
  • 网络Coercive Power;Compulsory Power
  1. 网络中心性对制造商强制性权力使用与冲突之间的正相关关系有显著负向调节作用。

    Network centralization has a significant negative regulation for the positive correlation between the coercive power of manufacture and conflict .

  2. 羁押权与国家相随而生,由古至今其形式各不相同,是国家行使强制性权力的具体表现形式之一。

    Custody power is born with the state power and its form differs ever since the ancient times . It is one of the specific representations of the compulsory power executed by the state .

  3. 对非强制性权力的强调以及对权力双方相互作用的重视是教师权力的发展趋势。

    The unforced power and the inter-action between the two sides of the power are more and more emphasized , which is the developing tendency of the teachers ' power .

  4. 在20世纪中期之后,世界各国进一步加强干预公共教育,都试图通过国家强制性权力在公共教育领域实现国家利益。

    In the mid-20th century , most of the nations in the world have enhanced to interfere with public education to achieve the national interests in the area of public education by state power .

  5. 基于文献回顾与访谈结果,论文将权力战略分为强制性权力战略与非强制性权力战略两类,其中威胁与许诺战略属于强制性战略,而非强制性战略则由信息交换与建议战略构成。

    Based on academic analysis and the interview , this paper distinguishes two kinds of power strategies : coercive and non-coercive . The former includes threat and promise , the latter is composed of information exchange and suggestion .

  6. 因此,渠道成员应该以非强制性权力战略为基点来加强对企业营销渠道的控制力。第三,渠道权力是协调渠道关系的重要机制,并且权力结构比权力运用对权力结果变量的影响更强一些。

    So channel member should regard non-coercive strategies as the main way to control marketing channel . Third , power is an important mechanism to coordinate channel relationship . Power has more influence on power outcomes than power usage .

  7. 检验结果表明:制造商渠道冲突行为和强制性权力的使用对渠道的关系质量均有显著负向影响;而非强制性权力的使用对渠道的关系质量具有显著正向影响。

    The results show that : manufacturers ' channel conflict behavior and the use of the mandatory rights have a significant negative influence on the relationship quality ; not mandatory use of the power has significantly positive effect on channel relationship quality .

  8. 侦查机关作为追诉机关,掌握着丰富的公共资源和众多强制性权力,但在搜查的过程中,却往往存在不当执行而对法秩序造成破坏、对公民基本权利造成不合理侵害的现象。

    The investigating organizations act as prosecution authorities , which hold the rich public resources and many mandatory powers , but there are phenomena that are damage to the order of law and the lawful rights of citizens caused by undue execution during the process of investigation .

  9. 刑事政策背后的权力系统以国家的强制性权力为中心,但又不限于国家的强制性权力,还包括社会组织的、公民个人的一切为法律、习惯所认可的预防、控制犯罪的权力。

    The power system at the back of criminal policy centers on national mandatory power , but not limited to it . The power system also includes all the powers of preventing and controlling crimes possessed by social organizations and individual citizens , and recognized by laws and customs .

  10. 行政指导是非强制性的权力性行政行为,由此给行政相对人造成的损害,行政主体应当依据不同情况承担相应的法律责任。

    Because Administrative Guidance is a non-mandatory and powerful administrative act , the main body of administration should bear the relative legal liability according to the different cases and the harm done to the relative person of administration .

  11. 大众传媒是公共领域中最为活跃的话语平台,媒介权力本质上是一种非强制性的公共权力。

    Media power is a kind of optional public rights in nature .

  12. 强制性是国家权力的重要特征,没有强制,国家将无法维持秩序,实现其政治、经济和社会目标。

    Enforcement is an important attribute of public power . Without the force power , it is impossible for a state to maintain the public order and achieve the political , economic and social goals .

  13. 由于交际双方迥然不同的社会角色和话语角色,讯问话语呈现出强制性的特点,权力分配极不对称。

    Owing to the distinctive social and discursive roles of two parties in the communication process , the police interrogation has its characteristic features of coercion and asymmetric power .

  14. 一个社会要想维持良好的秩序,一个国家要想有结构合理、运转协调、灵活高效的政府管理体系,就必须要凭借具有强制性力量的行政权力的运用。

    If one society wants to maintain the good order , one country wants to have a governmental administrative system with a rational structure , coordinated operation , flexibility and high efficiency , it must resort to the exertion of a strong administrative power .

  15. 并提出渠道冲突、渠道强制性和非强制性权力使用三种渠道行为对关系质量,即满意度、关系承诺和关系信任三个维度影响的理论假设。

    At the same time , it puts forward channel behaviors which include the channel conflict , channel mandatory and not mandatory use of the power influence on the relationship quality satisfaction , relationship commitment and relationship trust three dimensions of the impact theory hypothesis .

  16. 然而,当代文化人类学相关的经典理论与主流理论表明,酋长拥有的是非强制性的权威,而非合法武力支撑的强制性的权力或暴力;

    However , the classic theory and the mainstream theory of contemporary cultural anthropology suggest that the chieftain enjoyed non-compulsory authority instead of compulsory authority supported by legal force or violence .