
  1. 她刚刚从欧莱雅(L'Oréal)英国分公司调到总部,成为亚太地区高级市场经理。

    She had just moved from L'Or é al UK to the company headquarters to become senior marketing manager for Asia-Pacific .

  2. 他是IBMRational软件的高级系统市场经理,自1995年以来,曾担任过与Rational软件相关的各种职位。

    He is a senior systems market manager for IBM Rational software and has worked with Rational software in various roles since 1995 .

  3. AliceVerslus是这种机器的市场经理。

    Alice Verslus is their marketing manager .

  4. PhilVogel是IBMRational品牌内部的世界市场经理,对金融服务部门的发展负责。

    Phil Vogel is the worldwide market manager responsible for financial services sector solutions within the IBM Rational brand .

  5. 企业投入了大量精力用于开发新产品,正如飞利浦公司美容市场经理大卫希尔(DavidHill)所说那样,这些投入带来的不仅仅是闪光灯。

    Great effort is invested in developing products that , as Philips ' grooming marketing manager David Hill puts it , offer more than just extra flashing lights .

  6. 政治活动家兼谷歌中东市场经理WaelGhonim在Facebook网站发帖,是关于埃及军方首脑和年轻代表间的会议的。

    Activist and Google executive Wael Ghonim has posted notes on Facebook from a meeting between military chiefs and youth representatives .

  7. 吉姆·多蒂,苏威高性能塑料公司的一位市场经理,谈到在发动机的空气感应系统中正在用诸如AMODELPPA等材料来代替铝。

    Jim Doty , a marketing manager at Solvay Advanced Polymers , cites applications in an engine 's air-induction system where materials such as AMODEL PPA are replacing aluminium .

  8. 美国国际棉花协会的国际市场经理StephanieThiers-Ratcliffe是该项调查的发起人,她表示:从一个人对衣服颜色的选择你就能看出很多东西。

    Stephanie Thiers-Ratcliffe , International Marketing Manager for Cotton USA , which commissioned the study , said : ' You can tell a lot about someone by the colour they wear .

  9. 辉瑞公司的首席市场经理PierreGaudreault说道,“勃起功能障碍问题并不会给生活造成威胁,但是它会影响到人们的心理和身体健康,甚至影响到家庭的幸福。”

    Pierre Gaudreault , chief marketing officer in China for Pfizer , the manufacturer of Viagra , said , " The problem of erectile dysfunction is not life-threatening , but will affect people 's mental and physical health , or even the happiness of their family . "

  10. 花旗集团负责英国和希腊事务的全球市场经理彼得•查林顿(PeterCharrington)解释说:你可能会碰到这样的客户,他不想要我们银行的产品。这与客观性和勤勉尽职有关。

    " You may sit with a client who does not want a single product of the bank 's. It 's about objectivity and it 's about due diligence ," explains Peter Charrington , global market manager for the UK and Greece for Citigroup .

  11. 现在零售是对于购物者来说一个低消费的选择,并且这个公司从衣服到家用器皿都有销售。然而这一切都是因为CarolMeyrowitz.在掌管化学工业之后,Kullman在1988年成为市场经理,2008年成为董事长,最后在2009年成为CEO。

    Retail industry is now defined as a platform for low-cost options to the shoppers offering everything from clothing to housewares - this happened because of Carol Meyrowitz . Ruling the Chemical industry , Kullman joined DuPont in 1988 at the post of a marketing manager , later she became the president in 2008 and finally the CEO in 2009

  12. 按照新的条例,3000美元的折扣一半来自政府,另一半来自生产商。虽然不能完全解决汽车行业面临的问题,一部分人,比如丰田汽车的市场经理JonPollock却认为该项目能够起到帮助作用。

    Under the deal , half of the $ 3000 discount comes from the government , the other half comes from the car And while it may not solve all of the problems facing the industry today , people like Jon Pollock , the marketing manager of Toyota G.B. say it is a program that will help .

  13. 您认为一个好的市场经理应该具备什么素质?

    What do you think will make a good Marketing Manager ?

  14. 我觉得一个好的市场经理必须有很强的组织能力。

    I think a good Marketing Manager must be very organized .

  15. 我在一家皮革公司做市场经理。

    I 'm a market manager in a leather company .

  16. 于是我选择了离职,接受了另一个市场经理的职位。

    So I quit and took another job as a marketing manager .

  17. 京晶:我们这边招聘的职位是市场经理。

    The position we have open is for marketing manager .

  18. 这是宋先生,我们公司的市场经理。

    Song , the marketing manager of our company .

  19. 那个「非常高级」的市场经理今早又再来电。

    That very senior " marketing " man call me again this morning .

  20. Just-Eat网站市场经理阿什·阿里说:

    Ash Ali , Marketing Manager of Just-Eat.co.uk said ,

  21. 笔者目前就职于某跨国通信公司在中国的独资公司,任通信网络设备市场经理。

    I am a core network market manager in a foreign telecommunication equipment company .

  22. 在送到市场经理那里之前,科长们可能会再整理一下。

    They 'll probably sort them a bit more before they go to the marketing manager .

  23. 我们公司正在物色一位资深的市场经理来领导一组客户代表。

    Our company is seeking an experienced marketing manager to lead a team of account executives .

  24. 和我交谈的一个市场经理对他和他的同事的观点相当坦率…

    one of the marketing managers I spoke to was quite open about his and his colleagues ' views ...

  25. 大汽车制造商的市场经理承认其新目标在于为品牌创造激情。

    Marketing executives from the major carmakers agree that their new focus is on creating more passion for their brands .

  26. 小组成员采访了菜农,批发商,市场经理,商贩和上海市农业委员会的官员们。

    Team members interviewed farmers , wholesalers , market managers and vendors , and officials at the Shanghai Municipal Agricultural Commission .

  27. 亲爱的张先生,你发来接受市场经理一职的确认函,真是太细心了。

    Dear Mr. Zhang , You are so considerate to send us a confirmation of your acceptance of the position of marketing manager .

  28. 张林敬上亲爱的张先生,我们收到你4月14日的邮件,表示愿意接受市场经理一职。

    Yours sincerely , Zhang Lin Dear Mr. Zhang , We acknowledge your mail of April 14 , accepting the position of marketing manager .

  29. 我变得更加细致耐心,而且善于沟通。黄元华说,她现在IT行业担任市场经理。

    I become more patient and careful , and good at communicating , said Huang , who now works as a marketing manager in IT .

  30. 他们理应骄傲地宣布“正担任某主办单位市场经理的某某先生或某某小姐是我们学院的毕业生。”

    They should be able to say with pride : " Mr'x'or Miss'y'who is now marketing manager of'z'organisers is a graduate of our college . "