
kǒnɡ bù huó dònɡ
  • terrorist activities;terror campaign
  1. 精心策划的恐怖活动经常是在政府权力机构之下实施的;

    Elaborated terrorist activities are normally carried out under the authority of governments ;

  2. 通过恐怖活动来改变历史进程的行为,其作用是极其有限的。

    To change history by terrorist activities , the effects would be very limited .

  3. 武警突袭了这辆车从而制止了这起恐怖活动。

    The terror ended when armed police swooped on the car

  4. 有效遏制恐怖活动向内地蔓延

    effectively contain the expansion of terrorist activity into the heartland

  5. 这些照片表明了ISIS真的试图实现这个目的。这些照片由Terrormonitor组织上传至推特,该组织的主要任务是报道全球的恐怖活动。

    And these images , which were posted to Twitter by Terrormonitor - a group that report on terror activity around the globe - appear to show ISISattempting to do exactly that .

  6. 最近几周,SheikSharif曾催促其领导人放弃恐怖活动,加入到重建国家的事业中。

    In recent weeks , Sheik Sharif has reached out to the group , urging the leaders to reject extremism and to participate in rebuilding the country .

  7. 在某些情况下,脚本kiddy本身就是有组织的犯罪组织的成员,或其他企图获得金钱收益或进行恐怖活动的组织的成员。

    In some cases , script kiddies are themselves pawns of organized crime or other organizations that might be looking to make financial gains or perform terrorist acts .

  8. 当前国际关系的缺陷及其发展完善的途径&兼论当前国际恐怖活动多发的原因

    The Defects of International Relations and the Approaches for its Improvement

  9. 现代恐怖活动的形式特点及对策

    On the forms and features of modern terrorism activities and countermeasures

  10. 根据防止恐怖活动法案,拘留了六名疑犯。

    Six suspects were held under the prevention of terrorism act .

  11. 恐怖活动犯罪嫌疑人心理分析及审讯对策

    Psychological Analysis of Suspects in Terrorism Crimes and Counter-measures on Interrogation

  12. 提高应对突发事件和防范恐怖活动的能力;

    The capabilities to handle emergencies and terrorism will be raised .

  13. 这种问题有什么意义,因为那些策划恐怖活动的人肯定会选否。

    When those who plan to do so will surely click no.

  14. 这必将是一种新型的恐怖活动方式。

    This will be a new kind of terrorist activity patterns .

  15. 他是本届反恐怖活动工作组组长。

    He 's head of the current working group on terrorism .

  16. 恐怖活动犯罪中资助行为之内涵&从国际社会立法差异性角度进行的分析

    Consideration on the Meaning of subsidizing in Terroristic Criminal Activity

  17. 浅谈反恐怖活动的刑事立法

    A Brief Study on the Criminal Legislation of Anti-Terrorist Activities

  18. 论网络恐怖活动犯罪及对策

    Research on Cyber - Terrorism Crime & Its Control Method

  19. 劫持人质是校园恐怖活动的主要表现形式。

    Hostage-hijacking is the main form of terrorism in schools .

  20. 略论恐怖活动产生的原因、特点、危害及打击对策

    On Cause , Characteristic , Harm of Terrorist Organization and its Countermeasures

  21. 他因受到参与恐怖活动的指控而被引渡到英国。

    He was extradited to Britain on charges of terrorism .

  22. 更重要的是,这些恐怖活动已经给人们带来了深刻反省,引起广泛的争论。

    More importantly , the violence has brought intense introspection and debate .

  23. 恐怖活动仍然是公众关心的大问题。

    Terrorism continued as a major subject of public concern .

  24. 美国反网络恐怖活动的情报工作及对我国的启示

    Intelligence Work of Anti-terrorist Activities in US and the Enlightenment to China

  25. 二战以来,恐怖活动呈现出一些新的特点。

    Terrorism has some new characters since World War II .

  26. 第四是网上恐怖活动与信息战;

    The fourth is online terrorist activity and information war ;

  27. 关于增设包庇、纵容恐怖活动组织罪的立法探讨

    Suggestion on Adding Crime of Shielding or Conniving Terroristic Organization

  28. 加强卫生专业学生应对恐怖活动、自然灾难和突发性公共卫生事件的训练

    Preparing Health-major Students for Terrors , Disasters , and Public Health Emergencies

  29. 但是在恐怖活动当中,重型火炮早已屡见不鲜。

    But heavy artillery is nothing new in terrorist operations .

  30. 反恐怖活动中化学毒剂检测的进展

    On The Process of Anti-terrorist Chemical Poisonous Substance Testing