
  1. 小船活像一条开了水皮的打跳的梭鱼。

    The boat looked like a pike gliding on the river .

  2. 她们摇的小船飞快。小船活像开了水皮的一条打跳的梭鱼。

    They shave the ship , as fast as a bat out of hell , and as vitally as the barracuda jumps into and out the water .

  3. 我喜欢跑步,打滑梯和跳来爬去。

    I love running and sliding and hopping and climbing .

  4. 不论是打网球,跳有氧舞蹈还是慢跑,愈来愈多的上班族籍着做各种运动来保持最佳身材。

    Whether it 's tennis , racketball , aerobic dancing or jogging , more and more office workers are taking up some form of exercises to keep in top physical shape .

  5. 艾迪打什么时候开始跳芭蕾的?!

    Since when did Eddy start doing ballet ? !

  6. 经过训练,能打乒乓球、跳火圈等。

    After training , can play table tennis , jump ring of fire , etc.

  7. 其历史悠久,具有浓郁的黄土风情,集打、唱、跳三种表演形式于一体。

    It has a long history , covering three kinds of performing forms , that is beating , singing and dancing , which is a traditional kind of dancing in Shanxi .