
  • 网络psychological test;Psychology Test;psychometric tests;mental test
  1. 现在的计算机网络技术和应用高度发达,设计一种基于Web模式的心理测试系统,对学生心理辅导工作会有很大的帮助。

    Currently computer network technology and application are highly developed , so designing a Web-based psychological test system would be very helpful .

  2. 多项选择题作为语言测试的一种题型,是语言测试发展史上第二个阶段的产物,其最初创立于心理测试(mentaltesting)时期。

    As a testing type , multiple choice is the product of the second stage of the language testing development , which was founded in psychological test ( mental testing ) period .

  3. 心理测试能够使组织机构避免犯下损失惨重的大错。

    Psychometric tests can save organizations from grim and costly mistakes

  4. 我们让候选人填写一份心理测试问卷。

    We ask candidates to complete a psychometric questionnaire

  5. 心理测试只是一种测量个体才智和能力的方式。

    Psychometric testing is simply a way of measuring people 's individual talents and capabilities .

  6. 一家新公司打算招聘一个秘书,经理决定做一次心理测试以便选用一个合适的人选。

    A new firm arranged to employ a secretary . The manager decided test for choosing a good one .

  7. UK心理测试自动分析系统的手写体数字识别

    Handwritten Digits Recognition for Automatic Analysis System of UK Psychology Test

  8. Wisconsin卡片分类试验(WisconsinCardSortingTest,WCST)是一种临床神经心理测试工具。

    Wisconsin card sorting test ( WCST ) is a clinical neuropsychologic test .

  9. 针对UK心理测试自动分析系统的手写体数字识别问题,提出了结构特征和统计特征相组合的三级分类方案。

    A three-stage classification system of handwritten digits recognition is presented for the automatic analysis system in UK psychology test .

  10. 方法:应用症状自评量表(SCL-90)对陆军某部375名新兵进行心理测试,并将结果与国内青年常模和中国新兵常模进行比较。

    Methods The psychometry was performed by SCL-90 in 375 recruits .

  11. 方法采用SCL-90连续4年对2000~2003年级新生进行心理测试。

    Methods Employ SCL-90 to do psychological tests in freshmen from 2000 ~ 2004 for four years .

  12. SINGLDOUT是一家圣地亚哥的初创企业,他们推出的新交友网站就设计出一种专属的计算方法,通过DNA分析和心理测试来为单身人士配对。

    SINGLDOUT , a San Diego-based start up , has devised a proprietary algorithm that matches singles based partly on DNA compatibility and partly on the results from a psychological questionnaire .

  13. 目前为止,神经心理测试和X射线检查不能提供明确的答案来回复头球是否会造成永久性的大脑损伤这个问题。

    Thus far , neuropsychological tests and x-ray examinations have not been able to provide an unequivocal answer to the question of whether heading in soccer can cause permanent brain damage .

  14. 经过汉语言学、心理测试专家和幼儿园教师对测题和测试工具的审核,采用SPSS软件对预试和试用结果进行统计分析,最终形成正式量表,并建立了百分等级和T分数常模。

    The final scale and norms are audited by Chinese linguists , psychologist and teachers in kindergarten , statistically analyzing the results of pretests and tests by SPSS .

  15. 目前评价认知功能常用的是神经心理测试,常规EEG等方法,它们在评价痴呆患者的认知功能上有一定局限。

    At present the evaluation of cognitive function is commonly used neuropsychological testing , conventional EEG and other methods , however their evaluation of cognitive function in patients with dementia have a certain limitations .

  16. 方法:采用EPQ、SCL-90和UPI心理测试方法并进行比较研究。

    Method : EPQ , SCL-90 and UPI were used to investigate and compare in 1908 new college students for 3 years .

  17. 当艾略特•斯皮策(EliotSpitzer)担任纽约州总检察长时,他和他的高级助手们有时会用心理测试来分析案情。

    W hen Eliot Spitzer was New York attorney-general , he and top aides would sometimes use a mental exercise to puzzle out cases .

  18. DAT颞、顶叶皮质,VD额叶皮质rCBF改变与神经心理测试MMSE呈正相关(均为P<0.05)。

    There was a positive correlation among the rCBF of temporal cortex , parietal cortex in DAT group , frontal cortex in VD group and MMSE ( P < 0.05 ) .

  19. 阐述了I2C总线的基本原理和技术特点,以及其在具有多种生理参数测量功能的心理测试系统开发中的具体应用实例。

    The principle and characteristics of I2C BUS are introduced as well as its application in multi physiological parameters measurement system .

  20. 方法应用焦虑自评量表(SAS)、抑郁自评量表(SDS)、艾森克个性问卷(EPQ)及自编相关因素调查表,对833名男性军人进行心理测试。

    Methods 833 male soldiers were tested by self rating anxiety scale ( SAS ), self rating depression scale ( SDS ), Eysenck personality questionnaire ( EPQ ) and interrelated factors questionnaire .

  21. 方法采用EPQ、SAB、CSQ量表,对56例哮喘儿童及对照进行个性、适应行为及应付方式的心理测试。

    MethodsThe personality , social adaptive behavior , coping style of56 children with asthma were measured by means of EPQ , SAB and CSQ scales .

  22. 自编社会认知调查问卷,结合认知偏差和SCL-90心理测试问卷,分别对普通高校160名本科生的社会认知和心理健康进行问卷调查,有效回收问卷140份。

    The Questionnaire Of Social Perception that I have designed , the Cognitive Bias Questionnaire and Questionnaire Of Scl-90 investigate the situation of social cognition and mental health about 160 college student in a common university . Which I collect the 140 value paper from the 160 investigative paper .

  23. 甘肃联合大学不同年级大学生心理测试结果分析

    Psychological Testing for College Students of Different Grades in Union University

  24. 基于网络的大学生心理测试系统的设计与开发

    Design and Development of Network-assisted Psychological Testing System for University Students

  25. 【目的】探讨神经心理测试对问题儿童的诊断意义。

    To study the significance diagnosing problem child with neuropsychological test .

  26. 采访中我还做了简短的心理测试。

    For the interview I was given a short psychology test .

  27. 论心理测试方法在侦查中的选择和运用

    On the selection and application of the projective techniques in scouting

  28. 第四部分阐述了犯罪心理测试结论的证据价值。

    The last part discussed the evidence value of crime psychometrics .

  29. 第一部分阐述了犯罪心理测试技术原理及历史发展。

    The first part reviewed history and theory of Crime Psychometrics .

  30. 谈心理测试技术介入刑事诉讼

    On Applying the Technique of Psychological Test to Criminal Procedure