
  • 网络eaa;essential amino acid;essential;Amino Acids
  1. 经测定苦荞蛋白质含量为10.18%,必需氨基酸含量为413.7%mg/GProtein。

    The protein content of Fagopyrum tataricum is 10.18 % and the essential amino acid content is 413.7 mg / g protein .

  2. 雷司令二次果的酒中富含必需氨基酸和Zn,但酒中苹果酸过高。

    Wine from lateral berry contains richer essential amino acid and Zn , but excessive malic acid in White Riesling .

  3. 小米同样富含维生素B、蛋白质及必需氨基酸半胱氨酸和蛋氨酸。

    Millet is also a good source of B vitamins and protein and the essential amino acids cysteine and methionine .

  4. 以上结果显示,在满足必需氨基酸需要的条件下,3.4~9.5kg超早期断奶仔猪生长所需的饲粮CP水平为20%。

    It was concluded that dietary CP requirement of 3.4-9.5 kg early-weaned piglets was 20 % .

  5. FW,共检测出16种氨基酸,至少包括7种人体必需氨基酸;

    FW , containing at least 16 kinds of amino acid .

  6. 克山病病区粮对大鼠全血谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶活力及体内抗氧化能力的影响克山病重病区居民口粮中必需氨基酸和微量元素Mn、Se的含量及其与发病关系初探

    Contents of essential amino acids and trace element mn , se in grains from severe Keshan disease endemic areas and their roles in etiology

  7. 结论:寒区部队膳食结构和组成使血清中大多数矿物质和必需氨基酸含量正常,但Cu、Fe、Mn含量明显下降。

    Conclusion : Most of the serum amino acid and mineral contents were normal , suggesting that the dietary pattern of the army in cold area may be nearly rational .

  8. 稻麦中FAO模式必需氨基酸与限制氨基酸比值的研究

    Study on the Rate of [ FAO ] Pattern of Essential Amino Acids and limiting Amino Acids in Rice and Wheat

  9. 由隐性o2基因控制的优质蛋白玉米(QPM)的籽粒中赖氨酸和色氨酸两种单胃动物必需氨基酸的含量较普通玉米高出一倍左右。

    The contents of lysine and tryptophan in the kernel of QPM increased double of the common maize .

  10. 分析表明:品种因子对肉品的弹硬度、嫩度、肉品中脂肪含量、必需氨基酸、总氨基酸和矿物质含量等有显著(P<0.05)或极显著(P<0.01)的影响;

    Breeds had a significant ( P < 0.05 or P < 0.01 ) effects on meat quality , such as elastic hardness , tenderness , meat fat percentage , essential amino acids , total amino acids and mineral contents ;

  11. 谷氨酰胺(Gln)是一种条件必需氨基酸,是某些病人不可缺少的营养物质。

    Gln is a conditionally essential amino acid ( CEAA ), which is necessary for some patients .

  12. 必需氨基酸(除Met外))的变化与总氨基酸含量呈显著性相关,且变异系数在8.25-13.34%之间;

    The correlation between the total amino acid and the essential amino acid ( except methionine ) was prominent , the coefficients of variation were from 8 . 25 % to 13 . 34 % .

  13. 24~72h培养添加必需氨基酸(EAA),能促进胚胎体外发育;

    When added during 24-72 h culture , EAA could promote in vitro development of ovine embryos .

  14. 结果表明,施N提高了小麦子粒粗蛋白质和各种氨基酸含量,但必需氨基酸在蛋白质中的比率下降。

    The results showed that the content of crude protein and all kinds of amino acid in wheat grain were increased by N applied , but the rate of the total essential amino acid in the protein were decreased .

  15. 测定结果表明,庭园野生蔬菜维生素C含量超过一般栽培蔬菜,必需氨基酸和限制性氨基酸含量都比较高,是一类既有营养又有保健作用的食物资源。

    The result of analysis show that the wild vegetables grows in the home-garden have both vegetative function and effect of health care because of content of their Vc richer than common cultivated vegetable species and the high content of essential amino acid .

  16. 四种中草药多糖中灵芝多糖对黄颡鱼肌肉中氨基酸总量及必需氨基酸含量的提升作用最佳,但效果不显著(P0.05)。

    GLP in the four polysaccharides , which had the best promotional effects on the contents of amino acids and essential amino acids , however there was not significant effects ( P0.05 ) . 2 .

