
  1. 经营者作为市场经营主体应发挥基础性作用;

    As the operate-main bo dy , operator must play a basic role .

  2. 嘉兴市种子市场经营主体现状与发展对策

    Present Situation and Countermeasures of the Main Management Body of Seed Market in Jiaxing

  3. 杭州市种子管理体制改革后市场经营主体现状及发展对策

    Status and Development Countermeasures of Market Main Body of Hangzhou County After Seed Management System Reformed

  4. 作为唯一市场经营主体的烟草商业企业,其市场竞争程度也日趋激烈。

    As a single market operator , the tobacco business company is faced with fierce competition .

  5. 书院文化旅游发展问题既是文化问题又是经济问题,涉及到地方政府、书院文化资产所有者、市场经营主体、书院周边居民以及旅游者之间的复杂关系。

    It relates to the complex relationship between local government , business entities , the academy of nearby residents and tourists .

  6. 市场经营主体的差异,造成不同类型不同层次的市场设计侧重点的不同。

    The focus of market design can be various as in different types , which are defined by the variety of business entities .

  7. 二者似乎同时指向了一个结论,即市场经营主体之间的替代关系会对经济绩效产生明显的影响。

    Both of them seem to point to a same conclusion , which is substitute relation between main bodies of market will have significant impact on economic performance .

  8. 它以农产品交易为核心,政府、市场经营主体、生产者、消费者等多种行为主体参与并相互作用的组织方式。

    It is also an organization mode joined by the government , market management entities , producers , and consumers , with the core of agricultural product trade .

  9. 随着国内保险市场经营主体的不断增加,作为服务行业之一的保险业其市场竞争的激烈程度日渐加剧,保险市场逐渐从传统粗放型向集约精细化方向转变。

    Because the number of main body was increased in local insurance market , competition is more and more intense in the insurance market , which is one of the service businesses .

  10. 随后,对国内外市场经营主体的登记体制进行了对比,并对监管无照经营的法律适用和部门职责进行了分析;

    Subsequently , this report compares registration rules for market operation 's main part in domestic and foreign countries , meanwhile it analyzes the legal evidences and duties for supervising business without legal license .

  11. 内部动力主体包括市场经营主体和市场组织主体,外部动力主体包括政府、支撑产业、第三部门和城市。

    There are the market operators and market organizer in internal system ; on the other hand , the government , the support industry , the third sector and the city are external of the system .

  12. 商号权和商标权,同属于重要的知识产权,是市场经营主体的重要无形资产,受到各国的立法保护。

    Part of important intellectual properties , the right of trade name and the right of trademark are all key intangible assets of a company , which are protected by every individual nation in the world .

  13. 股份制改造后的银行作为市场经营主体,必然会要求按照公司治理结构来进行管理,按现代企业制度要求进行规范。

    As a market operation main body , the banks that were transformed with share equity system inevitably require to manage them in accordance to corporate governance structure and normalize them in accordance to modern business system .

  14. 同时,保险市场经营主体迅速增加,目前,共有全国性保险公司53家,中介机构162家,从业人员120多万人,一个充满竞争的保险市场体系基本形成。

    Besides , there are more and more operators of the insurance market . At present , there are 53 insurance companies , 162 intermediaries , and 1,200,000 employees in the whole country . A competitive insurance market has taken primary shape .

  15. 横向的比较研究,选择以日本和德国为比较对象,二者均是赶超型工业化国家,而且政府发挥的作用都较大,但是市场经营主体都依靠民营企业,极有说服力。

    In this kind of lateral comparative study , we will choose Japan and Germany as our comparative object , because both of them are overtaking-model industrial countries and the governments ' role is big , but the market operators rely on private enterprises .

  16. 但是,长期以来道路运输市场经营主体多、企业规模小、运输组织松散、竞争能力和抗风险能力弱、市场集中度低等市场结构性问题严重影响了道路运输业可持续、健康发展。

    However , road transport has long been the main market operators , small scale enterprises , transportation loosely organized and its competitiveness and ability to resist risks weak , the market concentration of low market structural problems seriously affect the road transport industry sustainable and healthy development .

  17. 企业作为补农的实施主体,同时也是市场经营主体,其主要功能是通过商品和要素交易促进农民收入增长、提升农业和农村的现代化水平。

    Enterprise as a implementation body for " subsidizing and developing agriculture ", and the main market operators , its main functions is to promote growth of the income of the farmers and enhance the modernization level of agriculture and the rural through the transaction the goods and elements .

  18. 市场经营新主体&民营经济论略

    On new market management main body & the cultivation of privately-owned enterprise

  19. 这部分农户已逐渐转向专业化生产,普遍成为参与市场经营的主体,其经济活动以及所生产的产品全部卷入市场交易。

    These farmers is on the way of professional production , participating as the mainbody in market management , accordingly their economic activities and products are to be involved in market transaction .

  20. 我们应完善监管约束机制,加强对市场经济的经营主体规范和监管。

    We should perfect the system of supervising and controlling , intensify the standardization and supervision of market managing subject .

  21. 农户难以成为真正参与市场竞争的经营主体的事实,制约着农户生产效率的提升。

    The fact that farmers can not become the business entities participating the market competition actually restricts the increase of efficiency of farm production .

  22. 证券公司是证券市场上的经营主体,其在证券市场运行中,起到十分重要作用。

    Securities Company is one of the operating subjects in the securities market , which plays a very important role in the securities market operation .

  23. 商标是区分不同商品或服务来源的标记,而商号是区分市场上不同经营主体的标记。

    Trademark is a symbol used to distinguish one product or service from others while trade name is a symbol used to distinguish one trade entity from the others .

  24. 文章系统分析了农产品出口的商品结构、地区结构、市场结构以及出口经营主体结构的特征与变化。

    The paper systematically analyzes the feature and changes of agro-products export in terms of commodities type , regional distribution , market distribution and major exporters .

  25. 市场商品多样化,经营主体多元化,营销方式多样化,流通渠道网络化,并向着全球化的方向迅速发展。

    There are diversify Commodities and the multiplicative merchants in the market , and the marketing way are diversified , the way of circulation is operated like network , and the market is developing to the global direction rapidly .

  26. 通过对校内市场垄断经营及产权主体单一的经济学分析指出:所有权束缚、官僚化的制度环境、企业制度和企业文化的缺失是后勤实体经济效率低下的主要原因。

    The analysis of economy in monopolized management within campus and solo subject of property right argues that the main cause to low economic efficiency in service entity is restrain of ownership , institutional environment of bureaucracy and lacks of business system and business culture .

  27. 在第五章中,分析与市场主体信用紧密相关的各类市场主体&政府、消费者、市场经营主体、媒体等在食品经营主体信用监管中所起的作用和担当的角色。

    In chapter V , the roles and functions of market players-government , consumers , market operators are analyzed , which is closely related to the credit supervision of food proprietor .

  28. 在现代市场经济竞争日趋激烈的情况下,市场主体尤其是市场中的经营主体为了实现自身的经济效益,常常以牺牲劳动者利益为代价,做出违反法律法规要求的行为。

    Modern market economy is full of increasingly competition , market players , especially the operation of the main market in order to achieve their own economic benefits , often at the expense of the cost of workers and violate the laws and regulations require .

  29. 本文的论点就是从市场经济的角度分析,水产品批发市场存在这些日益突出的问题主要是由于市场经营管理主体的经营策略失误和缺乏有效的物流规划造成的。

    From the perspective of market economy , the thesis analyzes the increasingly extruding problems and blame to the mistaken operation strategy and inefficient logistics programming for market operating objects .