
  • 网络psychological conflict;Mental conflict
  1. 新课程背景下中学教师角色内心理冲突调查

    An Investigation of Teachers ' Mental Conflict of Role-playing

  2. 霍尔奈的理论对于分析和理解文学作品的人物心理冲突具有十分重大的意义。

    The great significance of Horney 's ideology is to analyze and understand the mental conflict of the dramatis personae .

  3. 采用自编的心理冲突调查问卷、Cawte量表和主观幸福感指数量表(WBIS),调查531名大学生的心理冲突状况、应激水平及主观幸福感。

    531 students of four universities from the first to the Four grade were investigated , by using self-made questionnaire on college students ' psychological conflict , Cawte 's stress questionnaire and subjective well-being questionnaire .

  4. 人际关系的变化是人的心理冲突和矛盾产生的直接原因;

    The interpersonal relationship change is the direct reason of it ;

  5. 论城市贫困群体社会心理冲突与社会支持

    On Social Psychological Conflict and Social Help for Those in Poverty

  6. 保护性医疗措施引发医务人员心理冲突。

    Protective medical measure could induce the psychic conflict of medical staffs .

  7. 中学生心理冲突与体育教学

    The Psychological Conflict and Physical Teaching for High School Students

  8. 企业员工自尊、心理冲突、应付方式关系紧密。

    Employee self-esteem , psychological conflicts , coping style has close relationships .

  9. 从马斯洛的需要理论看高校贫困生的心理冲突

    Psychological Conflicts of Impoverished University Students From Maslow 's Need Hierarchy Theory

  10. 社会变革是人的心理冲突和矛盾产生的根本原因。

    Social variance is the root reason of psychological conflict and contradiction .

  11. 大学生常见的心理冲突及对策分析

    College Students Psychological Conflict and the Analysis of the Strategy

  12. 试论大学生心理冲突的解决途径

    On the Solutions to the Psychological Conflicts of College Students

  13. 人的心理冲突与矛盾产生根源剖析

    Psychological Conflict and Social Variance & the Root of Psychological Conflict and Contradiction

  14. 造就了利玛窦个人心理冲突与对文化的自我审视;

    This bring up the personal psychological conflict and self examination of culture .

  15. 大学生心理冲突与应付方式的关系研究

    Research on the relationship between college students ' psychological conflict and coping style

  16. 监狱改革过程中的心理冲突与心理适应

    Psychological Conflict and Adapts in the Jail Reform Process

  17. 大学生心理冲突及其原因探析

    Analysis on the conflicts of college students ' psychology

  18. 社会各阶层地位的不均衡是人的心理冲突和矛盾产生的深层社会根源;

    The status unbalance of social estates is the social root of it ;

  19. 大学生心理冲突与应激水平、主观幸福感及应付方式关系的研究

    College Students ' Psychological Conflict , Stress Reaction , Subjective Well-Being and Coping Style

  20. 试论新文化运动倡导者的心理冲突

    Psychological Conflict during the New Culture Movement

  21. 军人心理冲突与调适调整过程中的美拉关系

    The mental collision and readjustment of soldiers U. S. - Latin American Relations in Readjustment

  22. 军人心理冲突与调适

    The mental collision and readjustment of soldiers

  23. 试论《围城》的民俗心理冲突

    On Folk Psychological Conflicts in Besieged Fortress

  24. 但是由于存在文化冲突、心理冲突和语言冲突等因素,目前的少数民族人才的外语水平与现实需求之间的差距很大。

    Cultural , psychological and language conflicting result in the low level of their foreign languages .

  25. 结果1教师总体的角色心理冲突水平较低,适应良好。

    Results ( 1 ) The role conflict of teachers of middle school is in low level .

  26. 心理冲突与应激水平、主观幸福感关系研究

    Research on the Relationship among College Students ' Psychological Conflict , Stress Reaction , and Subjective Well-being

  27. 大学毕业生职业适应中的心理冲突及其应对策略

    The Psychological Conflict of the University Graduate Who Just in the Period of Vocational Adjustment and the Coping Strategies

  28. 大学生正处于青春断乳期的后期,个体社会化和成人化的过渡阶段,他们必然存在较多的心理冲突。

    College students are in youth later individual socialization and administer a transitional phase , they will have many conflicts .

  29. 结果为:(1)过多的心理冲突可引起生理与心理应激水平的升高;

    Results : ( 1 ) The higher frequencies of conflict resulted in the higher stress levels both physic and mental .

  30. 个性形成荣格精神分析法的一个概念,即经过多层次的心理冲突后,自我意识逐渐趋于统一和融合。

    In Jungian psychology , the gradual Integration and unification of the self through the resolution of successive layers of psychological conflict .