
You must pray as though the efficiency and praise will all due to god , and labor as though were all your own .
Learn to be detached from the world and completely abandoned to God .
Glory to God in the highest !
There would be no lack of funds for holy purposes if all professing Christians paid their fair share .
My name is Nick Vujicic and I give God the Glory for how He has used my testimony to touch thousands of hearts around the world !
The presence of differences within the Christian community challenged us to think and to reflect upon church traditions critically , to love the people wholeheartedly , and to give thanks to God .
The secret of true adoration can only be known by the soul I that gives time to tarry in God 's presence , and that yields itself to God for Him to reveal Himself .
This is the decision of man , and it is the judgment of God , who would not have us so occupied with ourselves , and thus , as it were , always arranging our features in a mirror .
When Abraham 's servant spoke with her family , he was totally honest and gave Gory to God .
When Jesus said , " Pay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar & and God what belongs to God ", it opened the tradition of separation of church and state .
So the pact said : render unto apples the things that are Caesar 's , and unto oranges the things that are God 's.
Dust to dusts , dirt to dirts , ash to ashes , and may God bless your spirit into Heaven . Amen !