
  • 网络sexual aversion;sexual aversion disorders;Sexual Disgust
  1. 高股权溢价、短视性损失厌恶与失望厌恶

    High Equity Premium , Myopic Loss Aversion and Disappointment Aversion

  2. 当宏观经济环境有明显变化时,企业违约风险也发生变化,如企业违约概率与累积经济产出的波动率,代表性投资者的风险厌恶程度,与企业&宏观经济间的相关系数有正相关关系;

    Our model produces the following predictions : ( I ) default probability is positively correlated with interest rate , the risk aversion coefficient of the representative investor , and the volatility of the aggregate output ;

  3. 每年一次的圣诞晚会的确具有这种神奇的因素:扔下手头的工作、免费品尝美酒佳肴、还有肆意尽兴的狂欢,所有这一切均将诸如性骚扰之类令人厌恶的工作现实抛到九霄云外。

    Surely it is enough that the annual Christmas party has the magic ingredients : time off from work , free food and drink , and a spirit of fun replacing such ugly work realities as sexual harassment .

  4. 行为金融学的出现为股权溢价之谜的解决带来了曙光,其代表性的理论&短视性损失厌恶理论,对股权溢价之谜提供了一个较为合理的解释。

    The emergence of behavioral finance is bright to the puzzle . Its representative theory-myopic loss aversion theory can offer a relatively reasonable explanation to the equity premium puzzle .

  5. 公园空间安全认知因素包括设施不安全性、环境维护、空间辨识性、厌恶性活动干扰、社交领域干扰和躯体领域干扰六个向度。

    The six dimensions of safety-cognition included : facility unsafe , environmental maintenance , spatial legibility , hatred activity , body-territory defense and body-territory defense .