
cháng guī
  • convention;routine;practice;rule;groove;precedent;standard practice;common practice
常规 [cháng guī]
  • [routine;rule;convention] 经常实行的规矩或规定

  • 按照常规是用局部麻醉

常规[cháng guī]
  1. 所有新时尚都是从打破现有常规开始的。

    All new fashion starts out as a reaction against existing convention

  2. 依照常规,他在这种情况下应该辞职。

    Convention dictates that he should resign in such a situation .

  3. 她完成了一套常规动作,连汗都没出。

    She completed the routine without even working up a sweat .

  4. 申请科研补助金按常规应该怎么办?

    What 's the form when you apply for a research grant ?

  5. 这和一座常规的工业城市那种千篇一律的格局不一样。

    It did not conform to the usual stereotype of an industrial city .

  6. 这个错误是在一次常规检查中发现的。

    The fault was discovered during a routine check .

  7. 警察的工作主要都是按常规的。

    Police work is mainly routine .

  8. 这项卓越技术的清晰度比常规的X光高得多。

    This remarkable technology provides far greater clarity than conventional x-rays .

  9. 我要再次重申,我们的常规武器是一流的。

    I want to reiterate that our conventional weapons are superior .

  10. 常规液体里分子之间的键合力相对较弱。

    The molecules in regular liquids are held together by relatively weak bonds

  11. 他最后的一项改革是把常规军和预备役部队合为一体。

    His final reform was the fusion of regular and reserve forces .

  12. 即使是常规检查,兽医的收费也会相当高。

    Vets ' fees can be considerable , even for routine visits .

  13. 一些设有配备护理军官的常规诊所。

    Some have regular clinics staffed by nursing officers .

  14. 恕我直言,那听起来不太符合常规。

    It doesn 't sound exactly orthodox , if I may say so .

  15. 这个病是在做常规体检时查出来的。

    The disease was detected during a routine check-up .

  16. 泰勒再次一改常规地宣布英格兰队将在温布利球场进行训练。

    Taylor announced another departure from practice in that England will train at Wembley

  17. 他们在常规体检中发现了扩散性的癌变。

    They found invasive cancer during a routine examination .

  18. 我们这一不合常规的行为实际上着实让我们的一些一本正经的朋友吓了一大跳。

    Our unconventional behaviour did in fact shock some of our more straitlaced friends .

  19. 由一名护士做常规体检。

    Routine physicals are done by a nurse .

  20. 各代表签署了协议以减少欧洲的常规武器装备。

    Delegates signed a treaty to reduce the armouries of conventional weapons in Europe .

  21. 搭乘超音速飞机会成为21世纪常规的旅行方式。

    Supersonic flight could become a routine form of travel in the 21st century .

  22. 常规的按揭还款额既包含本金也包括利息。

    With a conventional repayment mortgage , the repayments consist of both capital and interest .

  23. 船停靠这个主要港口以装载其常规货物——香蕉。

    The boat calls at the main port to load its regular cargo of bananas .

  24. 当局已经同意免除跨境所需办理的常规手续。

    The authorities had agreed to waive normal requirements for permits to cross the border .

  25. 不幸的是,非常规武器已经带来难以收拾的局面。

    As for unconventional weapons , the genie is unfortunately already out of the bottle .

  26. 英国仍须保持核武器和常规武器的生产能力,以应对各种潜在威胁。

    Britain must still keep the nuclear and conventional capacity to deal with all conceivable threats .

  27. 我们必须通过控制核武器、化学武器和常规武器的数量来减少战争的危险。

    We must reduce the danger of war by controlling nuclear , chemical and conventional arms .

  28. 从根本上说,那是一架常规轰炸机,但是有许多有意思的创新。

    Fundamentally , it was a conventional bomber , but it had a number of interesting innovations .

  29. 持续伤病使得他很难保住在球队的常规主力位置。

    Constant injury problems had made it tough for him to hold down a regular first team place .

  30. 即使近期做过一次常规体检,也应当征求医生的意见。

    Even if you have had a regular physical check-up recently , you should still seek a medical opinion .