
  1. 大家都知道我是农民的朋友。

    Everyone knows I 'm a friend of the farmer .

  2. 学生2:我是农民。我在农场工作。

    S2 : I am a farmer . I work on farm .

  3. 是,我是农民。

    Yes , I am a farmer .

  4. “你父亲是干什么的?”“我父亲是农民。”

    " What is your father ?"" My father is a farmer . "

  5. 我国是农民占多数的发展中国家,农业是国民经济的基础。

    China is a developing country with a majority population of peasants and is also a country in which the agriculture is the foundation of national economy .

  6. 我画的是农民的幸福生活。

    My painting is about the happy lives that farmers lead .

  7. 我叔叔是个农民,但他拥有一大笔财富。

    Peasant as my uncle is , he owns a large fortune .

  8. 我国是个农民占大多数的发展中国家。

    China is a predominantly rural developing countries .

  9. 我是一个农民的儿子。

    I am a farmer 's son .

  10. 我的父母是农民。

    My parents are peasants .

  11. 在我国尤其是农民作为农村经济发展的主体,隐藏着无穷的创造力。

    In our country , farmers as main body of the development of rural economy , conceal infinite creativity .

  12. 我是一个中国农民。

    I 'm a farmer from China .

  13. 我的父母都是农民他们年复一年的在地里做农活。

    My parents are farmers in the ground year after year they do farm work .

  14. 而我的客户是消费农民产品的消费者,我要为他们找到最好的产品。

    And my clients are the consumers who consume the farmers products , and I want what 's best for them .

  15. 我国是一个农民占大多数人口的国家,农民政治参与对我国的政治现代化起着重要作用。

    China is a country that farmers constitute the majority of the population , and their political participation plays a decisive role in the political democratization .

  16. 然而不容忽略的基本国情是我国是一个农民大国、农民数量非常庞大,城市吸纳农村剩余劳动力能力非常有限。

    However one of our basic national conditions is that our country has large numbers of farmers , the ability of urban absorbing rural surplus labor is very limited .

  17. 我国是一个农民大国,农民问题是关系到和谐社会、和谐世界构建的大问题。

    China has large numbers of farmers , and the problem on the farmers is a big issue that is related to build the harmonious society and the harmonious world .

  18. 我国是一个农民占多数、农业占重要地位的发展中国家,农业、农村和农民问题事关社会主义经济建设的大局。

    China is a country with a large population of farmers and also with agriculture occupying the important status . The problems of agriculture , countryside and farmers concern the overall situation of socialist economic construction .

  19. 在我国,土地是农民最基本的生产资料和最可靠的生活保障,是农民赖以生存和发展的基础,农民承包土地的各项权利是农民的根本利益所在,土地与农民的生活息息相关。

    In our country , the rural land is the most basic production material and the most reliable life safeguard of farmers . More important , it also is the foundation of farmers ' life and development . The rights of farmers ' contracted land are the fundamental interests .

  20. 我的爸爸是公务员,我的妈妈是农民,我和我的哥哥是学生。

    My father is the official , my mother is the farmer , I and my brother are the students .

  21. 我来自一个小村庄,我父亲是一个农民。

    I 'm a small village and my father is a.

  22. 我和家人为躲避战争破坏而离开叙利亚,我曾经是一名农民兼贸易商。

    My family had to escape the war and destruction back in Syria , where I worked as a farmer and a trader .