- 网络strong currency;Hard Currency;Hard Money

The nature of dollarization is the substitution of home currency by certain foreign hard currency .
That prompted a rueful commentary from Peter Costello , the Australian treasurer , who said the strong currency was discouraging inbound tourism , and making life tough for Australian exporters .
World Currency : The Inevitable Choice for the RMB to Become a Strong Currency
A strong currency is , however , necessary to keep inflation in check .
First , a strong currency grants an advantage to competitors with a cost base in a cheaper currency .
It 's a simple concept , but given expectations for the Chinese currency , a potentially powerful one .
It will remind them that they no longer enjoy the pleasures ( and pains ) of a strong currency .
It is an elegant economic tool that keep corporate leaders from getting complacent , and forces them to innovate .
But countries with strong currencies regard devaluation by others as cheating , since it hurts the exports on which they depend so much .
But even in this case , the depreciating currency will likely soon stop circulating as it will be shunned for the stronger currency .
Portugal belongs to a strong currency bloc – its money functions as a real store of value , and convertibility is not in question .
Though the Greek economy is relatively small , its membership of the euro zone means its fate is wedded to that of the stronger currencies in the single currency .
Barely damaged by an age in which its proprietor country has dragged the national dog-tags through setback and infamy , American is still a strong currency on the movie marquee .
Higher rates and a stronger currency do , however , hurt firms in manufacturing and construction , as well as states , such as Victoria and New South Wales , where these sectors loom .
The development of our national economy escalates the international trade , RMB gradually becomes one strong power currency , nowadays , both upper politics of international influence and economy group require that RMB appreciates in exerting pressure on our country .
Portugal belongs to a strong currency bloc - its money functions as a real store of value , and convertibility is not in question . But the place is stony broke , and these advantages , so dear in the abstract to business people , have little appeal to residents with no money at all .
Sterling has been regarded as a " strong " currency for the last 10 years .
Stronger currencies would also shift growth from exports to domestic demand and increase households'real spending power & and help ward off protectionists in the West .
The flipside is , the more the yuan rises , the less attractive china 's exports become to overseas buyers , because a strong currency increases the price foreigners pay for Chinese goods .
To make this work , regional groups must strengthen co-operation and assume greater responsibility for producing the public goods needed to underpin strong regional currencies .
My suggestions would be Strong country , strong currency . Or Free country , floating exchange rate .
A country prone to sharp devaluations of the currency must now cope with the real 's strength : it has gained about 4.2 % against the dollar this year .