
  • 网络plane reflection
  1. 平面模型反映牙齿在井底的刮切面积,空间模型反映了牙齿破碎岩石的体积。

    The plane model reflects the scraped area by teeth , while the spatial model reflects volume of broken rock by teeth .

  2. 滇西地区夷平面变形及其反映的第四纪构造运动

    Deformation of planation surface in West Yunnan and its significance in Quaternary tectonic movement

  3. 结合地质年代学的资料,化学结构平面图具有反映时空演化的能力。

    According to geochronology , the plane view of the chemical structure reflects the space-time evolution of various dimensions .

  4. 用Ln(CoNiCr)、Nb/Ta、及针对花岗岩体的KN/A指标的编图是地壳化学结构在平面图上的反映。

    Ln ( CoNiCr ), Nb / Ta and KN / A about granites indexs are used to make in the ichnography to express continental crust chemical stucture .

  5. 在复阻抗平面上出现了反映颗粒内部的阻抗弧,该阻抗弧出现在高频段。

    The grain interior arc occurs at highest frequency range .

  6. 与传统傅里叶谱分析技术相比较,小波变换的时频相平面图能同时反映合弦声信号的构成频率成分及其时域特征。

    Compared with the traditional Fourier Transform , the wavelet time-frequency images , which reflects time & frequency characteristics of signals simultaneously , are more suitable for analyzing signals with time variant characteristics .

  7. 斜拉索塔的拉索锚固区是斜拉桥的关键部位,其受力相当复杂,一般的平面分析很难反映实际的应力分布。

    The anchorage zone of cable stayed bridge tower is the key part of cable stayed bridge , in which stress distribution is rather complicated . A general plane analysis method is hard to reflect actual stress status .

  8. 这个近似办法称作,切平面近似,因为它告诉我们,可以通过切平面,来反映函数的图像。

    And , in particular , this approximation is called the tangent plane approximation because it tells us , in fact , it amounts to identifying the graph of the function with its tangent plane .