
  • Marketing;Marketing Promotion;Market promotion
  1. 这个公司在市场推广方面开支过多。

    The company has overspent on marketing .

  2. 整合营销传播在SG胶囊市场推广中的应用研究

    Study on the Application of IMC in the Marketing of SG Capsule

  3. 有报道说,有3家公司在洽谈这种药的市场推广。

    There were reports that three companies were negotiating to market the drug .

  4. 最新一期《消费者研究杂志》发表的一份研究显示,一种被市场推广人员称为“左位数效应”的现象很大程度上影响人们购物时的决定。

    A new study , published in the latest issue of the Journal of Consumer Research , shows that an occurrence known by marketers as the ? " left-digit effect " drastically influences the choices that people make while buying various items .

  5. 研制成功基于PLC的中小型食品杀菌设备,有良好的市场推广应用价值。

    The system has good market value for development and application .

  6. 几周前在一次采访中,移动支付公司Square的首席运营官基思•拉伯斯表示,该公司计划开始积极进行市场推广。

    In an interview several weeks ago , square coo Keith rabois said that the company plans to start marketing itself aggressively .

  7. 通过对节节康保健食品失效的营销渠道的分析,总结出适合AA公司的营销渠道模式,并在进一步的市场推广中进行实施与验证。

    The paper summarize marketing channel model of AA enterprise , and put into effect .

  8. HR管理世界为人力资源经理提供资讯,并为服务供应商提供综合的市场推广服务。

    We provide professional and abundant information for HR managers and complete marketing promotion for the service suppliers .

  9. 但是,有些项目是其他项目的子项目,EclipseFoundation的市场推广当中并没有突出所有的项目。

    However , some are subprojects that are rolled up into projects , and not all projects are highlighted in the Eclipse Foundation 's marketing push .

  10. CBA职业联赛品牌的形成及其市场推广经营策略

    Brand Forming and Marketing Strategy of Professional League CBA

  11. 客服专员将和漂在北京网站的CEO及市场推广总监紧密合作,为该网站的客户及会员提供服务支持。

    The Service Coordinator will work closely with WLIB'sCEO and marketing director to provide service support to WLIB 's clients and users .

  12. 苹果公司将把HBO的服务作为自己产品和服务的一部分进行市场推广,其中也包括苹果自己的电视产品。

    Apple will market the HBO service as part of its offerings , including its Apple TV product .

  13. 国产化CBL裂解技术及其市场推广

    Local CBL cracking technology and market promotion

  14. 你在苹果的时候并不负责市场推广,但作为Nest公司的首席执行官,你知道自己必须具备市场推广的能力,对吧?

    At Apple , you weren 't responsible for marketing , but as CEO of Nest you knew that needed to be in your toolkit , right ?

  15. 总的来说,3G作为新的移动上网技术潜力巨大,推广者要做好采纳者特征的调查,不断完善3G技术,提出更有针对性的市场推广策略,才能推动3G技术的持续发展。

    In order to impulse the persistent development of 3G , spreaders should investigate the characteristics of adopters , improve the 3G technology constantly , and bring forward appropriate promotion strategies .

  16. 鉴于,当事人计划让公司在美国从事H产品的市场推广、分销及销售,以及可能随时决定的其他活动。

    WHEREAS , the parties intend the Corporation to be engaged in the marketing , distribution and sale of H product in the United States and in such other activities as may be decided from time to time ;

  17. 但最大的一个原因可能还是因为PNC金融服务集团在2009年推出了一项市场推广活动,大举宣扬其LEED认证分支机构的绿色环保。

    The biggest factor , however , is probably that PNC launched a marketing campaign in 2009 that trumpeted its LEED branches ' greenness .

  18. 在加州,法律允许超市销售葡萄酒,于是罗伯特•蒙达维(RobertMondavi)酒庄的市场推广人员雇佣中年家庭主妇站在店里的试喝摊位旁边。

    In California , where laws allowed wine to be sold in supermarkets , Robert Mondavi 's marketers hired middle-age housewives to stand at in-store tasting booths .

  19. 神州电信作为此项业务价值链的主导者,通过有效的市场推广和宣传,此项业务会取得市场的成功,并为即将到来的3G业务竞争积累丰富的经验,占据竞争优势。

    As the value chain leader and organizer , we believe the mobile video service will successes on the market by effective market promotion . In addition , this service will accumulate valuable operating experience for the forthcoming 3G business .

  20. 90年代末,摩根大通(jpmorgan)的一个团队在开发信用衍生品时,其市场推广资料中最喜欢用的一个术语是,这些衍生品会促进“市场完善”或者说更加完美的自由市场。

    When a team at JPMorgan developed credit derivatives in the late 1990s , a favourite buzzword in their market literature was that these derivatives would promote " market completion " or more perfect free markets .

  21. 自美国司法部在2012年因市场推广违规开出30亿美元的天价罚单以来,安伟杰试图将GSK塑造为道德改革的领头羊。

    He has tried to cast GSK as a leader in ethical reforms since it was hit with a record $ 3bn DoJ fine for marketing abuses in 2012 .

  22. 介绍了CBL裂解技术的开发过程、特点及应用情况。并介绍了在CBL裂解技术的市场推广过程中所进行的工作以及CBL裂解技术的发展。

    The article represents the localization process of CBL cracking technology , introduces the market promotion and the help of the related endusers and authorities during the process development .

  23. 该装载仿真演示系统与UG的集成环境有机地结合在一起,界面友好,应用于整车物流企业实际装载运作指导和市场推广演示。

    This simulation system , with a kind user interface , is organically combined with the integrated environment of UG . It is also very useful in market demonstration and has a valuable practical and directive significance in finished vehicle logistics .

  24. 西北区域Getac产品销售及市场推广。

    Northwest area Getac product sale and marketing .

  25. 对传统媒体公司而言,一方面是YouTube的市场推广和广告宣传潜力,能使传媒公司接触到大量新的受众,另一方面是其耗费巨资制作的内容需要保护。他们必须在两者之间进行权衡。

    Traditional media companies must balance the promotional and advertising potential of YouTube , which allows them to reach vast new audiences , against the need to protect material on which they have spent millions of dollars creating .

  26. 新加坡的HBO亚洲分部将为梦工厂频道提高衍生产品销售、市场推广和技术支持。

    HBO Asia , based in Singapore , will manage affiliate sales , marketing and technical services for the DreamWorks Channel , which could be introduced to audiences as soon as June of next year , the studio said .

  27. 实际上,在医药、食品、日化等消费品行业的中小型企业的市场推广过程中,也有不少自发性或者自觉性地应用IMC的例子。

    In fact , there are many cases of IMC applications spontaneously or conscientiously in the marketing process of small / medium-sized enterprises in trade of consumer goods such as Pharmaceuticals , foods , household and personal care chemicals .

  28. 作为创建网络社区以帮助市场推广者洞察消费者需求的先行者,赫森在1999年联合创办了Communispace公司。

    A pioneer in creating online communities to help marketers gain consumer insights , hessan co-founded communispace in 1999 .

  29. 本网关快速实现了EIB协议与其他协议相互转换,同时具有EIB总线监测功能,具有良好的市场推广意义及应用前景。

    This EIB gateway quickly achieved the EIB protocol conversion between the other protocols . And it also has the function of EIB bus monitoring . It has a good sense of marketing and applications .

  30. Subsys是Insys公司的唯一一款知名产品,鉴于这种药的使用是受到严格限制的,该公司激进的市场推广手法显得尤为引人注目;

    The aggressive marketing of Subsys , the company 's only brand-name product , is especially remarkable , given that its use is highly restricted ;