
yì dà lì yǔ
  • Italian
  1. 如果要说她有什么缺点,那就是她的意大利语不大行。

    If she has any weakness , it is her Italian .

  2. 她可以用意大利语数到10。

    She can count up to 10 in Italian .

  3. 他给同事们上意大利语课。

    He gives Italian lessons to his colleagues .

  4. 会说意大利语应对他有好处。

    Speaking Italian should work in his favour .

  5. 某些音乐术语是从意大利语引入的。

    Some musical terms are borrowed from Italian .

  6. 这个意大利语的短语可以译为“我尽力了”。

    The Italian phrase can be rendered as ' I did my best ' .

  7. 担任这项工作需要精通意大利语和西班牙语。

    For this job you will need a good knowledge of both Italian and Spanish .

  8. 她的意大利语说得和意大利人一样。

    She speaks Italian like a native .

  9. 意大利语是我的母语。

    Italian is my first language .

  10. 许多语言,譬如法语和意大利语,都有相似的词。

    There is a similar word in many languages , for example in French and Italian .

  11. 我学习意大利语以便能读但丁的原著。

    I studied Italian so that I would be able to read Dante in the original .

  12. 他说一口流利的意大利语。

    He speaks fluent Italian .

  13. 因为不怎么懂意大利语,她很少和人交往。

    Since she knows little Italian , she keeps to herself .

  14. 这些歌词是用原来的意大利语演唱的。

    The texts were sung in the original Italian .

  15. 崭露头角的语言学家们可以收听法语、德语、西班牙语和意大利语的活动磁带。

    Budding linguists can tune in to the activity cassettes in French , German , Spanish and Italian .

  16. 在流浪途中,他学会了西班牙语、意大利语、法语和一丁点儿俄语。

    On his wanderings he 's picked up Spanish , Italian , French and a smattering of Russian .

  17. 她新搭上了个意大利人。有意思的是,那个意大利人一句意大利语都不会说。

    Her latest conquest is an Italian who , interestingly enough , doesn 't speak a word of his native language .

  18. 她除了懂些希腊语之外,意大利语也说得很流利。

    Besides knowing some greek , she was fluent in italian .

  19. 我尝试用我的洋泾浜意大利语表达出我的意思。

    I tried to get my message across in my Pidgin italian .

  20. 我也不喜欢别人告诉我cheerup。Ciao(意大利语的“你好;再见”)

    I also don 't like people telling me to cheer up .

  21. 得知这是真的后,意大利律师转向他的同行开始用意大利语快速谈论起来。

    Told that it was true , the lawyer turned to his partners and started speaking rapidly in Italian .

  22. 这些时间段被称为“番茄”(意大利语)。

    These intervals are known as " pomodori " , the plural2 of the Italian word pomodoro for " tomato " .

  23. 在西班牙语、意大利语、和法语里,星期二的词源自MARS(玛尔斯)。

    The Spanish , Italian , and French words for Tuesday come from the name Mars .

  24. 那名《EnchangedApril》女性希望学习意大利语这样她就能真正和在旅途中结识的人们交往。

    The Enchanted April woman wants to learn Italian so she can fully appreciate the people she meets on her trip .

  25. B已经编撰了许多本童话故事的书,书中并附有汉语普通话,法语,意大利语,德语,希伯来语,日语,西班牙语的CD。

    Burke has compiled books of fairy tales with accompanying CDs in Mandarin Chinese , French , Italian , German , Hebrew , Japanese and Spanish .

  26. 例子B是意大利一个电站利用低温地热流体的流程示意图。我想了解下学期有关意大利语课程的一些信息。

    The schematic flow of low temperature geothermal fluids through a power station in Italy is presented in example B. I 'd like some information about Italian courses next term .

  27. 这种乐器被称为pianoeforte(意大利语,柔和而响亮的),以显示它有力的多样性。

    This instrument was called a piano e forte ( soft and loud ), to indicate its dynamic versatility ;

  28. 英语spade这个字来自意大利语,意思是刀剑。

    The word spade comes from the Italian word which means sword .

  29. SpringRoo开箱即用地支持英语、德语、西班牙语、意大利语、荷兰语和瑞典语。

    Out of the box , Spring Roo supports English , German , Spanish , Italian , Dutch , and Swedish .

  30. 例如:在意大利语里我们说takeadrink,makebusiness,makeaphoto.如果你非要将这些文字表达按字面意思从意大利语翻成英语,那对于一个本土人来说可能会听起来很奇怪。

    For instance , in Italian we say take a drink , make business , make a photo . If you were to literally translate the expression from Italian to English , it would sound strange to a native speaker .