- 名Construction bonds;public bonds for construction

How shall we use the three million yuan from economic construction bonds ?
Mr Abe has rowed back somewhat in recent days , especially from his ideas that the bank should buy construction bonds .
Central Government issued the economic construction bond successively for five times in order to raise some of construction fund during the first five-year plan .
Six Li Bonds of the British Boxer Indemnity is Yue-han Railway construction bonds , a successful railway construction bonds put on sale in China and abroad .
Mr Abe has also floated the idea of the BoJ purchasing construction bonds government debt issued to fund public works in unlimited quantities until the inflation target is met .
With the support of the masses , we have issued economic construction bonds to the value of three million yuan in order to develop state enterprise and assist the co-operatives .
The Issuance of the Economic Construction Bond during the First Five-year Plan The Role of Public Debt in Building China 's Well-off Society in an All-round Way : on the Experience and Practice of the United States
Bonds are a important factor of national economic development whether in the late Qing Dynasty , or at the socialist construction period , thus it has a great theoretical and realistic significance to make clear the evolution of Chinese bonds and put forward the cream of the thoughts .