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  1. 江苏戏曲文物研究论纲

    On the Research of the Traditional Chinese Opera Antics in Jiangsu Province

  2. 戏曲文物特有的史料价值对于资料匮乏的宋元戏曲研究具有重要意义。

    The particular historical value of those operatic relics is very important to the study of Song-Yuan Opera which lacks historical materials .

  3. 第二部分首先对戏曲文物这一概念及其类型进行探讨,然后简述了宋元时期戏曲文物的主要发现。

    Part Two first discusses the concept " Operatic Relics " and its classification , and later presents the main findings of operatic relics in the Song-Yuan period ;

  4. 这部份从历史地理文化背景、传统乐舞戏曲文物遗存、商丘民俗与戏曲艺术三方面分别进行论述;二、豫剧源流及其豫东调音乐。

    This part gives the discussion respectively from three aspects , a , history and geography , cultural background ; b , traditional dances and drama cultural relics c , the folk-custom and drama art in Shangqiu .

  5. 二十世纪五十年代以来,配合基本建设进行了大量的考古发掘工作,大批珍贵文物相继面世,其中包括大量宋元时期的戏曲文物。

    From 1950s , large amounts of archaeological and excavating work coordinating the basic construction have been done , and many valuable cultural relics are unearthed , including a large number of operatic relics of the Song-Yuan period .