
  • 网络Minimally Invasive Surgery;mis
  1. 随着机器人技术在医疗领域的应用和发展,微创外科手术(MIS,MinimallyInvasionSurgery)以其创伤小、术后恢复快、医疗成本低等诸多优点在外科手术领域中得到应用并迅速发展。

    With the development and application of robotics in the field of surgery , MIS ( Minimally Invasion Surgery ) has lots of merits such as little wound , fast recuperation and low medical society cost etc. , so it has been applied and developed fast in traditional surgery field .

  2. 腹腔镜微创外科手术作为微创手术的代表,是对传统开放性手术的一次重大变革;

    Endoscope MIS ( EMIS ) is the representation of MIS , and its the innovation to the field of traditional open surgical operation ;

  3. MRI导航的机器人辅助微创外科手术系统设计

    The Design of the MRI-Guided Robotic Minimally Invasive Surgery System

  4. 目的探索重症急性胰腺炎(SAP)微创外科治疗的可行性、时机与方式。

    Objective To investigate the feasibility , proper time and procedure of minimally invasive treatment of severe acute pancreatitis ( SAP ) .

  5. 故NOTES被认为是微创外科发展的又一里程碑,是目前消化内科与普通外科医生研究的热点。

    So NOTES is considered to be another milestone in the development of minimally invasive surgery , and the hot study spot for the general surgeon and digestion physician .

  6. 同时我们必须注意到,以腹腔镜技术为代表的微创外科是目前外科发展的主流,CO2气腹造成的腹腔酸性微环境是否会促进胃癌腹腔种植转移是人们关注的焦点问题之一。

    Laparoscopic technology as the representative of minimally invasive surgical technology is the mainstream in surgery , whether CO2 pneumoperitoneum promote gastric cancer peritoneal metastasis or not is the focus attention problems .

  7. 结论:CPH患者行LC具备微创外科手术的优点,是安全、可行的。

    Conclusion : LC in patients with CPH has the advantages of minimal invasive surgery . It is feasible and relatively safe .

  8. 将遥操作机器人技术与MIS技术结合,所开发的遥操作机器人微创外科手术系统(TMIS)可克服传统MIS技术的主要缺点,且能用作训练工具。

    TMIS which is the tele-manipulation robot system combined with MIS technology can overcome the flaws of traditional MIS technology , and can be used as training tools .

  9. 随着微创外科及影像学技术的发展,HIFU技术在良性肿瘤如子宫肌瘤等的研究成为热点。

    With minimally invasive surgery and imaging technology development , the application of HIFU technology in the benign tumors such as uterine leiomyomas will form hot spot .

  10. 结论TVP结合钬激光碎石术对治疗BPH并膀胱结石具有效果确切,并发症少,康复快符合微创外科的优点。

    CONCLUSION Combining TVP with Holmium laser is an effective invasive treatment for the patients with BPH and bladder stones , less complications occured .

  11. 结论扎实的微创外科技能、术前对手术难度的充分评估、术中显露清楚、操作细致以及果断中转开腹,是避免LC手术时胆道损伤的关键。

    Conclusion Skilled minimal invasive surgery , thorough preoperative evaluation , adequate intra-operative exposure , refined manipulation and prompt conversion to open surgery play the key role in preventing bile ductal injury during LC .

  12. 声带Reinke′s水肿的微创外科治疗

    Minimally invasive surgery treatment of Reinke ′ s edema on vocal cord

  13. 目的:探讨腹腔镜肝切除术(Laparoscopichepatectomy,LH)的外科基础和技术以及肝癌切除术的有关问题,并从可行性、有效性、实用性等方面对LH微创外科技术进行分析。

    Objective : By studying the basis and technique of laparoscopic hepatectomy ( LH ), especially LH for primary liver cancer , to evaluate the feasibility , validity and practicability of minimally invasive surgical technique of LH .

  14. 结论临床结果显示LIGS术是一种新型的简单、安全的微创外科手术。

    Conclusion LIGS is a new , easy , safe and minimal invasive operation .

  15. 目的分析膝关节微创外科围手术期创伤应激反应的激素水平、C-反应蛋白(CRP)和机体能量代谢的变化。

    Objective To evaluate the level of neurohormone and C-reactive protein ( CRP ), as well as the change of rest energy expenditure ( REE ) resulted from operative stress response due to micro invasive surgery in arthroscopy on knee joint .

  16. 在分析微创外科手术要求的基础上,结合机器人自身的特点,采用D-H法对主、从操作手分别建立了运动学模型并进行了相关运动学分析,以此作为控制算法设计的理论依据。

    After analyzing the requirements of minimally invasive surgery , considering the characteristics of the robot , the kinematics model for both the master and slave manipulator using D-H method was established , and analyzed the kinematics which are the theory basis of control algorithm .

  17. 腹腔镜微创外科手术机器人控制系统研究

    Research on Control System for the Laparoscopic Minimally Invasive Surgery Robot

  18. 肝癌治疗与微创外科观念

    Concept of minimally invasive surgery and treatment of primary liver cancer

  19. 立体定向引导微创外科手术切除脑肿瘤

    Minimal invasive microneurosurgical excision of brain tumors under stereotactic guided

  20. 小儿腹股沟斜疝微创外科手术治疗临床研究

    Clinical study in the treatment of infantile indirect inguinal hernia by microsurgery

  21. 21世纪骨科领域新技术&微创外科

    A new technique of orthopaedics in 21st century & minimally invasive surgery

  22. 腹腔镜微创外科治疗胃良性疾病的手术适应证及手术方法探讨

    Micro-invasive surgery by laparoscopy for treating benign diseases of stomach

  23. 内镜脊柱微创外科技术的基础与临床研究

    Basic and Clinical Research for Minimally Invasive Endoscopic Spinal Surgery

  24. 微创外科在胆道疾病治疗中的地位

    The Role of Minimally Invasive Surgery in Diseases of the Biliary Duct

  25. 喉内镜手术治疗喉部疾病的临床应用&介绍一种喉部微创外科技术

    Clinical application of laryngeal endoscopic surgery in the treatment of laryngeal diseases

  26. 超声心动图在微创外科房间隔缺损封堵治疗中的应用

    Application of echocardiography on minimally invasive surgical closure of atrial septal defect

  27. 股骨颈骨折的微创外科治疗及其效果

    Minimally Invasive Surgery on Transcervical Femur Fracture and Its Effect

  28. 主从式微创外科手术机器人主手设计

    Structural Design of Master-slave Minimally Invasive Surgical Robots ′ Manipulators

  29. 微创外科机器人手腕灵活性的研究

    Study on wrist dexterity of minimally invasive surgical robot

  30. 辩证地看待微创外科农地发展权探微

    The Thoughs in the Minimally Invasive Surgery Development Right to the Agricultural Land