
chéng bǎo
  • insure;underwrite;acceptance;accept insurance;under writing
承保 [chéng bǎo]
  • [accept insurance] 通过保险的方式承诺赔偿另一方的损失

承保[chéng bǎo]
  1. 对保险公司而言,承保业务和保险资金投资业务是盈利的两个重要来源,资产增值多寡主要取决于承保利润率和保险资金投资收益率的高低。

    Accept insurance and investments of insurance funds are both significant profit-earning sources for insurance companies .

  2. 意外伤害医疗保险一般不单独承保,而是作为意外伤害死亡残废的附加险承保。

    Accident harm medical treatment is safe and common not alone accept insurance , the additional risk accept insurance that injures dead maimed person as the accident however .

  3. 估定承保的风险永远不会成为一门精确的科学。

    Assessing insurance risk can never be an exact science .

  4. 我们的保单全面承保火灾及盗窃风险。

    Our policy offers complete protection against fire and theft .

  5. “全球2000”成为了小农场主的承保公司。

    Global 2000 became an underwriter for small farmers .

  6. 这份新的保险单被认为是首个承保疾病风险的保险方案。

    The new policy is believed to be the first scheme to offer protection against an illness .

  7. 这家公司为工矿企业承保火险。

    This company provides fire insurance to factories , mines and other enterprises .

  8. 这是一项承保范围广泛的保险。

    This is an insurance policy with extensive coverage .

  9. 依保单承保责任补偿被保险人之损失

    ACE reimburses the insured 's loss under policy term . ACE

  10. 国际评级机构惠誉18日发布的报告显示,天津化学品仓库8月12日爆炸导致的承保损失金额可能在10亿到15亿之间。

    The insured losses from a series of explosions at a chemical warehouse in Tianjin on Aug 12 are likely to range from $ 1 billion to $ 1.5 billion , Fitch Ratings said in a report on Tuesday .

  11. 商业保险公司主要承保包括碰撞责任在内的船舶险(H&Minsurance)。

    The commercial insurance companies mainly provide H & M insurance which cover collision liability .

  12. 第三,加拿大银行发放的多数抵押贷款由另一家国有机构加拿大抵押贷款和住房公司(canadianmortgageandhousingcorporation,cmhc)承保。

    Third , most mortgages written by Canadian banks are insured by another state-owned body , the Canadian mortgage and Housing Corporation .

  13. 仅有AssuredGuaranty仍在开展承保业务,涉足住房抵押贷款担保业务也严重削弱了其实力。

    Only Assured Guaranty is still writing business and it too has been seriously weakened by its foray into insuring residential mortgages .

  14. 伊利诺伊大学(UniversityofIllinois)的农业经济学家估计,当前旱情将在今年引发大约300亿美元的总赔偿责任,承保亏损达180亿美元。

    Agricultural economists at the University of Illinois estimate the drought will trigger this year gross liabilities of roughly $ 30bn , with an underwriting loss of $ 18bn .

  15. ACME处理与完整的保险服务生命周期相关联的所有问题&包括评级、承保和保险单维护。

    ACME deals with all the issues associated with the complete insurance servicing life cycle & including rating , underwriting , and servicing insurance policies .

  16. 美国海外投资保险制度对承保条件的规定就体现在OPIC的规定当中。

    Overseas Investment Insurance underwriting conditions of the reflected which OPIC provisions .

  17. 美联储当初进行干预时,这些由AIG承保的CDO正在急剧贬值,AIG也正面临着信用降级。

    At the time of the Fed intervention , the value of the CDOs insured by AIG was falling dramatically and AIG was facing a credit downgrade .

  18. 目前,AIG已另行与一系列银行达成和解。此前该公司曾声称,这些银行对它们销售并让AIG承保的有毒次级证券负有责任。

    The company has separately reached settlements with a string of banks , which it claimed bore responsibility for the toxic subprime securities which they sold and had insured by AIG .

  19. 泰德-蒙特罗斯(TadMontross)领导下的GeneralRe在2009年完成了突出的承保盈利业绩,并且为我们提供了罕有的大笔流动资金。

    Under the leadership of Tad Montross , General Re had an outstanding underwriting year in2009 , while also delivering us unusually large amounts of float per dollar of premium volume .

  20. 知情人士表示,AIG正在重审金融危机之前承保价值60亿美元的高盛债务抵押债券(CDO)的几宗交易。

    People close to the situation said that AIG was reviewing deals to insure $ 6bn-worth of Goldman 's collateralised debt obligations , securities backed by mortgages , in the run-up to the crisis .

  21. 银行业从“了解客户”或进行地方贷款,转变为依赖已被证明是不可靠的fico信用评分和集中承保。

    Banking went from " knowing your customer " or local lending , to relying on what have proven to be unreliable FICO credit scores and centralised underwriting .

  22. 或许最重要的是,这种情况还出现在向对冲基金提供贷款的承保标准、结构性投资工具(siv),以及作为独立投行主要资金来源的回购市场。

    It is also perhaps most importantly true for underwriting standards in lending to hedge funds , structured investment vehicles and , crucially , in the repo markets that are the main funding source for standalone investment banks .

  23. 中国机动车辆保险承保周期研究

    The Research on Underwriting Cycle of Motor Vehicle Insurance in China

  24. (短期方案一般不会承保投保前已有的疾病。)

    ( Short-term plans typically don 't cover pre-existing conditions . )

  25. 你们保险公司通常承保什么险别?

    What types of cover does your insurance company usually underwrite ?

  26. 把控制作为实现承保质量控制系统优化的手段。

    Control as the means to optimum underwrite quality control system .

  27. 你能给我推荐一个承保范围广泛的保险吗?

    Can you recommend me an insurance policy with extensive coverage ?

  28. 第三章分析了公众责任保险的承保责任与赔偿。

    Chapter Three analyzes the coverage and payment of claims .

  29. 保险公司为船舶和船货承保了海损险。

    Insurance company insured ships and their cargoes against loss and sea .

  30. 在现代保险经营中,保险公司的业务大体分为两类:一类是承保业务,另一类是资金运用业务。

    The businesses of insurance company include debt business and capital business .