
  • the Greek;Hellenes
  1. 那个机灵的希腊人,行动既敏捷又早有提防,轻捷地跳到一边,凶猛利落地对准蛇头打去。

    Quick and watchful , the agile Greek leaped lightly aside , and struck so fell and dexterous a blow on the head of the snake .

  2. 他又是哪位希腊人Jimmy?

    Well , who 's he supposed to be , Jimmy the Greek ?

  3. 他搜遍了整个房子想要找到那两个希腊人。

    He had looked through the house for the two Greeks .

  4. 希腊人认为紫水晶可以防止人喝醉。

    Amethyst was believed by the Greeks to protect a person from drunkenness .

  5. 我倾向于认为古希腊人对此比我们了解的更多。

    I am inclined to think that the ancient Greeks understood this better than we do

  6. 旧时希腊人不把女人当人看。

    The Greeks treated women as subhuman

  7. 希腊人有丰富的文学遗产。

    The Greeks have a rich legacy of literature .

  8. 希腊人有许多神话故事。

    The Greeks had many myths .

  9. 我们是通过荷马的史诗和海希奥德的诗歌了解古希腊人的法律思想的。

    The legal conceptions of archaic age of the Greeks are known to us through the epic works of Homer and the poetry of hesiod .

  10. “在信仰方面,希腊人总是担自己会被局限住,”他说。

    " The Greeks are always concerned about boxing themselves in , in terms of convictions , " he says .

  11. 但是不同于现代将伊壁鸠鲁学说定乂为放纵和享乐主义,对于古希腊人来说,伊壁鸠鲁学说意味着寻找种宁静、平和以及精神放松的状态。

    But unlike the modern definition of Epicureanism as a life of indulgence and luxury , for the ancient Greeks , it meant finding a state of calm , peace and mental ease .

  12. 希腊人的古哲学妙处在于,他们倾向于用清晰而全面的视角看待生活,而我们今天往往不这样做了。

    The nice thing about ancient philosophy as offered by the Greeks is that they tended to see life clear and whole , in a way that we tend not to see life today .

  13. 大约2500年前,希腊人发现了自由。

    Some 2,500 years ago Greece discovered freedom .

  14. 后来,希腊人以其文学和科学闻名,但他们的“书”看起来与今天的书大不相同。

    Later , the Greeks were well-known for their literatureand science , but their " books " looked very different from the books of today .

  15. 古希腊人在打仗前用羊和小牛作祭品。

    The ancient Greeks sacrificed lambs or calves before engaging in battle .

  16. 她是该国最大的奢侈品进口商之一NotosCom旗下百货商店部门的首席执行官。不过,希腊人对本国政界非常怀疑,不相信他们有能力降服工会和卡特尔,并实现承诺。

    But Greeks deeply doubt the ability of their politicians to face down the unions and cartels and deliver .

  17. 许多希腊人,例如雅典居民NicholaosSofos说,希腊已经容纳不下更多的新来者。

    Many Greeks , like Athens resident Nicholaos Sofos , say the country cannot accommodate any more newcomers .

  18. Sikania其最古老的民族,对古希腊人来说,西西里就是Sikelia,柏拉图的乌托邦社会。

    Sikania to its most ancient peoples , Sicily was Sikelia , Plato 's utopian society , to the ancient Greeks .

  19. 受害者的列表包括在美国的Anasazi,西南、玛雅、维京、迈锡尼希腊人和新月、印度河流域、大津巴布韦和吴哥窟的居民。

    S.Southwest , the Maya , the Greenland Norse , Mycenaean Greeks and inhabitants of the Fertile Crescent , the Indus Valley , Great Zimbabwe and Angkor Wat .

  20. 根据一家中间偏左翼的报纸《ToVima》最近发布的调查,在22到35岁的希腊人中,每10个人里,就有4个人在积极地寻找海外的工作机会。

    According to a recent survey published by to VIMA , a left-of-center newspaper , four out of 10 Greek college graduates from the ages of 22 to 35 are actively seeking jobs abroad .

  21. 正如希腊人所指出的,债务减免是正常的做法。

    As the Greeks point out , debt relief is normal .

  22. 在两天内希腊人让他们付出了惨痛的代价。

    For two days the Greeks made them pay so dearly .

  23. 他是个希腊人,你们知道他吗。

    Who was greek , in case you don 't know .

  24. 希腊人说它是被上帝发明的。

    The Greeks said that it was invented by the gods .

  25. 目前,有一家希腊人住着这套房子。

    A Greek family is occupying the apartment at the moment .

  26. 希腊人把这些都落视为邪恶的化身。

    The Greeks saw these tribes as the incarnation of evil .

  27. 古希腊人也非常喜欢喝葡萄酒。

    Wine was also a popular drink among the ancient greeks .

  28. 我也不能像那位希腊人文章流畅。

    Nor can I , like that fluent sweet tongued greek .

  29. 希腊人围攻特洛伊城历时十年。

    For ten years the Greeks besieged the city of Troy .

  30. 罗马剧场建在水泥浇筑的高台上,希腊人建在山上;

    What 's the difference between Roman theater and Greece theater ?