
  • 网络Methodist Church;Methodists;Galvinistic Methodists;Wesleyan Methodist Church
  1. 李后来上了当地女子循道公会学校亨廷登学院(HuntingdonCollege),她偶尔给学校报纸投稿,还在学校的文学杂志上发表过两篇虚构短文。

    Lee attended Huntingdon College , a local Methodist school for women , where she contributed occasional articles to the campus newspaper and two fictional vignettes to the college 's literary magazine .

  2. 循道公会在黔滇川传播的背景分析

    Analysis on the Background of Methodism in Guizhou , Yunnan and Sichuan

  3. 英国循道公会自其来华先驱俾士牧师1851年来到香港起就正式开始了其在中国的传教事业。

    When G Piercy arrived in Hongkong in 1851 , English Methodist Missionary Society began her missionary work in China .

  4. 近现代循道公会在黔滇川多民族地区传播的历史背景为:西方列强对中国的殖民侵略;

    The Nackground of Methodism in nationalities'region of Guizhou , Yunnan and Sichuan in modern times are : the colonial aggressions of Western big powers on China ;

  5. 之后,按照时间线索,以循道公会在不同时期不同的工作重点为划分标准,来概括介绍整个循道公会在广东地区的宗教、医疗和教育等方面的工作。

    Second , according to EMMS 's key emphasis in work in every period , I summarize the religion , medicine and education work of EMMS in Guangdong district .