
  1. 丈夫说我性冷淡。

    My husband says I am frigid .

  2. 马尔科姆是一位才华横溢却又生活失意的外科医生,他妻子有些神经质而且性冷淡。

    Malcolm is a brilliant but frustrated surgeon who is married to a neurotic and sexless woman .

  3. 他老说我不正常,性冷淡。

    He used to tell me I was abnormal , frigid .

  4. 难道说我某天会变成性冷淡,或者说它是个永久的状态?

    Can I deactivate someday , or is this a permanent state of being ?

  5. 辛普森大夫认为苏西的性冷淡是由于她对男人有着异常的精神反应。

    Doctor Simpson believes that Suzie 's frigidity is due to some hang-up about men .

  6. 性冷淡的催眠治疗

    Hypnogenesis treatment for sexless people

  7. 我的病因在于那个可恶的性冷淡太太,生意完全没有发展。

    My trouble is all due to that damned frigid wife ! There isn ? t even any seed .

  8. (生育)津贴和福利计划固然重要,但在这个问题上,性冷淡也是一个关键性的因素。

    As much as subsidies and welfare programmes are important , sexlessness is also a critical issue in this problem .

  9. 长期精神压抑的女性易出现性冷淡,这些人也容易发乳腺癌。

    Long-term spirit is depressed women is likely to appear sex apathy , these people also easy hair breast cancer .

  10. 性冷淡者心理长期处于抑制状态,致内分泌失调并缺乏调节,久而久之就容易患乳腺小叶增生。

    Sex apathy in the long run , the psychological state of suppression , endocrine disturbance and lack of regulation , as time passes is likely to suffer from lobular hyperplasia .

  11. 其他数据表明,五分之一的男性因年龄、疾病、特定药物和缺少睡眠而导致性冷淡。

    Separate figures show that as many as one in five men have a low sex drive , which is often caused by age , illness , certain medications or even lack of sleep .

  12. 进入夫妻性冷淡回归方程的依照影响从大到小的排列顺序为影响工作、恐惧畸形、恐惧分娩和怀孕次数。

    The number of pregnancy , enter to husband and wife 's sex regression equation according to the influence from arriving the small row , and the row order was as influence to work , fear abnormal , fearing labor and pregnancy number of times .

  13. 这就提示,无正常性生活及性冷淡的女性患乳腺癌的危险性大大增加。

    That suggests , no sex life and sex apathy , women who risk of breast cancer increase greatly .

  14. 家庭-社会性因子与孕妇情绪变化的相关分析:夫妻性冷淡与各情绪症状呈显著正相关;

    Correlation analysis for family-social factor and the emotion changes of pregnant woman : The husband and wife sex and each emotion symptom showed clearly positive correlation .