
  • 网络BROWN;Brown University;Alpert
  1. 布朗大学的研究人员发现,大脑左半球的网络比右半球的网络“更为活跃”。

    Researchers from Brown University found that a network in the left hemisphere of the brain " remained more active " than the network in the right side of the brain .

  2. 布朗大学的尤佳·佐木和她的同事们开始探寻这一效应的起源。

    Yuka Sasaki and her colleagues at Brown University set out to investigate the origins of this effect .

  3. 为了更深入的研究,她的团队观察了35位健康的人在布朗大学心理科学系这一陌生环境的睡眠状态。

    To take a closer look , her team studied 35 healthy people as they slept in the unfamiliar environment of the university 's Department of Psychological Sciences .

  4. 布朗大学医学院睡眠研究员玛丽·卡斯卡顿博士说:"越来越多的孩子睡觉时开着电视,不睡觉的机会增加了,用在家庭作业、互联网和手机上的时间增加了。"。

    " More children are going to bed with TVs on , and there are more opportunities to stay awake , with more homework , the Internet and the phone , " says Dr . Mary Carskadon , a sleep researcher at Brown University Medical School .

  5. 布朗大学的《当代生物学》杂志报道了这一关于睡眠的发现。

    The sleep findings were reported in Current Biology by Brown University .

  6. 很多人都这样。现在来自罗德岛布朗大学的研究人员认为他们知道原因了。

    Lots of people do . And now researchers from Brown University in Rhode Island think they know why .

  7. 美国布朗大学公共卫生学院院长阿施施·杰哈上周将德尔塔毒株称为“迄今为止见过的传染性最强的变种毒株”。

    Ashish Jha , the dean of the Brown University 's school of public health in the US , last week called the Delta variant " the most contagious variant we 've seen so far " .

  8. 本文作者是布朗大学(Brownuniversity)政治学教授

    The writer is professor of political science at Brown University

  9. 他拥有布朗大学(BrownUniversity)英语文学文科学士学位。

    He holds a Bachelor of Arts in English literature from Brown University .

  10. summer,布朗大学是世界上的顶级学府之一。

    Summer , Brown is one of the top universities in the world .

  11. 他曾就读于布朗大学(brownuniversity),是橄榄球队成员,然后去了法学院。

    He attended Brown University , where he played rugby , before going to law school .

  12. 但是在普罗维登斯市的布朗大学(BrownUniversity),三名研究生却创立了一个有关睡眠不足的公司。

    But three grad students at Brown University in Providence built a company around sleep deprivation .

  13. 排名最高的常春藤盟校是布朗大学(Brown),排在第45名。

    The highest-ranked Ivy was Brown , at No. 45 .

  14. 露丝·西蒙斯(RuthSimmons),前史密斯学院和布朗大学(BrownUniversity)校长

    Ruth Simmons , former president of Smith College and Brown University

  15. 本文作者系美国布朗大学(Brownuniversity)国际关系与社会科学SolGoldmanTrust教授

    The author is Sol Goldman Trust Professor of International Studies and the Social Sciences , Brown University

  16. 委员会主席、布朗大学(BrownUniversity)的罗伯特·J·史密斯(RobertJ.Smith)博士呼吁在更大范围内提供这种药物。

    The group 's chairman , Dr. Robert J. Smith of Brown University , argued for broader availability of the drugs .

  17. 本文作者是美国布朗大学(brownuniversity)历史学名誉退休教授,著有《总统们》(thepresidents)一书,该书最近由企鹅出版社(penguin)修订出版

    The writer is emeritus professor of history at Brown University and author of the presidents , recently revised and published by Penguin

  18. 我以为你想进布朗大学而Blair想进耶鲁

    Lily : Thought you wanted to go to Brown and Blair wanted to go to Yale .

  19. 卡尔·凯索(CarlF.Kaestle)是布朗大学(BrownUniversity)教育、历史与公共政策学教授。

    Carl F.Kaestle is a professor of education , history , and public policy at Brown University .

  20. RoseMcDermott是罗德岛布朗大学政治心理学家。

    Rose McDermott is a political psychologist at Brown University in Providence , Rhode Island .

  21. 昆仑鸿星将由迪吉特·墨菲(DigitMurphy)担任教练,她担任过CWHL的波士顿刀锋队(BostonBlades)和布朗大学队(BrownUniversity)的教练。

    Kunlun Red Star will be coached by Digit Murphy , who formerly led the C.W.H.L. " s Boston Blades and Brown University .

  22. 因此,脑癌发病率未见上升,实际上反而“令人心安”,布朗大学(BrownUniversity)教授、《美国流行病杂志》(BrownUniversity)的前任编辑大卫•萨维兹表示。

    Thus the lack of any uptick in brain cancers is " comforting , " says David Savitz , a brown university professor and former editor of the American Journal of epidemiology .

  23. 布朗大学的弗农•亨德森、亚当•斯德瑞亚德和大卫•威尔在一份新的工作报告中建议利用采自太空的数据来分析GDP的变化。

    In a new working paper , Vernon Henderson , Adam Storeygard and David Weil of Brown University suggest an alternative source of data : outer space .

  24. 和许多同龄人一样,马特也想争取常春藤:他的目标是耶鲁、普林斯顿(Princeton)或布朗大学(Brown)。

    Matt , like many of his peers , was shooting for the Ivies : in his case , Yale , Princeton or Brown .

  25. 2001年成为布朗大学(brownuniversity)校长的鲁思西蒙斯(ruthsimmons)表示,大学之间的竞争推动了性别的平衡。

    Ruth Simmons , who became president of Brown University in 2001 , suggested that rivalry between the universities was spurring the drive to gender balance .

  26. 布朗大学的理事长VartanGregorian表示,

    says Brown University President Vartan Gregorian .

  27. 去年秋天,时任纽约市警察局长的雷o凯利曾到访布朗大学(BrownUniversity),而且他的这次露面要比拉加德和赖斯低调得多,但他还是在学生的起哄声中离去——学生的这种行为显然有悖于布朗大学的规定。

    Just last fall , then-New York City police chief Ray Kelly was heckled out of the room at Brown University during a much lower-profile appearance , in clear violation of the university 's code that prohibits such behavior .

  28. JohnDonoghue是布朗大学与美国退伍军事事务所的神经科学家,他也参与了这个项目。

    John Donoghue is a neuroscientist with Brown University and the Department of Veterans Affairs . He also was part of the project .

  29. 布朗大学的社会学家约翰•洛根(JohnLogan)认为,曼哈顿政策研究所的这份报告高估了实际情况,社会隔离的现象仍然十分普遍。

    Still , John Logan , a Brown University sociologist , thinks the Manhattan Institute 's assessment is over the top . Segregation is still pervasive , he reckons .

  30. 当JackieGiovanniello今年从布朗大学毕业时,她推迟直接进入医学院。

    CHRISTINE ROMANS , CNN CORRESPONDENT : When Jackie Giovanniello graduated from Brown University this year , she put off going straight to medical school .