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  • introduced species
  1. 结果表明:(1)引入种多年生黑麦草(LoliumPerenne)和白三叶(Trifoliumrepens)种群在轻度和中度退化条件下能够正常更新,但不能忍受草地进一步的退化;

    Results showed that ( 1 ) . exotic species Trifolium repens and Lolium perenne regenerated themselves successfully at light and moderate degradation sites , but could not tolerate further deterioration of the pasture .

  2. 剔除3种引入种,原产土著种类仅有17种。

    Species are introduced among of them and only 17 species are endemic .

  3. 将自适应策略引入种间竞争遗传算法。

    A new method of connecting adaptive techniques with genetic algorithm based on the competition between populations is proposed .

  4. 通过调查,发现菏泽地区现有两栖动物5种,2个亚种和2个引入种,隶属1目,3科,5属;

    After inquiry , we find that at present in Heze Prefecture there are5 species , 2sw-and2introduced species of amphibia under the5th genus , the3rd family and the1st order ;

  5. 对云南海峰自然保护区鱼类区系调查,结果共获鱼类11种,隶属4目6科11属。其中引入种9种,土著种仅2种,无特有种类。

    The ichthyofauna of Haifeng Nature Reserve was investigated . The results showed that there were 11 species of freshwater fishes subjected to 11 genera , 6 families and 4 orders , which included 9 invasive species , 2 aboriginal species and without endemic species among them .

  6. 这个规范试图为基于XML的需求说明书引入一种通用的模型和数据交换格式。

    This specification tries to introduce a common model and data exchange format for requirement specifications based on XML .

  7. 引入晶种对水热合成α-Al2O3微粉的影响

    The effects of seeds on Preparation of α - al_2o_3 powders by hydrothermal synthesis method

  8. 本文介绍高速缓存技术的原理和应用,并结合卫星Internet的特点引入一种结合高速缓存的卫星分发系统。

    This paper introduces the principle and achieving of the web cache technology and it is also combined with the features of satellite internet , drawing into a cache satellite distribution system .

  9. JSON为服务器和客户端应用程序之间的数据交换引入一种新的格式,从而减少了HTTP流量。

    JSON reduces the HTTP traffic by introducing a new format for interchanging data between server and client applications .

  10. WebSphereESBV7引入一种被称为代理网关的新模式,以提供一种更快的开箱即用体验。

    WebSphere ESB V7 introduces a new pattern called the Proxy Gateway to provide a quicker out-of-the-box experience .

  11. 针对这些问题,本文引入一种完善解决方案,即采用会话边缘控制(SessionBorderControl,SBC)方案解决NAT/防火墙穿透问题,实现网络的端到端无障碍互通。

    In this sense , Session Border Control ( SBC ), a new solution is introduced to realize NAT / firewall traversal and seamless network access .

  12. 第四章通过对各种供应商评价方法的比较分析,引入一种新的更为有效的供应商评价方法一利用BP神经网络建立供应商评价模型。

    In chapter four , in order to avoid the subjectivity of the common evaluation methods , it proposes the Neural Network ( ANN ) based on MATLAB in supplier evaluation .

  13. 根据大射电望远镜(FAST)反射面系统的要求,引入一种新颖轻巧的反射面支承结构方案&张拉整体体系。

    According to the requirements of the five hundred meter aperture spherical telescope ( FAST ) project , a novel , simple and light structure , tensegrity system , is proposed for the FAST reflector supporting structure .

  14. 本论文将引入一种Gossip技术&每个节点以一定的概率对数据包进行转发,来减少数据包的发送数目。

    This thesis introduces a gossip-based approach , where each node only forwards messages with certain probabilities to reduce the number of messages .

  15. 首先,分析已有的起源模型以及存在的问题,针对XML树型结构特征,引入一种新的标注表示结构,进而提出更一般的起源模型。

    First , we analyze existing provenance model and the problems . Aiming at the characteristics of XML tree structure , a novel annotation structure is introduced , and the more general provenance model is proposed .

  16. 在天线阵自适应算法中引入一种TH神经网络,从而实现了算法的实时处理,并给出了计算机仿真结果。

    In this paper , a TH network is applied in an adaptive array algorithm , which can implement the algorithm in real time . Computer emulation results are furnished .

  17. 引入一种新筛法,通过在素数模的完全剩余系中划掉与起点同余的参数集,组合出经由n次筛减后的剩余数集。

    This paper introduces a new method of sieve , after deleting those parameter set from complete residue system of prime modulus which are congruent with starting points , combined to last residual set sifted n times .

