
  • 网络psychological contract breach
  1. 雇员的管理理念对心理契约破裂有不同的影响。

    Employee managerial ideology has different effects on psychological contract breach .

  2. 企业员工心理契约破裂与组织公民行为关系研究

    The impact of psychological contract breach on organizational citizenship behavior

  3. 同时相对于发展型心理契约破裂,基础型心理契约破裂更为显著。

    Relative to developmental-oriented psychological contract breach , basic-oriented psychological contract breach is more significant .

  4. 基于心理契约破裂的护士长工作倦怠与工作满意度研究

    Study of Head Nurses ' Job Burnout and Job Satisfaction Based on Psychological Contract Breach

  5. 心理契约破裂对工作满意度有显著的负向影响,对民营企业员工的工作满意度的负向影响更强。

    It has negative effects on job satisfaction , which is stronger in private enterprises .

  6. 即心理契约破裂越严重,工作满意度越低。

    Namely , the more serious the psychological contract breach , the lower job satisfaction .

  7. 心理契约破裂对组织犬儒主义有显著的正向影响,对国有企业员工的组织犬儒主义的正向影响更强。

    It has positive effects on organizational cynicism , which is stronger in state-owned enterprises .

  8. 最后探讨了大学教师心理契约破裂和感情承诺的关系,结果显示,大学教师的心理契约破裂和感情承诺有显著的负相关关系。

    In the study of employee psychological contract breach , we found that the psychological contract breach has a negative relationship with emotional commitment .

  9. 研究指出,随着员工组织公平感的提升,会弱化由心理契约破裂所导致的消极行为倾向。

    It shows that , with the promotion of organizational justice on employees , the inclination to negative behaviors caused by psychological contract breach can be weakened .

  10. 国外已有研究指出,心理契约破裂不仅影响了组织公民行为的发生,更易导致员工以消极职场偏差行为进行组织报复,对组织的财产及形象造成损失。

    It has been indicated by some research that psychological contract breach not only affects the occurrence of organizational citizenship behavior , but also leads to revenge the organization with negative workplace deviance behavior by the employees , which causes the property and image loss to the organization .

  11. 大学教师心理契约及其破裂研究

    A Study on University Teacher 's Psychological Contract and Its Breach

  12. 最近几年来,关于心理契约及其破裂的研究已经成为人力资源管理和组织行为学中的一个重要课题。

    Psychological contract , therefore , is one of the important research topics in the fields of human resource management and organizational behavior .

  13. 心理契约的破裂与违背的差别并不体现在时间的先后上,也不是认知评价与情感反应间的差别,而是反映在关系主体对另一方契约履行的内容和程度的认同上。

    The distinction between psychological contract breaches and psychological contract violations does not lie in the time sequence , but in the extent of fulfillment of perceived peer-to-peer obligations .

  14. 知识型新员工在遭遇心理契约的破裂与违背后最主要的情绪为:失望、不开心以及愤怒;心理契约的强化后最主要的情绪为高兴、满意和惊喜。

    The main emotion of new knowledge-based staff in the event of psychological contract breach and violation is : disappointed , unhappy and outrage . The main emotion under over-promised is : happy , satisfied and pleasantly surprised .

  15. 一则师生心理契约违背与破裂的典型个案研究

    A Case Study of Violation and Breakdown of Psychological Agreement between Teachers and Students

  16. 在教师与学校之间,心理契约既有破裂、违背的可能,也存在获得正向强化的可能性;

    Between schools and teachers , not only psychological contracts can be breached and violated , but it can be strengthened as well .

  17. 处于并购动荡中的心理契约容易失衡,产生心理契约破裂和违背,进而导致并购整合的危机或失败。

    Under the precarious circumstance of merger , the employee 's psychological contract is prone to plunge into the conditions of unbalance , breach and violation so as to result in crisis or failure of merger integration .

  18. 但随着社会政治经济领域的政府职能转变进程的不断深入,公务员心理契约也需要随之不断地更新,否则便会导致心理契约破裂或违背现象。

    But along with the social economic and political changes , the psychological contract of civil servants also need to constantly update , otherwise it will lead to psychological contract breach or violation phenomenon .