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  • outer wear
  1. 另一家高端户外服装店巴塔哥尼亚也遵循同样的原则。

    Another clothing company , Patagonia , a high-end outdoor clothing store , follows the same principle .

  2. 至于公司方面,经营户外服装的Patagonia最近给我留下了特别的印象。

    As far as companies go , at the moment I happen to be particularly impressed with Patagonia .

  3. 国际环保组织绿色和平(Greenpeace)对TheNorthFace、哥伦比亚(Columbia)和巴塔哥尼亚(Patagonia)等户外服装生产商的环保资质提出质疑,谴责它们未能清除自家产品中的有毒化学物质。

    Greenpeace , the international environmental group , is challenging the green credentials of outdoor clothing makers including The North Face , Columbia and Patagonia , accusing them of failing to eliminate toxic chemicals in their products .

  4. 旗下拥有乐斯菲斯户外服装和lee牛仔裤等品牌的vfcorporation今年2月表示,该公司的成本在今年上半年会上涨4%,下半年会上涨10%。

    VF Corporation , whose brands include North Face outdoor wear and Lee denim , said in February that its costs would rise 4 per cent in the first half of this year and 10 per cent in the second half .

  5. 户外服装与设备品牌berghaus已签订协议,将在中国各地开设200家店。

    Berghaus , the outdoor clothing and equipment brand , has signed a deal to open 200 Berghaus stores across China .

  6. 西安户外服装市场的现状分析与研究

    Analysis and Research on the Outdoor Sportswear Market in Xi ' an

  7. 对织物而言,聚丙烯具有吸汗性能,使户外服装的感觉更加舒适。

    For fabrics , polypropylene provides moisture wicking properties for added comfort in outdoor apparel .

  8. 户外服装;羽毛球和其他户外运动;一场美丽的户外婚礼。

    Outdoor clothes ; badminton and other outdoor games ; a beautiful outdoor setting for the wedding .

  9. 如今,巴宝莉已逐渐从高品质的户外服装品牌演变为一个高端时尚界的顶级品牌。

    Burberry has evolved from fine outdoors wear into one of the top labels in high-end fashion today .

  10. 除了工作服,运动服、休闲服和户外服装也需要好的可视性。

    Besides workwear , the demand on features like sport , leisure and outdoor wear is also growing strongly .

  11. 绿色和平的批评可能会引起轩然大波,因为户外服装公司总是竭尽全力表现得很注重环保。

    Greenpeace criticism could be especially problematic since outdoor apparel companies go to great lengths to appear environmentally friendly .

  12. 具有轻巧、适、软的特点,总的来说是用于制作睡袋、衣以及各类户外服装的高级布料。

    Light , comfortable and soft touch , is the prince fabric for the manufacturing of sleeping bags , jackets and outdoor clothings in general .

  13. 绿色和平表示,其周二发布的研究结果证明,环境分解这些化合物的速度是多么的慢。户外服装生产商经常在防水装备中使用这些化合物。

    Greenpeace said its study - released on Tuesday - proved how slowly the environment breaks down these chemicals , which outdoor clothing makers routinely use in their waterproof gear .

  14. 本文论述了高性能运动及户外服装用纤维的湿传递机理及信影响因素,并介绍了防水透气织物及吸湿速干纤维、织物的类别及原理。

    This paper discusses the principles and affecting factors of the fibers for high performance sports snd outdoor clothing , it also introduces the categories and principles of waterproof breathable fabrics and sweat absorption and fast drying fibers and fabrics .

  15. 他表示,一些规模较小、不那么知名的品牌,目前取得了最佳结果。例如,由于在第二生命立足,一家环保户外服装企业的使命声明吸引了很多人的关注。

    Smaller , lesser-known brands are achieving some of the best results at the moment , he says , such as an environmentally friendly outdoor clothing company that has attracted a lot of interest in its mission statement through a Second Life presence .

  16. ISIS成立于1998年,是一家集设计、生产和销售女性户外运动服装于一体的公司。

    ISIS , founded in1998 , designs , produces and sells dynamic women 's specific outdoor apparel .

  17. 以户外运动服装品牌为例对所建模型进行了实证研究。

    The built model is verified by using the outdoor sports clothing as an example .

  18. 为适应国内具体情况,户外运动服装可进行两方面的市场细分,大众市场方面可通过喜好度来定位,专业玩家市场则通过专业项目产品的开发来促进产业发展。

    In order to meet the domestic circumstances , outdoor-sports clothing has two sides to make market segments . The mass market can be located through the preferences degrees , and the professional players market can be located through developing professional programs .

  19. 这两种消费者在户外装备和服装上都花了大把的钱。

    And both spend a lot of money on outdoor gear and apparel .

  20. 生活方式是互联网的另一个主要领域,网上采购项目包括服装、保健品和个人消费品、珠宝首饰及手表、运动鞋及户外鞋、服装附件等。

    Lifestyle was another major area where online purchases included clothes , health and personal goods , jewellery and watches , sports and outdoor shoes , and clothing accessories .

  21. 最后论文对现有世界知名户外品牌的服装产品做了具体的分析总结,并针对我国户外运动服品牌未来的发展做大胆的预测,对品牌的提升和优化提出了具体的实施方案。

    Lastly , it will have a detailed analysis on the apparel products of world-renowned outdoor brands , make a bold predication about the future development of Chinese outdoor sportswear brands and propose concrete implementation recommendations for the enhancement and optimization of their brands .

  22. 我们旗下的品牌涵盖牛仔、休闲、户外及专业类服装,事实上已经跨越了每一个领域。

    Our leading brands in jeanswear , intimate apparel , outdoor and specialty apparel span virtually every channel of distribution .

  23. 首先对户外运动、户外运动服装的现状及趋势进行论述;对不同户外运动特点及其对服装面料的性能要求进行分析。

    First , both the present situation and trend about outdoor sports and outdoor sportswear were discussed , and the different performance requirements of sports underwear fabric on different outdoor activities were analyzed .

  24. 圆石城市中心有一条步行街,街上的小店和餐馆鳞次栉比,其中有很多自行车店、户外用品店和户外服装店。

    A walk through the downtown area , which includes a pedestrians'only avenue with cute shops and restaurants , reveals a lot of bicycle shops as well as outdoor equipment and apparel shops .

  25. 本文通过查阅文献,结合国内外户外运动市场现状,针对石家庄市户外运动服装的发展状况,进行市场调查问卷设计,并在市场调研的基础上分析营销机会。

    This paper designed the market questionnaire on outdoor-sports clothing in Shijiazhuang by consulting literature and combining the domestic and international market conditions , and analyzed the marketing opportunity on the basis of market research .