
shì zhèng
  • municipal administration
市政 [shì zhèng]
  • [municipal administration] 城市的各项行政管理工作

  • 市政建设

市政[shì zhèng]
  1. AutoCAD技术在市政工程系列图成图上的应用

    The Usage of Technology Auto CAD In Producing A Series of Maps for Municipal Administration

  2. 政府市政建设行为法律控制思考

    Research on the Legal Controlling of Government Municipal Administration Construction Act

  3. 对于如此规模的一个城镇来说,其市政设施堪称一流。

    The facilities are excellent for a town that size .

  4. 市政会在住宅项目上投入了大量资金。

    The council has committed large amounts of money to housing projects .

  5. 他声称整个事件都被市政会一手捂住了。

    He claimed that the whole affair had been hushed up by the council .

  6. 市政会手中无权,对此无能为力。

    The council was too weak to do anything about it .

  7. 市政会委员说塑料框架的窗户让这个社区掉份儿了。

    Councillors say plastic-framed windows lower the tone of the neighbourhood .

  8. 阿曼达耍手段在市政部门给罗宾找了份差事。

    Amanda had wangled a job for Robyn with the council .

  9. 这里的市政当局正准备实施食物配给制度。

    The municipal authorities here are preparing for food rationing .

  10. 市政税在明年4月将取代人头税。

    The council tax replaces the poll tax next April .

  11. 一部分租金由市政委员会支付。

    A proportion of the rent is met by the city council .

  12. 市政委员会几乎一致投票表示赞同。

    The city council has voted almost unanimously in favour .

  13. 市政委员会未批准这一游行示威。

    The town council had refused permission for the march .

  14. 警察正在调查市政办公室机密档案被盗一案。

    Police are investigating the disappearance from council offices of confidential files .

  15. 市政当局批准了这次游行。

    The municipal authorities gave the go-ahead for the march .

  16. 市政会已拒绝批准游行示威。

    The town council has refused permission for the march .

  17. 乔丹承诺在不减少基本服务的前提下,缩减市政预算。

    Jordan promised to trim the city budget without cutting essential services .

  18. 3,000名市政官员齐聚国会山,为筹集更多的款项进行游说。

    3,000 city officials descended on Capitol Hill to lobby for more money

  19. 市政会成员应对推选他们的人负责。

    Councils should be answerable to the people who elect them

  20. 领取收入补贴的人不必缴纳市政税。

    People on income support do not have to pay council tax .

  21. 车在市政大厅前靠边并排停下了。

    The car pulled in and double-parked in front of the town hall .

  22. 数百万房主都有资格申请新的市政税优惠。

    Millions of householders are eligible to claim the new council tax benefit .

  23. 市长在一次正式的市政招待会上给他颁发了一枚金质奖章。

    The mayor presented him with a gold medal at an official city reception

  24. 市政会的做法属于失职。

    The Council had acted in a negligent manner .

  25. 市政委员会表示关切是合情合理呢,还是反应过激?

    Is the council right to be concerned , or is it overreacting ?

  26. 教育占地方市政会全部开支的三分之二。

    Education comprises two-thirds of all local council spending .

  27. 市政官员刚刚决定同意建立一座新体育馆。

    The city fathers have just given final approval to a new stadium .

  28. 斯卡伯勒市政会在今年早些时候委托地质专家对这些悬崖进行勘测。

    Scarborough Council commissioned geological experts earlier this year to survey the cliffs .

  29. 全国各地的市政住房租户正在计划组建一个大的议会游说团。

    Council tenants around the country are planning a mass lobby of Parliament .

  30. 因为没有支付租金,她已经收到了市政会发给她的驱逐令。

    She has received an eviction order from the council for non-payment of rent .