
  • 网络strong currency;Hard Currency;Hard Money
  1. 美元化的本质是本国的货币被外国强势货币替代。

    The nature of dollarization is the substitution of home currency by certain foreign hard currency .

  2. 澳元的飚升促使澳大利亚财长彼得科斯特洛(petercostello)担忧地表示,强势货币阻碍了人们赴澳旅游,并给澳大利亚出口商增添了困难。

    That prompted a rueful commentary from Peter Costello , the Australian treasurer , who said the strong currency was discouraging inbound tourism , and making life tough for Australian exporters .

  3. 世界货币:人民币走向强势货币的必然选择

    World Currency : The Inevitable Choice for the RMB to Become a Strong Currency

  4. 然而,强势货币乃是抵制通胀之必须。

    A strong currency is , however , necessary to keep inflation in check .

  5. 其一是,强势货币会让汇率相对偏低的竞争对手取得成本上的优势。

    First , a strong currency grants an advantage to competitors with a cost base in a cheaper currency .

  6. 这是一种比较简单的想法,但它考虑到了人们对人民币有可能成为强势货币的预期。

    It 's a simple concept , but given expectations for the Chinese currency , a potentially powerful one .

  7. 他们将需要谨记自己不再享受强势货币带来的愉悦(以及痛苦)。

    It will remind them that they no longer enjoy the pleasures ( and pains ) of a strong currency .

  8. 这(强势货币)是个精妙的经济工具&用以迫使领先企业不自满,持续创新。

    It is an elegant economic tool that keep corporate leaders from getting complacent , and forces them to innovate .

  9. 但拥有强势货币的国家将别国货币贬值视为作弊,因为这种做法损害了它们如此依赖的出口。

    But countries with strong currencies regard devaluation by others as cheating , since it hurts the exports on which they depend so much .

  10. 即便如此,贬值的货币很可能会被强势货币所代替,很快停止流通。

    But even in this case , the depreciating currency will likely soon stop circulating as it will be shunned for the stronger currency .

  11. 葡萄牙属于一个强势货币区,其货币可充当真正的保值物,可兑换性也不成问题。

    Portugal belongs to a strong currency bloc – its money functions as a real store of value , and convertibility is not in question .

  12. 虽然希腊经济体和其他欧盟国家相比较下规模不算大,但是因为它是欧元区的成员,这就代表它和欧元区使用其它强势货币的会员其实是生命共同体。

    Though the Greek economy is relatively small , its membership of the euro zone means its fate is wedded to that of the stronger currencies in the single currency .

  13. 美国一词的所属国曾让这一招牌遭遇挫折并背负骂名,但这几乎没有让它遭到破坏,在电影史上,这个形容词仍然是一个强势货币。

    Barely damaged by an age in which its proprietor country has dragged the national dog-tags through setback and infamy , American is still a strong currency on the movie marquee .

  14. 然而高利率和强势货币却着实伤害了制造业和建筑业,后两者的萎靡又影响到了维多利亚和新南威尔士等州。

    Higher rates and a stronger currency do , however , hurt firms in manufacturing and construction , as well as states , such as Victoria and New South Wales , where these sectors loom .

  15. 我国国民经济发展带动国际贸易的不断增加,人民币正在逐渐成为一种强势货币,最近,国际上的政治势力和经济团体都在向我国施压要求人民币升值。

    The development of our national economy escalates the international trade , RMB gradually becomes one strong power currency , nowadays , both upper politics of international influence and economy group require that RMB appreciates in exerting pressure on our country .

  16. 葡萄牙属于一个强势货币区,其货币可充当真正的保值物,可兑换性也不成问题。但葡萄牙一贫如洗,商务人士非常看重的那些抽象优势,对于口袋空空的当地居民根本没有吸引力。

    Portugal belongs to a strong currency bloc - its money functions as a real store of value , and convertibility is not in question . But the place is stony broke , and these advantages , so dear in the abstract to business people , have little appeal to residents with no money at all .

  17. 过去10年,英镑一直被视为“强势”货币。

    Sterling has been regarded as a " strong " currency for the last 10 years .

  18. 更加强势的货币同样将帮助经济增长模式从出口转为国内需求,同时增加家庭的实际消费能力&进而帮助避开西方的贸易保护壁垒。

    Stronger currencies would also shift growth from exports to domestic demand and increase households'real spending power & and help ward off protectionists in the West .

  19. 但另一方面,人民币价值越高,中国出口商品便会逐渐丧失对海外消费者的吸引力,因为强势的货币必将提高外国人购买中国商品的价格。

    The flipside is , the more the yuan rises , the less attractive china 's exports become to overseas buyers , because a strong currency increases the price foreigners pay for Chinese goods .

  20. 要想让这种体系发挥效用,区域性集团必须加强合作,承担起更大的责任,提供支撑强势区域性货币所需的公共品。

    To make this work , regional groups must strengthen co-operation and assume greater responsibility for producing the public goods needed to underpin strong regional currencies .

  21. 我的建议是强势国家,强势货币,或者自由国家,浮动汇率。

    My suggestions would be Strong country , strong currency . Or Free country , floating exchange rate .

  22. 一个倾向于发生剧烈货币贬值的国家现在必须应对现实的强势:今年其货币兑美元上升了4.2%。

    A country prone to sharp devaluations of the currency must now cope with the real 's strength : it has gained about 4.2 % against the dollar this year .