
  • 网络Tablet;iPad
  1. 目前,SamsungGalaxy平板机用户可以单个或者按月订阅这些电子刊物。

    For now , the publications will be available as single issues or monthly subscriptions to select users of the Samsung Galaxy tablet .

  2. 球胆成型自动平板机的研制

    Investigate the bladder molding automatic tablet machine

  3. 高压TIG平板机研制焊

    Development of a panel TIG welding machine used in hyperbaric conditions

  4. 2014年发布的iOS8已基本上把公司的工程师从移动手机和平板机上提取任何数据变得不可能。

    And iOS8 , which became available in 2014 , made it basically impossible for the company 's engineers to extract any data from mobile phones and tablets .

  5. 与此同时,近期与众多媒体高管谈话后,我发现他们都对iPad新锐平板机的问世颇感兴奋。

    But also , I think so many of our management teams , we 've been talking to them a lot lately , and they are all very much excited about the new iPad .

  6. 库克认为,公司主要出售手机、平板机、笔记本电脑等硬件,不像谷歌和Facebook等其他硅谷巨头的业务以广告为主那样,苹果不依赖于海量消费者数据。

    Mr. Cook argued that the company sold hardware - phones , tablets and laptops - and did not depend on the mass collection of consumer data as some Silicon Valley behemoths , such as Google and Facebook , do for their advertising-oriented businesses .

  7. 3~18岁健康儿童及青少年平板机心电图运动试验

    ECG Treadmill Exercise Test in Healthy Children and Adolescents Aged 3-18

  8. 立式侧压平板机设计及研究

    Design and Study of Vertical Side - Pressure Flatter

  9. 您可能已经具备了开发智能手机、上网本和平板机所应有的技能。

    You may already have all the skills you need to develop for smartphones , netbooks , and tablets .

  10. 科幻史上最帅的书本状数码装备,那个《银河系漫游指南》里头那本指南,可不就是一平板机么?

    The greatest literary device in sci-fi history , the actual Hitchhiker 's Guide to the Galaxy , was , in fact , a tablet .

  11. 但所有人都能够预计,这款平板机却融合了所有科幻迷和平凡人们的两大最终幻想。

    But as we envision it , the tablet represents the fusion of two of the most steadfast dreams of sci-fi nerds and ordinary people alike .

  12. 本公司可根据用户需求制造多种尺寸的水泥平板机,欢迎各方新老客户前来定制。

    The company can manufacture a variety of sizes based on user demand for cement plate machine , welcome all new and old customers to custom .

  13. 本文报告29对轻度贫血和非贫血儿童在平板机运动试验条件下的最大运动耐受时间,耗氧量、心率和运动后血乳酸浓度。

    This paper presents maximal endurance time , maximal oxygen consumption , heart rate and blood lactate in 29 pairs of mild anemia and non-anemia school children in treadmill exercise test .

  14. 分析了球胆成型平板机结构,进行了平板机的结构设计和液压系统及电控系统的设计,阐述了自动平板机的工作过程和控制原理。

    The papers analyze the mechanism of bladder molding machine , design mechanism and hydraulic pressure system and electric control parts , explain the principle of control and the machine how to work .

  15. 基于APDL的平板硫化机整体参数化建模与分析

    Integral Parametric Modeling and Analysis of Plate Vulcanization Machine Base on APDL

  16. 采用自制小型柱塞式挤出装置研究了6种PVA改性体系的热塑加工性能。采用平板硫化机压膜,观察了不同体系的成膜性能。

    In this paper , the melt processability of PVA with different modifiers was studied by using self made ram extrusion apparatus .

  17. 公司主导产品四柱平板硫化机,主要用于EVA、PE发泡板、橡胶硫化及其他工业用橡胶制品的热压硫化。

    This machine is a down-pressed hydraulic with four legs , which mainly used for EVA and PE foaming , rubber vulcanization and other industry rubber products vulcanization with hot-press .

  18. 通过对该数学模型的离散化,应用ANSYS软件进行数值求解,得出国产电热平板硫化机热板的工作表面温度误差。

    With a discrete approach , its temperature field is calculated by application of ANSYS software , and then we obtain numerical solution concerning the temperature difference of working surface of home product .

  19. 以锯末和PVC胶粘剂为主要原料,用高速混合机制备了PVC/锯末塑木材料,并通过平板硫化机热压成型,制备出了新型的PVC/锯末塑木板材;

    PVC / sawdust plastics wood materials were prepared by using high speed mixer , with PVC and sawdust as raw materials , a novel PVC / sawdust plate was thus manufactured with platen vulcanizing heater .

  20. 试验结果表明,废旧垃圾袋的最佳成型工艺为:平板硫化机上下板预热温度为155℃,模具预热时间为8分钟,试块成型时间为4分钟,成型压力为3MPa。

    The result of the test indicates that the best shaping craft of the old and useless disposal bags is : preheating temperature : 155 ℃ , preheating time of mould : 8 minutes , shaping time : 4 minutes , the shaping pressure : 3MPa .

  21. 平板硫化机热板温度场的多元回归预测

    The multivariate regress forecast of platen tem . field of press

  22. 本公司专业生产橡胶注射机和平板硫化机。

    We are specialized in manufacturing rubber injection and compression press .

  23. 是一家专业生产平板硫化机的专业公司。

    Is a professional production of flat-panel curing the professional company .

  24. 平板剪切机剪切力的光电测定分析法

    Analysis of photoelectric hybridization measurement on shearing force for flat shear

  25. 平板硫化机温度控制系统研究与开发

    The Research and Development on Temperature Control System for Plate Vulcanization Machine

  26. IMN/400×400抽真空平板硫化机辅机结构设计

    Assistant Construction Designing About IMN / 400 × 400 Air Pumping Press

  27. 热板对四立柱式平板硫化机上横梁结构设计的影响

    Design Analysis for Structure of Upper Transom About Four Vertical Post Press

  28. 多元回归分析在电热式平板硫化机热板温度场中的应用

    Application of Multiple Regression Analysis to Platen Temperature Field of Electrical Press

  29. 全自动平板涂胶机的研制及应用

    The Development and Applications of Automatic Coater for Square Plate

  30. 平板烘干机工艺性能研究

    Study on the technical property of plate toasting machine