
dānɡ shì
  • Present;the contemporary age
当世 [dāng shì]
  • (1) [the present age]∶当代

  • (2) [bigwigs]∶指地位显要的人

  • 衡不慕当世,所居之官辄积年不徙。--《后汉书.张衡传》

  1. 当时有许多当世高尔夫球传奇选手在打球。

    Many of golf 's living legends were playing .

  2. 年届92岁的贝聿铭(IMPei)被尊为当世硕果仅存的现代主义大师之一。

    At 92 , IM Pei is revered as one of the last surviving modernists .

  3. 上个月,一个伟大的人物去世了。他名叫亚历山大·里奇(AlexanderRich),是当世仅存的几位缔造了现代分子生物科学的生物学先驱之一。

    A great man died late last month , one of the last of the pioneering biologists who essentially created the modern science of molecular biology . His name was Alexander Rich ;

  4. 苏轼的人格魅力,主要表现在四个方面:一是奋厉有当世志。

    His personality charm was best presented in four aspects .

  5. 天哪,当世甚至没有人欣赏他

    Oh , my God , he 's not even appreciated in his own time .

  6. 马云是当世传奇。

    Jack ma is a living legend .

  7. 正如人们所想,锻冶行会总部云集当世技艺最为精湛的武器制造大师。

    As one would expect , the Grandmaster Swordsmiths'Guild is home to the greatest weapon makers in the world .

  8. 探险行会总部云集当世最负盛名的探险大师,雄心勃勃地注视著任何尚未开拓的土地。

    The Explorers'Guild Headquarters is where the greatest pioneers of distant frontiers gather and make boasts and plans to reach increasingly more ambitious horizons .

  9. 60年以前当世卫组织成立时,公共卫生面临的艰巨任务是在受战争严重破坏的世界中恢复基本卫生服务。

    Sixty years ago , when WHO was founded , public health faced the daunting task of restoring basic health services in a world badly damaged by war .

  10. 另外,魏晋军事文书对当世和后世的影响,本文选取有代表性的文书种类探讨其对文学、政治产生的重要作用。

    In addition , the military documents on time and influence in the future , this paper selects the representative instrument types on literature , politics has important role .

  11. 举目当世,大众媒介业已成为社会长河中的一艘艘巨轮,在科技动力的推动下,承载着政治、经济、文化向前发展。

    The mass media has become a large wheel in the social stage , with the power of science and technology , which pushes the political , economic and cultural development forward .

  12. 文学教育不应该追求当世之用,应该发挥其传承民族精神、提升个体灵魂的无用之用。

    Literature should not be in pursuit of utility in short term , but inherit and spread the national spirit , improve the soul of people , which is the futility of utility .

  13. 他们的心弦在当世得不到共鸣,但依然坚持在喧嚣的尘世中演绎着曲高和寡的阳春白雪!

    Their heartstring cans not get total in the contemporary , but insists still that deducing a song in the material life of the hullabaloo is high with few plain and white snow !

  14. 自孔子之后,儒分为八,其中孟子之儒与荀子之儒使儒学真正的再一次显于当世。

    After Confucius , this ideology was divided into eight parts . In these ideologies , the thought of Mencius and Xun-zi about Confucianism illustrate all the soul of Confucianism to the world again .

  15. 元以成为当世第一高手为人生目标,但是叫他耿耿于怀的是,他直至下山前都始终打不过诸葛。

    YUEN 's lifetime goal is to become the best fighter in the Martial Arts World . However , he could never beat CHU KOT before he left the clique , which bothered him enormously .

  16. 最后总结出王逸对《离骚》文本的阐释是在严谨求实的治学精神基础之上的特殊的经学阐释,极大地实现了学术的当世价值。

    Finally we concluded that the interpretation to Li Sao by Wang Yi is a special study of Confucian classics which based on rigorous scholarship and truth-seeking spirit , had realized the academic present age value enormously .

  17. 它的首要意涵,不在于过去的记录,也不在于对过去的学术研究,而在于一种当世精神,一种能令其在当世呈现彰善显恶之意义的精神。

    The primary significance does not lie in the record of the past , nor in the academic research of the past , but in a current significance , a significance to praise good and display evil for the current .

  18. 苏轼与辛弃疾二人在促进了词体的变革、推动词史的发展中,起了重要作用,对当世和后世词的发展产生了重要影响。

    Su Shi and Xin Qiji were promoting the Ci System transformation , Pushes the Ci of history development , played the vital role . It has had the important influence to the present age and the later generation Ci development .

  19. 记住《美国丽人》中的一句话:当世上有这么多美好事物的时候,想要保持疯狂也难。

    Remember the following line from the film " American Beauty " : . " .. it 's hard to stay mad when there 's so much beauty in the world . " Get rid of things that make you unhappy .

  20. 务当世之务的经世致用之风激发了小说的出现,报刊业的发展盛况为小说提供了传播媒介,晚清小说理论的繁盛直接推动了小说的创作。

    The statecraft traditions about the service of the world stimulates the emergence of novel , and the development grand of the press provides the media for novel , also the flourishing novel theory of late Qing promotes the creation of novel directly .

  21. 当世上大部分人对神漠不关心,只顾着自己的生活,你认为以诺宣扬神和要来的审判容易吗?毫无疑问许多人取笑以诺。

    With most people around him not caring about God , and busy with their selfish living , do you think it was easy for Enoch to tell them about God and His coming judgment ? No doubt many made fun of Enoch .

  22. 而本文研究的旨趣则在于通过对战时国民政府金融立法的考辩,揭示战时金融法制发展的客观规律,并引经验和教训为鉴,以为当世之借鉴。

    The objective of this study lies in wartime national government through the Examination on financial legislation , financial law during the war revealed the objective law of development , and cited the experience , lessons learned as a warning and reference of the world .

  23. 为推进国家政治与意识形态领域的统一,唐太宗制定了一系列氏族政策,如皇室婚姻中,王妃、主婿皆取当世勋贵名臣家,未尝尚山东旧族;

    In order to advance the unification of politics and ideology , Tang Tai Zong made out a series of clan policies , for example , in royalty marriage , " the princess and the emperor 's son-in-law were from dignitary 's families , not from scholar-bureaucrats in eastern area ";