
  • 网络market surplus
  1. 对于通信市场来说,剩余客户市场逐渐缩小。

    For the communication market , the remaining customer market is gradually narrowing .

  2. 供给曲线以上和价格以下的面积衡量市场的生产者剩余。

    The area below the price and above the supply curve measures the producer surplus in a market .

  3. 有了配额,市场的总剩余减少了,减少的量是无谓损失。

    With a quota , total surplus in the market decreases by an amount referred to as a deadweight loss .

  4. 股票市场便于拥有剩余资金的投资者投资于股票市场并取得盈利,这类似于公司通过股票、债券和其他任何类型的证券来募集所需资本。

    Share markets facilitate investors with excess funds to invest them in a profitable way as well as for companies to raise their capital requirements through shares , debentures and any other type of securities .

  5. 社会主义市场经济条件下剩余价值的探讨

    On Surplus Value Under Socialist Market Economy System

  6. 建立开放统一的劳动力市场,为农村剩余劳动力创造公平的就业机会;

    Providing equal work opportunity for the extra work force in countryside by creating a opening work force market ;

  7. 社会主义市场经济是否存在剩余价值,这不只是一个重大的理论问题。

    It is an important theoretical issue whether on not there is surplus value under the socialist market economy system .

  8. 在实际的分配过程中,市场负责部分合作剩余的分配。剩下的合作剩余,经济权利和义务,以及机会都需要组织按照计划来分配。

    In the actual distribution process , market mechanism deals with the distribution of a part of cooperation surplus and planning mechanism deals with the rest of objects of economic distribution .

  9. 并且采用适合我国市场特点的有限剩余收益估价模型估算了我国上市公司的权益资本成本即因变量。

    To compute prospective cost of capital ( the dependent variable ), I adopted the finite horizons version of the residual income model , which is considered to suit to our market 's character .

  10. 基于浙江电力市场,利用系统剩余容量百分比和平均上网电价的关系曲线,分析了在不同的竞价负荷情况下平均电价与价格上限的关系。

    Based on Zhejiang electricity market , the relation between average price and price cap in the different increase rates of bidding load is analyzed with the relation curve of SCP and average generation price .

  11. 要通过劳动立法和社会保障立法,创造一个有效和公平的环境,加快形成城乡统一的劳动力市场,为农业剩余劳动力的转移创造条件。

    Furthermore , through labor legislation and special social security legislation , efficient and fair conditions will be created which will promote the formation of a unified urban-and - rural labor market and provide good conditions for surplus labor transfer .

  12. 在市场经济条件下,政府规制仅仅是市场竞争的剩余。

    Under the condition of the market economy , government regulation is only the remainder of market competition .