
shǒu biǎo
  • wrist watch
手表 [shǒu biǎo]
  • [wrist watch] 带在手腕上的表

手表[shǒu biǎo]
  1. 电子手表中CMOS晶体振荡器的起振电压

    The turn-on voltage of CMOS crystal oscillator in electronic wrist watch

  2. 还可以使用能够显示秒的手表。

    A wrist watch that shows seconds can also be used .

  3. 你有没有注意到雷切尔在不停地看她的手表?

    Did you notice how Rachel kept looking at her watch ?

  4. 为安全起见,她把手表放进了衣袋。

    She had put her watch in her pocket for safe keeping .

  5. 她送给我一块手表作为生日礼物。

    She gave me a watch for my birthday .

  6. 他在退休时获赠这块手表。

    He was presented with the watch on the occasion of his retirement .

  7. 她偷偷看了一眼手表。

    She sneaked a surreptitious glance at her watch .

  8. 她打了个哈欠,又刻意地看了看手表。

    She yawned and looked pointedly at her watch .

  9. 这只手表仍在保修期内。

    The watch is still under guarantee .

  10. 我的手表防震防水。

    My watch is shockproof and waterproof .

  11. 伪造的设计师名牌手表以真品若干分之一的价格出售。

    Fake designer watches are sold at a fraction of the price of the genuine article .

  12. 我的手表不知怎么就不见了。

    My watch had mysteriously disappeared .

  13. 重新调一下你的手表。现在是莫斯科时间。

    Readjust your watch . You are now on Moscow time .

  14. 你能从他们那儿买到质量很好的仿制名牌手表。

    You can buy a nice knockoff watch from them .

  15. 我们试着给特德买了一块手表。

    As an experiment , we bought Ted a watch .

  16. 在监狱,他们把他的手表和其他一切东西都搜走了。

    In prison they 'd taken away his watch and everything he possessed .

  17. 到了20世纪30年代,手表几乎完全取代了怀表。

    By the 1930s the wristwatch had almost completely supplanted the pocket watch .

  18. 他正在考虑抵押他的手表。

    He is contemplating pawning his watch .

  19. 每次她看手表,都会怀疑是不是电池没电了。

    Every time she consulted her watch , she wondered if the batteries were wearing out

  20. 雅各布夫人那块价值3,000英镑的名牌手表在西伦敦的家中被人抢走了。

    Mrs Yacoub was robbed of her £ 3,000 designer watch at her West London home

  21. 我的手表显示快9点半了。

    I make it nearly 9.30

  22. 出了门,布鲁斯瞥了一眼自己的手表,“天哪,快一点了。”

    Outside , Bruce glanced at his watch : ' Dear me , nearly one o'clock . '

  23. 他匆匆看了一下手表。

    He glanced at his watch

  24. 你偷偷地望一眼手表,看看要等多长时间。

    You sneak a look at your watch to see how long you 've got to wait .

  25. 他看一眼手表说:“我想我们最好动身吧。”

    He glanced at his wristwatch . ' I suppose we 'd better make a move . '

  26. 你一到达目的地,就走出飞机并重新设置手表时间。

    As soon as you arrive at your destination , step out of the aircraft and reset your wristwatch .

  27. 他看了一眼手表,加快了脚步。

    He glanced at his watch and quicken his steps .

  28. 她买这块手表花了600美元。

    She spent 600 dollars on the watch .

  29. 我有一块老式手表。

    I have an out-of-date watch .

  30. 我留下这块手表作为借款的抵押物。

    I have left the watch as pledge for borrowed money .