
  • 网络DOWNTOWN;Midtown
  1. 2005年上海市中心区高架道路运行状况评价

    Appraisal of Shanghai Downtown Viaduct Operation in 2005

  2. 南宁市中心区的功能结构与空间分布研究&基于用地增量的研究

    The structure of function and space distribution of Nanning downtown : a study on the increment of land use

  3. 公共汽车有很多班次开往市中心区。

    There is a frequent bus service into the centre of town .

  4. 在市中心区,环境空气中NOx浓度的2/3来源于机动车排放;

    Vehicle emission contributed to about 2 / 3 of NOX - concentration in downtown area .

  5. 此外,朔州市中心区地表水水环境质量一般,中心区水质监测断面有部分水质仅达到V类甚至劣V类。

    Moreover , the quality of water environment was bad . Part of central area monitoring section just attained the fifth level or worse .

  6. 北京市中心区CFG桩复合地基场地区划

    Site Division for the Composite Foundation with CFG Piles in Central Area of Beijing

  7. 4.downtownn.市中心区他们要进城去。

    They are heading for downtown .

  8. 唐山市中心区座落于NNE向和NW向隆起复合部位浅埋岩溶区。

    Tangshan city centre is seated on bulge compound shallow Karst area which is north northeast and north-west direction .

  9. 阜新市垃圾填埋场位于阜新市区西北部,距市区19km,担负着海州、太平这2个市中心区垃圾填埋的重任,为解决阜新市垃圾处理问题发挥了重要作用。

    Fuxin city garbage landfill site is located in Fuxin urban north-west , a distance of 19 km urban and assumes the sea state , at peace both downtown garbage landfill mission , and waste disposal problems to solve Fuxin city played an important role .

  10. 上海市中心区大型专业足球场交通集疏

    The Traffic Organization of the Large-scale Football Field in Central Shanghai

  11. 白银市中心区土壤养料肥力系统聚类分析

    Hierachical Cluster Analysis of Soil Nutrient Fertility in the Centre of Baiyin

  12. 北京市中心区地下空间资源评估探讨

    The Evaluation of the Resource of the Underground Space of Downtown Beijing

  13. 运城市中心区交通改善对策研究

    Study on Countermeasure of Transport Improvement of Central District of Yuncheng City

  14. 贵阳市中心区住宅结构模式研究

    Research of Residence Construction Models in the Center District of Guiyang City

  15. 郑州市中心区铁路跨线斜拉桥地震响应分析

    Seismic Responses Analysis of Cable-Stayed Overpass Bridge in Zhengzhou Downtown

  16. 居住郊区化是城市人口从市中心区迁向郊区居住的过程。

    The living suburbanization is urban population moved from downtown to outskirt .

  17. 控制性详细规划在密山市中心区规划中的应用

    The Application of Controlling Detailed Plan in Plan ning Mishan Urban Districts

  18. 对太原市中心区道路交通规划的思考

    The Study on Road Traffic Plan of Taiyuan Central Zone

  19. midtown:市中心区的club:俱乐部respectable:值得尊敬的,像样的,拿得出手的市中心怎么样?一家脱衣舞俱乐部--在那个神圣的地方,

    Chuck : How midtown , a burlesque club -- a respectable place

  20. 在市中心区附近有座新的独立餐馆。

    There is a new free-standing restaurant near the down town area .

  21. 欧洲工业大城市日趋败落的市中心区。

    The decaying centres of europe 's big industrial cities .

  22. 伦敦市中心区的每条街道拥塞公车和汽车。

    Buses and cars congested every street in the center of London .

  23. 禁止在市中心区停车的规定

    A regulation to prohibit parking in the city centre

  24. 上海市中心区支路利用对策研究

    Research on Countermeasures of Utilizing Minor Road in Central Area of Shanghai City

  25. 伯明翰市中心区挤满了购物者。

    The centre of Birmingham was crowded with shoppers .

  26. 上海市中心区城市设计

    The Selected Works of the Urban Design in Shanghai

  27. 深圳市中心区城市设计的系统演变及特点

    Systematic evolution of urban design in Shenzhen City Center

  28. 长沙市中心区地下空间开发利用研究

    The Study of Central District 's Underground Space Development and Utilization of Changsha

  29. 我一下班就赶到市中心区的报馆,打电话给贝蒂姨。

    Then I raced down town to the newspaper and called Aunt Batty .

  30. 苏州市中心区防汛工作若干问题的探讨

    Approach to Some Problems in Flood Control Work in Central District of Suzhou City