
  1. 快上大学的青年人受到征召。

    Youngsters coming up to university were being called up

  2. 快上,投篮!

    Go ahead . Quick ! Shoot !

  3. 据他说,它比2010年发布的iPad要快上8倍。

    He said it is eight times faster than the original iPad that came out in 2010 .

  4. 是的,如今美国平均的4G速度在5兆到12兆,5G的速度比它的前辈要快上200倍。

    Yep : With 4G speeds in the U.S. today averaging somewhere between 5 and 12 megabits per second ( Mbps ) , 5G will look to improve upon its predecessor by up to 200 times .

  5. 不像CISC处理器,一般的RISC引擎执行在一个时钟周期,每个指令,在快上具有相同的时钟速度的CISC处理器执行一般的结果。

    Unlike CISC processors , RISC engines generally execute each instruction in a single clock cycle , which typically results in faster execution than on a CISC processor with the same clock speed .

  6. 而北部邦联军正在向Fredericksburg逼近,那里很快上千人将英勇地,有时悲惨地死去,躺在一个石墙旁边。

    And the men in Blue were moving towards Fredericksburg , where thousands would soon lie by a stone wall in heroic and sometimes miserable death .

  7. 他们两个都是快上年纪的人,说起话来和声柔气的。

    They both were elderly men , and had genial voice .

  8. 那消息很快上了世界各地的电视屏幕。

    The news soon hit TV screens all ever the world .

  9. 快上救生艇,别再等了。

    and get to a boat quickly , don 't wait .

  10. 快上救生艇!这船要沉了。

    Take to the lifeboats ! The ship is sinking .

  11. 比通常的钻孔进度快上10倍

    They move ten times faster than normal drilling .

  12. 批评家,是踊个他的表要比别人的表快上五分衷的人。

    A critic is a man whose watch is minutes ahead of other people 's watch .

  13. 收到收到行动重复一遍快上快上

    I got it , I got it.Move in , repeat , move in , now now now !

  14. 但这种大干快上式的刺激计划和银行救助措施并未在上周唤起乐观情绪。

    But the one-two punch of stimulus package and bank bailout did little to buoy optimism last week .

  15. 而且虽然机器的速度可能会快上几个数量级,但即使如此,它也是一种有限资源。

    And although a machine may be faster by orders of magnitude , it is nonetheless a finite resource .

  16. 我懂了,快上下堂课了,我们回教学大楼去吧。

    I see . it 's almost time for our next class . we 'd better return to the classroom building .

  17. 这种瘦长动物的腿很长也很笨拙,但穿越沙漠的时间却比大部分其他沙漠动物还要快上一倍。

    The lanky animals long , but awkward legs traveled across the desert in half the time it took most other desert animals .

  18. 我们下车的时候,一位快上年纪但又远未衰老的太太,举止倨傲,面目秀美,在门道那儿迎接我们。

    An elderly lady , though not very FAR advanced in years , with a proud carriage and a handsome face , was in the doorway as we alighted .

  19. 快上到一半的时候,我在上面滑了一下,直挺挺,脸朝下地摔在了房顶上,结果弄得衬衣,裤子甚至头发上都满是糊块。

    I was about halfway done when I slipped and fell flat on my face getting black goop all over my shirt , my pants , even my hair .

  20. 它透过网格来分担这项重大工作,预计完成的速度会比使用一般超级电脑快上许多。

    The work to be done in this monumental task is shared across this grid , so that results can be achieved far sooner than would be possible with conventional supercomputers .

  21. 铁路应该会产生巨大影响,这一点似乎显而易见。火车虽不能与汽车或飞机相提并论,但较之在土路上飞奔的公牛,它的速度要快上20倍。

    It seems obvious that the railways should have had a large impact they did not compete with cars or planes , but with bullocks on dirt roads that a train could outpace by a factor of 20 .

  22. 滑行快上我国在冬季两项中个别队员在世界上游,排在世界前10名,只要枪打的快而且命中率高,就会取得好的成绩。

    Faster glide of individual of two players in the winter , the upper reaches of the world , ranked top 10 in the world , as long as the guns to shoot the fast and accurate it will get good results .

  23. 名著探讨的是人生长期未解决的问题。世界上确实存在人类知识与思维尚不能解释的奥秘。但是要想在仅仅五年里有所作为;即将上任的秘书长必须大干快上。

    Great Books deal with the persistently unsolved problems of human life . There are genuine mysteries in the world that mark the limits of human knowing and thinking . But with only five years to make his mark , the incoming Secretary-General must work fast .

  24. 有时候你痛痛快快哭上一场就会觉得好受些。

    Sometimes you feel better for a good weep .

  25. 他很快穿上休闲装。

    He dressed quickly in casual clothes .

  26. 断骨能很快接上。

    A broken bone soon knits up again .

  27. 阿卡同拼命狂奔,很快就上气不接下气。感觉自己肯定会死去,他就一下躺在地上,不想再起来了。

    Running as fast as his legs could carry him . Actaeon was soon out of breath4 , feeling certain that he was to die . He dropped to the ground and made no further attempt to get up .

  28. “‘P’是级长的意思!快穿上吧,珀西,快点儿,我们都穿上了,就连哈利也得到了一件呢。”

    P for prefect ! Get it on , Percy , come on , we 're all wearing ours , even Harry got one .

  29. Brooksbank两年前开始学习韩语,并很快痴迷上了韩语。

    Brooksbank took up Korean two years ago and quickly became obsessed .

  30. 温德姆给你打电话,告诉你我们快找上你了。

    Windham calling you and telling you we were getting close .