载承运份额与公摊;

    Share of trade and pooling ;

  26. 论无船承运经营者不适格的法律后果那家公司承办搬运业务。

    On the Effect of the Ineligibility of Non Vessel Operating Carrier That company does removals .

  27. 东盟承运商理事会联合会;

    Federation of ASEAN shippers councils ;

  28. 负责国际、内货物承运商、公司、运公司的评价并参与有关运输、关通关代理合同的评审和签订。

    Be responsible for evaluation about forwarder , Vessel Company and Transportation Company , contract signing .

  29. 航空公司应提供优先登机服务,对承运人体器官的航班班次优先放行。

    Airlines should provide priority boarding services and allow planes carrying human organs to depart first .

  30. 没有单个的确立承运合同何时成立的原则。

    There is no single rule which determines the time when the contract of carriage is made .