
zhàn dòu zhǐ huī
  • battle command;combat command
  1. 信息化条件下步兵师山地进攻战斗指挥问题研究

    The Study of Some Problems of the Battle Command of Infantry Division in the Mountain Positions under Information Condition

  2. 敌人的战略战役指挥许多不行,但其战斗指挥,即部队战术和小兵团战术,却颇有高明之处,这一点我们应该向他学习。

    However , although much of the enemy 's strategic and campaign command is incompetent , there are quite a few excellent points in his battle command , that is , in his unit and small formation tactics , and here we should learn from him .

  3. 党的最高领导层就能够实现新老合作和交替,成为更加朝气蓬勃的战斗指挥部。

    New cadres will be able to cooperate with old cadres and succeed them in the Party 's highest organs , which will thus provide even more vigorous and militant leadership .

  4. 他们将负责训练克隆突击队的战斗及指挥技巧,并向其灌输曼达洛的价值观:铁律和忠诚。

    These sergeants will train the commandos to fight and lead , and instill in them the Mandalorian values of iron discipline and loyalty .

  5. 在日趋复杂激烈的反恐防暴战斗中,指挥理念的更新和指挥方式的变革显得十分重要和迫切。

    In the increasingly fierce fights against terrorism and violence , the renewing of directing ideas and the innovation of directing methods are significant and emergent .

  6. 这就是战役和战斗的分散指挥原则。后备部队距离过远,不能参加战斗,因而唯有干脆撤出这支军队。

    This is what is meant by the principle of decentralized command in campaigns and battles . Reserves were too distant to be able to intervene , and it remained only to extricate the force without more ado .

  7. 航母舰载机战斗群航空作战指挥控制系统初步研究

    Primary study on command & control system for aerial combat of carrier - based aircrafts