
  • 网络Generalization;Generalize
  1. 在本文的最后一章中,通过对成本广义化问题的简述,尝试性分析了成本广义化对成本管理的影响,并引出所谓的大成本观念。

    In the last chapter , via the brief introduction of cost generalization , attempted analyzed the effect of cost generalization to cost management , and draw out the concept of so-called big cost .

  2. 分数阶微积分(Fractional-OrderCalculus)是传统整数阶微积分的广义化形式,它和整数阶微积分同时产生,且具有和整数阶微积分一样相似的概念和分析工具。

    Fractional-order calculus is a generalized form of traditional integer order calculus , which is birth with the same time as the integer order calculus . It has same conception and analysis tools of mathematics with the traditional integer calculus .

  3. 能量公设与化学势的广义化形式

    The energy postulate and the general form of the chemical potential

  4. 数字图书馆概念的广义化及其服务理念

    The Broad Sense of Digital Library Definition and Its Service Idea

  5. 子波的广义化理论及其解析分析

    The Generalizing Theory of Wavelet and Its Analytic Analysis

  6. 电位-pH图广义化程序系统的发展

    Developement of generalized program system for potential-pH diagrams

  7. 将研究从标量场拓展到电磁矢量场实际上是概念的一般化、广义化。

    It is actually a generalization of the study from scalar fields to electromagnetic vector fields .

  8. 许多数学工作者从不同的方向将格的概念广义化,得到了一些广义格代数系统。

    Many algebra systems were obtained in various attempts to generalize the concept of a lattice .

  9. 作为一种广义化的高斯分布,α稳定分布有其自身的特性。

    As the broad sense turns Gauss distribution , alpha stable distribution has characteristics of itself .

  10. 该文引入α稳定分布作为信道脉冲噪声的模型,提出一种广义化的韧性恒模波束形成器。

    In this paper , α - stable distribution is introduced as a model of impulsive noise .

  11. 音乐教育是教育不可替代的一部分,音乐教育在现实生活中早已广义化,呈现出了学校音乐教育和社会音乐教育两大范畴。

    And music education in real life already general logic presented the school music education and social music education two categories .

  12. 层叠滤波与它的广义化对于层叠滤波理论的研究,主要集中在优化算法和输出特性分析两方面。

    The research fields of stack filters are mainly focused on theirs optimization algorithms and analysis of the properties of their output signals .

  13. 将常用的交叉和重组技术广义化为多父代对角交叉和扫描交叉算子,解析地分析了广义交叉算子的遗传漂移现象。

    The common crossover or recombination methods in evolutionary algorithms are generalized as two types of multi-parent recombination operators , that is , diagonal crossover and scan crossover .

  14. 本文依据内变量的不可逆热力学,在内部时间函数广义化基础上,导出了等温、小应变条件下适用于各种各向同性材料的本构方程。

    On the basis of a generalized intrinsic time scale and using the theory of irreversible thermodynamics of internal variables , a generalized endochronic constitutive equation is derived in this paper .

  15. 由于生态学对各门学科的渗透,生态系统的含义已经逐步广义化,它不但指生物学上的自然生态系统,而且指人工生态系统,甚至包括任何自组织的动态开放系统。

    Because of permeation of ecology towards every subject , the meaning of ecological system has gradually expand , which means not only natural ecological system on biology , but also artificial ecological system , even including any self-organized dynamic open system .

  16. 本章探讨柔性战略理论、复杂性理论、哲学中的辩证法理论、交易成本动态理论和动态经济分析方法理论、成本广义化理论、动态系统理论对成本管理的影响和启示。

    This chapter discusses the impacts of flexible strategy theory , complex theory , dialectics theory in philosophy , transactional costs dynamic theory , dynamic economic analysis methodology theory , broad sense turn of cost theory and dynamic systematic theory on cost management .

  17. 基于广义模块化的金属门窗CAD系统研究与应用

    Research and Application on CAD System for Metallic Doors and Windows Based on Generalized Modular

  18. 第二部分用Legendre-GalerkinChebyshev配点法建立了广义正则化长波方程的半离散和C-N全离散两种格式。

    In chapter two , the Legendre-Galerkin Chebyshev collocation method for the regularized long wave equation is used and the semi-discrete and Crank-Nicolson full discrete method are derived .

  19. 研究了基于KBE技术的机械产品智能化快速设计的相关技术以及KBE工具的构造方法,建立了面向对象的广义模块化产品知识框架模型,提出了知识模型与CAD模型的开放式集成模式;

    The technologies of KBE-based intelligent design and the construction method of KBE tools are studied . The object-oriented knowledge frame model of generalized modular product is built and the open integrating mode of knowledge model and CAD model is proposed .

  20. 面向广义模块化设计/制造的产品族动态模型研究

    Product Dynamic Family Model Oriented on Generalized Modular Design / Manufacture

  21. 基于广义模块化设计的预应力机架有限元分析

    Finite element analysis of pre-stressed frame based on generalized modular design

  22. 广义城市化概念与农村劳动力间接转移模式

    Urbanization in Broad Sense and Indirect Transfer Pattern of Rural Labour Power

  23. 面向产品族的液压机广义模块化快速设计技术

    Generalized Modular Rapid Design Technology of Hydraulic Press Machines for Product Families

  24. 基于广义模块化的整体框架式液压机机身结构的优化设计

    The structure optimum design of the framed hydraulic press based on generalized modularization

  25. 激光广义同步化混沌系统及其应用

    The General Synchronized Chaotic Laser System and Its Application

  26. 基于柔性元结构的广义模块化产品族建模及其应用

    Modeling of General Modular Product Family and Applications Based on Flexible Unit Structure

  27. 液压元件及其系统的广义集成化

    Broad Sense Integration of Hydraulic Elements and Their Systems

  28. 粗集理论中连续属性的广义离散化

    Generalized discretization of continuous attributes in rough set theory

  29. 针对湍流环境下红外成像的特点,提出了一种基于广义规整化的湍流退化图像盲复原方法。

    A turbulence-degraded blind image restoration method based on generalized regularization was proposed .

  30. 机械产品广义模块化设计系统中柔性模块数据模型研究

    Data model of flexible module in the mechanical product generalized modular design system