
  • 网络Solomon;the Solomon Islands;HONIARA
  1. 上个月,罗伯特?柏拉德宣布他的研究小组发现了“二战”期间约翰?f?肯尼迪在所罗门群岛所乘的船。

    Last month , Robert Ballard announced that his team had found the remains of John f.kennedy 's World War two boat in the Solomon islands .

  2. 国务院已在帕劳(Palau)、巴布亚新几内亚和所罗门群岛(SolomonIslands)开展太平洋地区的项目。

    State Department projects in the Pacific region have been conducted in Palau , Papua New Guinea , and Solomon Islands .

  3. Bowles说,尽管所罗门群岛正稳步朝着2015年之前实现初等教育两性比例相同目标迈进,但提高经济发展水平是实现其它目标的关键。

    While the country is on track to achieve gender parity in primary education by2015 , greater economic growth is crucial to achieving other goals , says Bowles .

  4. 所罗门群岛上的工艺因传统和用以装饰的原因显得很重要的。

    Solomon Islander crafts are important for both traditional and decorative reasons .

  5. 那个战役去年夏天在所罗门群岛和新几内亚岛打响。

    That battle started in the Solomons and New Guinea last summer .

  6. 她转动地球仪,然后指着所罗门群岛。

    She spun the globe , and pointed to the Solomon islands .

  7. 这次8级地震发生在所罗门群岛附近一个人烟稀少的地区。

    The magnitude-8 quake hit a sparsely populated region near the Solomon Islands .

  8. 奇特的海生物图片画廊。一只斑点面容粘鱼窥视从它的暗礁穴在所罗门群岛。

    A freckle-face blenny peeks from its reef burrow in the Solomon Islands .

  9. 在自然界模式。一只项链海星休息在一个暗礁在所罗门群岛。

    A necklace sea star rests on a reef in the Solomon Islands .

  10. 由所罗门群岛构成的从英联邦独立出来的一个岛国。

    The southern Solomon Islands that form an independent state in the British Commonwealth .

  11. 但是,对人来说,所罗门群岛上的人所做的或许有些道理。

    As for people , well , the Solomon islanders may have a point .

  12. 生活在太平洋所罗门群岛的人还是这样。

    The people who live in the Solomon Islands in the Pacific Ocean still do .

  13. 国家简况:太平洋岛屿-斐济、所罗门群岛、西萨摩亚、瓦努阿图、汤加。

    Country Profile : Pacific Islands-Fiji , Solomon Islands , Western Samoa , Vanuatu , Tonga .

  14. 所罗门群岛公务员公会;

    Solomon Islands civil servants association ;

  15. 所罗门群岛海啸遇难人数预计还在增加。

    The death toll from a tsunami that hit the Solomon Islands is expected to grow .

  16. 指导巴布亚新几内亚和所罗门群岛两个独立国家间关系的特别协定;

    Special agreement guiding relations between the independent states of Papua New Guinea and Solomon islands ;

  17. 1993年冬季所罗门群岛&关岛断面地转流的初步分析

    Preliminary analyses on geostrophic current pattern along Solomon Islands - guam sections in winter , 1993

  18. 瓜达尔卡纳尔岛:太平洋西部一火山岛,所罗门群岛中的最大岛屿。

    A volcanic island of the western Pacific Ocean , the largest of the Solomon Islands .

  19. 斐济发生政变,所罗门群岛出现丑闻,而且这些国家的经济形势几乎都是举步维艰。

    Fiji has coups , the Solomons has scandals , and almost all have struggling economies .

  20. 所罗门群岛自1965年以来,大地震间隔有缩短的趋势。

    Since 1966 the time intervals between large earthquakes in the Solomon Islands have trended to shorten .

  21. 这些消失的岛屿是太平洋岛国所罗门群岛的一部分,并没有人类居住。

    The missing islands , part of the Solomon Archipelago , were not inhabited by human beings .

  22. 1942年8月:美海军陆战队的办法二战期间在日本占领所罗门群岛瓜达尔卡纳尔岛。

    Aug.1942 : US Marines approach the Japanese occupied Guadalcanal in the Solomon Islands during World War II .

  23. 地震发生在所罗门群岛境内的圣克鲁斯群岛附近。

    The quake struck near the Santa Cruz Islands , which are part of the Solomon Islands nation .

  24. 他们在上周日抵达了所罗门群岛,并将在本周二结束访问之旅,终点站是岛国图瓦卢。

    They arrived in the Solomon Islands on Sunday and will end their trip Tuesday in the island nation of Tuvalu .

  25. 智利北部近海和所罗门群岛先后发生Ms7.7以上大地震,时间仅相隔半月。

    Great earthquakes of Ms > 7 . 7 successively occurred off the coast north of Chile and in the Solomon Islands .

  26. 我曾经见识过所罗门群岛的村庄通过无线数据连接到另一个岛来进行互联网访问。

    I 've seen remote villages in the Solomon Islands with a packet radio link to another island for their internet access .

  27. 他美化和强化,直到他去世,他的继任者,所罗门群岛,追求相同的课程更丰富。

    He fortified and beautified it until his death , and his successor , Solomon , pursued the same course even more lavishly .

  28. 八个月的寻宝活动失败,探宝队在所罗门群岛解散了。

    And the Solomon islands , after eight months of failure to find treasure , had witnessed the breaking up of the expedition .

  29. 尽管在所罗门群岛能够享受到顶级的潜水设施、舒适的住所和优质的当地啤酒,去那儿的游客依然非常少。

    Tourist numbers to the Solomons are still tiny despite superb scuba diving , comfortable places to stay , and fine local beers .

  30. 一个多山的岛屿;所罗门群岛中最大的一个,英联邦独立成员之一。

    A mountainous island ; the largest of the Solomon Islands in the independent state that is a member of the British Commonwealth .