
  1. 如果你用了项目符号,把它们换成连字符。

    If you have used bullets , replace them with hyphens .

  2. 到了春秋时期的音乐家成连那里,移情已经变为一种音乐艺术审美的方法和手段。

    By the times of Spring and Autumn Period , musicians Chen Lian made empathy become a musical aesthetic ways and methods .

  3. 这个营在营地广场上排成以连为单位的队列。

    The battalion formed up by companies on the barrack square .

  4. 你怎么可以堕落成这样,连你母亲的钱都偷?

    How could you sink to stealing money from your own mother ?

  5. 测量热辐射的仪器;由几个成系列的连在一块的热点偶组成。

    An instrument for measuring heat radiation ; consists of several thermocouple junctions in series .

  6. 一天晚上,史密斯送一些女士和先生们从舞会回家,可他醉得不成样子,连缰绳都抓不住了。

    Then one night Smith drove some ladies and gentlemen home from a party and was so drunk that he could not hold the reins .

  7. 小品词对英语的连词成句,连句成篇起着不可或缺的作用,是英语赖以表达复杂思想的依托。

    Particles play an indispensable role in linking different linguistic units into larger units in English - it is through the use of particles that English expresses complicated thoughts and ideas .

  8. 换成是你,连一天也坚持不了。

    You couldn 't last one day in my high school .

  9. 人皮肤成纤维细胞纤连蛋白的纯化及其N-糖链结构

    Purification of fibronectin from human skin fibroblast and analyses of its N-glycan structure

  10. 然而,城堡变得越来越衰破,现在成了一个连史酷比·杜和他的朋友都不敢进入的地方。

    Instead , the castle has progressively gotten worse and is now a place where Scooby Doo and his crew would be too terrified to enter .

  11. 他强烈反对吸烟,他的传记作家克里斯托弗弗雷林把他描绘成“一个连瘦肉都不吃的善心人。”

    A fanatical anti-smoker , he has been described by his biographer , Christopher frayling , as " a gentle kind of guy who won 't eat red meat . "