  17. 玉米黑粉菌含有丰富的蛋白质、膳食纤维、矿物质(尤其是K,Fe,Se含量较高)、维生素、真菌多糖以及人体必需氨基酸。

    Corn smut fungus is rich in protein , dietary fibre , minerals ( especially potassium , iron , selenium content higher ), vitamins , fungus polysaccharide and reasonably necessary to the formation of amino acid .

  18. 试验结果还表明,增施钾肥能有效地提高叶邦和软叶的粗白、总氨基酸、必需氨基酸及Vc含量,降低NO~-3含量和减小叶球的邦叶比,明显地改善叶球品质。

    The test results also show that K dressings can improve the head quality by increasing the contents of rough protein , vitamin C , all amino acid as well as essential amino acid ;

  19. TPN溶液的肝毒性可能与酪氨酸、半胱氨酸、牛磺酸等必需氨基酸缺乏有关。

    Hepatotoxicity of nutrient admixture may be related to the deficiency in essential amino acids such as tyrosine , cysteine , taurine and so on .

  20. 必需氨基酸指数(EAAI)分别为95和94。

    The essential amino acid indexes are 94 and 95 , respectively .

  21. 叶蛋白的必需氨基酸含量符合FAO/WHO按人体需要规定的模式值,为高营养全价蛋白。

    The leaf protein , that the content of EAA content accords with the requirement of FAO / WHO reference pattern , is an excellent nutritive value protein .

  22. 藜具有较高含量的维生素C,β-胡萝卜素,以及Fe、Zn、Mn和Cu等微量元素,氨基酸的种类达17种,其中7种为人体必需氨基酸。

    Because there is high contents of vitamin C , β - carotene , trace elements such as Fe , Zn , Mn , Cu and 17 kinds of amino acids including 7 essential amino acids for the human body .

  23. 有机肥单施与CK比分别提高氨基酸含量3.37个百分点,必需氨基酸1.28个百分点,半必需氨基酸0.53个百分点;

    Compared to CK , organic manure application singly could increase amino acid content by 3.37 % , essential amino acid 1.28 % , semi essential amino acid 0.53 % . Compared to N.

  24. 施Mn对小麦子粒粗蛋白质和氨基酸总含量影响不大,但提高了必需氨基酸含量,对小麦子粒品质有一定的改良作用。

    The content of protein and total amino acid could not be increased . but the content of the essential amino acid was increased by Mn applied . Application Mn could improve the quality of wheat grain .

  25. 但在无必需氨基酸的盐溶液中孵育时,只有毫摩尔量的同型半胱氨酸才能引起ERK1/2磷酸化,且该磷酸化过程不依赖于间接激活。

    During incubation in amino-acid free saline medium millimolar concentrations of homocysteine were required to obtain ERK1 / 2 phosphorylation , which was independent of transactivation .

  26. 必需氨基酸指数(EAAI)为83,优于植物蛋白。

    The essential amino acid index is 83 . It is better than plant protein .

  27. 支链氨基酸(BCAA)是畜禽的必需氨基酸,对畜禽具有重要的营养生理作用。

    Branched chain amino acids ( BCAA ) are indispensable amino acids for animals , and have important nutritional and physiological functions .

  28. 控制酶解黄粉蛋白制备富含条件必需氨基酸&谷氨酰胺(Gln)活性肽营养液的研究(Ⅱ)Gln活性肽的制备工艺和最佳工艺条件的确定

    Production of a Bioactive Gln-enriched Oligopeptide Nutrient Solution from Corn Protein by Enzymatic Treament ( II ) Process and Optimum Conditions of the Bioactive Glutamine Oligopeptide Preparation

  29. N、Zn、Mn平衡施用既能增加小麦子粒蛋白质和氨基酸总含量,又提高了蛋白质中必需氨基酸的比例,改善了小麦子粒的营养品质。

    Combined application of N , Zn , Mn could not only increase the content of protein and total amino acid , but also raise the rate of the total essential amino acid in protein and improve the nutrition quality of wheat grain .

  30. 此外还含有粗蛋白质0.9%、其中八种人体必需氨基酸齐全。维生素也极为丰富,有VB2、VC、VE、胡萝卜素等。

    In addition , it also contains 0.9 % of crude protein and eight kinds of essential amino acid necessary to the human body , as well as extremely plentiful vitamin such as VB2 , VC , VE and carotene etc.