  18. 本文在水舱试验摇摆台电液位置系统中引入一种神经网络自适应PID控制器,并对其控制效果进行仿真研究,通过与常规PID控制的效果进行对比,来证明其优越性。

    This paper introduced a neural network adaptive PID controller in the roll electro-hydraulic position system , and simulated its control effect . By contrast with routine PID controller advantages of it were proved .

  19. 首先,引入一种简单的图着色非确定性算法;其次,根据算法设计不同种类的DNA瓦片;最后,说明自组装过程并对模型复杂性进行讨论。

    Firstly , a non-deterministic algorithm is introduced . Then , different types of DNA tiles are designed according to the algorithm . Lastly , the self-assembling process is demonstrated and the complexity of the model is discussed .

  20. 文中从分析低压电力线的特性入手,针对用其传输家庭控制网络数据所面临的困难和不足,提出了在低压电力线网络的运行中引入一种新型的MAC层协议的方案。

    From the point of PLC characteristic in low-voltage network and for the existed problems in the home control network , a new MAC layer protocol is proposed in this paper .

  21. 首先采用负压法在氧化铝载体上引入晶种,再通过二次生长法合成了NaA型沸石膜,考察了各种因素对制膜的影响。

    NaA zeolite membranes were synthesized by first forming a seeding layer on the support via negative pressure adsorption method , followed by secondary crystallization method .

  22. 由于CRT发光特性的非线性,在图像信号源处引入一种称为γ校正的相反预失真来补偿CRT的这种非线性。

    Since the luminescence character of CRT is nonlinear , a contrary pre distortion called γ correction is given at the source of image to compensate the nonlinearity .

  23. 本文引入一种平均意义下的变阶Lipschitz空间,并讨论了球面上变阶分数次积分的Lipschitz有界性。

    A Lipschitz-space of variable order in mean sense is introduced , and the Lipschitz boundedness about fractional integration of variable order on sphere is researched .

  24. 采用GEL凝胶动力学引擎,即填充球模型中引入一种骨架技术,模拟软体的动力学特性及整体形变,进行手术器械与人体的碰撞检测。

    First , we chose the GEL dynamics engine , which is a filling sphere model introduced a skeleton technology , to simulate the dynamic characteristic and overall deformation of deformable body , and to get the result of collision detection .

  25. 该文基于小波域多状态隐马尔科夫树(HMT)模型,引入一种新的文本分割方法。

    This paper proposes a multistate document segmentation method based on wavelet transform and the hidden Markov tree ( HMT ) model .

  26. OFDM系统中,本振相位噪声引入两种影响:共同相位误差(CPE)和载波间干扰(ICI)。

    In Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing ( OFDM ) systems . the local oscillator phase noise introduces two effects ; common phase error ( CPE ) and inter-carrier interference ( ICI ) .

  27. 利用鸡粪和锯末在自动化高温堆肥装置中进行堆肥试验,并引入两种外源微生物:FM菌和EM菌,探讨了二者对堆肥过程氮素保存和堆制效果的影响。

    A compost test in an automatic compost device using chicken manure and sawdust was conducted to study the effect of two kinds of inoculating microbes on the composting manure and nitrogen contents and forms .

  28. 该法采用推广的Jury表稳定性检验,并引入一种离散罚函数作为稳定性约束,把一般递归滤波器优化设计的约束逼近转变为无约束的,从而减轻了计算负担。

    By using generalized JURY TABLE stability test and introducing the so called Discrete Penalty Function as the stability constraint to convert the constrained optimization problem to an unconstrained one , the computation burden is reduced .

  29. 引入一种计算简便、有效性高,并可代替极大似然法的优良参数估计方法&概率加权法(PWM),利用Gumbel分布对中国极端气温时空变化特征作当前与未来气候的模拟试验。

    The simulation tests of temporal-spatial distributions of extreme temperatures over China to now and future climate based on Probability Weighted Moment ( PWM ) are finished by using Gumbel distributions .

  30. JAC基于对顺序JAVA代码扩展注释来描述并发机制,使得并行逻辑与应用逻辑分离,从而引入一种较高水平的并发。

    JAC describes the concurrent mechanism by extending the comments of sequential Java code . JAC introduces a higher level of concurrency , separates thread synchronization from application logic in a declarative fashion .