
  1. 我是医生。

    I am a doctor .

  2. 我是医生,他是工程师。

    I am a doctor , and he is an engineer .

  3. 我是医生,宣过誓要救人性命的。

    I was a doctor and under oath to save life .

  4. 我是医生,我儿子是教师。

    I am a doctor , and my son a teacher .

  5. 我是医生,专攻人体研究。

    I 'm a doctor . I specialize in fertility .

  6. 我是医生,你是囚犯。

    I 'm a doctor , you 're the jailer .

  7. 他是工人而我是医生。

    He is a worker while I am a doctor .

  8. 我是医生,我来中国旅游的。

    I am a doctor . I come to China for traveling .

  9. 我是医生她经常一个人的。

    I 'm a doctor . she 's used to being alone .

  10. 生1:我是医生。我在医院工作。

    S1 : I am a doctor . I work in hospital .

  11. 我是医生,让我过去!

    I 'm a doctor . Let me come through .

  12. 我们把你带回家治疗,我是医生。

    We brought you here to treat you . I 'm a doctor .

  13. 没事我是医生

    It 's OK , I 'm a doctor .

  14. 希夫医生:我是医生啊。

    Dr. Schiff : I 'm a doctor .

  15. 实际上我是医生。

    I 'm a doctor , actually . '

  16. 我是医生,而且我喜欢阅读。

    I am a doctor , and .

  17. 抛开我是医生我母亲是护士这个事实不说。

    Besides the fact that I 'm a doctor , and my mother was a nurse .

  18. 我是医生我知道怎麼扭伤别人,艾萨克·惠特尼在哪?

    I 'm a doctor , I know how to sprain people.Now where is Isaac Whitney ?

  19. 我是医生,让我过去,请让我过去。

    I 'm a doctor , let me come through . Let me come through , please .

  20. 我是医生,她病了,拉着她的手,这样我能更好地帮助她。

    I 'm a doctor , and she 's ill . Take her hand , so I can help her better . '

  21. 她挤进聚集在事故现场的人群,说:“我是医生&让我过去。”

    She pushed through the crowd of people that had gatered at the scene of the accident , saying " I 'm a doctor & let me through . "

  22. 我是医生,知道吗,上了夜班,救死扶伤为人民服务了,现在要休息。

    I 'm a doctor , do you know , I 've been on night shift , saving lives healing wounds serving the people , now I need to rest .

  23. 我是beckett医生,伤员怎么样?

    This is doctor beckett , how is our patient ?

  24. 我是个医生,并且我能告诉你。

    I am a doctor , and I can tell you .

  25. 嘿我是个医生而不是厨师。

    Hey , I 'm a doctor , not a chef .

  26. 我现在是医生,在一家正式的医院。

    I 'm a doctor-in-charge in a normal and official hospital now .

  27. 我是他的医生,你的长官!

    I 'm his doctor , and your superior officer !

  28. 我是哈洛医生我负责替你接生

    I 'm Dr. Harad . I 'll be delivering your babies .

  29. 麦吉尔先生,我是克鲁兹医生

    Mr. McGill , My name is Dr. Cruz .

  30. 在医学院,我以前是医生

    At medical school . I was a doctor .