
bì xū pǐn
  • necessity good;necessities;requisite;necessary
  • necessaries
必需品 [bì xū pǐn]
  • [necessaries] 过日子不能没有的物品(如食品、衣服、住房、医疗保健、设备和家具)

  • 家庭生活必需品

  1. 成车的食物、毯子与其他必需品抵达了该市。

    Truckloads of food , blankets , and other necessities reached the city .

  2. 食物、燃料和其他日用必需品仍然很难得到。

    It remained very difficult to procure food , fuel and other daily necessities .

  3. 对她来说,书就像面包一样,是生活必需品。

    For her , books were as necessary to life as bread

  4. 那套公寓配有单身生活的基本必需品。

    The flat contained the basic essentials for bachelor life .

  5. 面包、大米和茶叶等日常必需品已实行配给。

    Staples such as bread , rice and tea are already being rationed

  6. 电话是现代生活中让人最反感的必需品之一。

    The telephone is one of the great tyrannies of modern life .

  7. 他们开始发行用来购买大米、面粉等生活基本必需品的定量配给卡。

    They have begun to issue ration cards for basic necessities such as rice and flour .

  8. 经济不景气时,消费者可能会减少在类似玩具等非必需品上的支出。

    In a recession , consumers could be expected to cut down on non-essentials like toys .

  9. 他的上一本书《必需品》尽在重复些老掉牙的内容。

    His last book , ' Needful Things ' , was a retread of tired material .

  10. 靠着一种生活必需品赚这么多钱,这在道德上说得过去吗?

    Can it be moral to make so much money out of a commodity which is essential to life ?

  11. 房间里陈设了最简单的生活必需品:一张床,一把椅子和一张桌子。

    The room was furnished with the simplest essentials .

  12. 她连买必需品的钱都没有,哪里谈得上买烟酒之类的奢侈品呢。

    She can 't find money for necessities , let alone such luxuries as wine and tobacco .

  13. 作为一种日常必需品,它将随着阅读纸质报纸的一代人而消亡。

    As a day-to-day essential , it will die off with the generation who read print newspapers .

  14. “糖,酒和烟,”经济学家亚当·斯密曾写道,“绝不是生活的必需品,但是却成为几乎全世界人的消费品,因此,也成为了征税的绝佳对象。”

    Sugar , alcohol and tobacco , economist Adam Smith once wrote , are commodities which are nowhere necessaries of life , which have become objects of almost universal consumption , and which are , therefore , extremely popular subjects of taxation . "

  15. 食物和木材等必需品非常昂贵。

    Necessities like food and wood were very expensive .

  16. 如果他们的某些日常必需品用完了。

    If they run out of certain daily necessities .

  17. 我的那些朋友很热爱大自然,他们记得要带上所有生活必需品。

    My nature-loving friends had remembered to bring all the necessities of life .

  18. 现在,肥皂已成为我们的生活必需品。

    Now . Soap is something we wouldn 't want to live without .

  19. 但它现在是生活必需品。肥皂无处不在。

    But it is something that it would be difficult to live without today.Soap is everywhere .

  20. 他有足够的钱购买生活必需品。

    He has enough money to obtain the necessaries of life .

  21. 食物和空气是生命的必需品。

    Food and air are requisite for life .

  22. 他们缺少生活必需品。

    They were destitute of necessaries of life .

  23. 洪水的余波同样致命,因为可能无法向灾区运送水和食物等必需品。

    The aftermath can be just as deadly , as it may not be possible to deliver essential supplies such as water and food to the area .

  24. 要共同维护全球产业链供应链稳定,中国将加大力度向国际市场供应原料药、生活必需品、防疫物资等产品。

    We need to jointly2 keep the global industrial and supply chains stable . What China will do in this regard is to increase its supply of active pharmaceutical3 ingredients , daily necessities , and anti-epidemic and other supplies to the international market .

  25. •MBA学位有用,但并不是必需品。

    • an MBA is helpful , but not required .

  26. 在CD和DVD驱动器是必需品,为软件安装和多媒体应用。

    CD and DVD drives are a necessity for software installation and multimedia applications .

  27. 土族语词首清擦音f的演变以人们日常生活的两种必需品&自来水和醋为试验材料,研究无声放电平板式臭氧发生机的杀菌效果。

    The evolution of the initial voiceless fricative f in Tu people 's language The effects of sterilizing with ozonizer of voiceless discharge on water and vinegar were studied .

  28. 多驾驶支持(MDS)插件提供美国石油协会必需品到通路这些个多个使用者-看得见的驾驶。

    The Multiple Drive Support ( MDS ) Plug-in provides the APIs necessary to access these multiple user-visible drives .

  29. 谢天谢地的是,越来越多的机场认为:免费的Wi-Fi对旅客而言不仅是一大便利,也是必需品。

    Thankfully , more airports are acknowledging that free Wi-Fi isn 't just a convenience for travelers , it 's a necessity .

  30. 尽管朝鲜政府似乎是想通过改革来控制物价,但首尔民间团体goodfriends表示,随着许多卖方撤出市场,其他人囤积居奇,市场混乱状况已导致朝鲜基本必需品价格飙升。

    Although North Korea appears to be trying to control prices with reforms , good friends , a Seoul-based civic group , said market confusion had sent the cost of basic goods soaring as many vendors stayed away and others held back stock .