
  • Bad;negative feedback;poor rating
  1. 可客服却把我给卖家的评价给删除了,说我是恶意差评,因为里面有脏话。

    I give the seller may be customer service Queba evaluation to remove , and said I was a malicious negative feedback , because there are bad language .

  2. 如果你不能支付不安全的贷款,你会获得差评,但你的房子是安全的。

    If you didn 't pay an unsecured credit card loan , it would give you a bad rating but your home would still be secure .

  3. 还有一些关于Note10.1的差评,首先,有些人可能不把触笔当回事。

    Now there are some criticisms to the Note 10.1 , the first being that some people just might not take too kindly to the stylus .

  4. 我能去Yelp网上给沃顿点个差评之类的吗

    Is there any way to do a yelp review of Wharton Business School ?

  5. 专业MacWorld网站有报道称,苹果也许会删除许多应用在这次系统崩溃期间蒙冤得到的一星差评。

    He pointed readers to a MacWorld report that the company might be removing the one-star ratings many apps had unfairly received during the meltdown .

  6. 由于担心被起诉,艾莉森删掉了差评。

    Scared of being sued , Allison removed the review .

  7. 我要到网上去给他们差评

    I 'm going to write a horrible review online .

  8. 有多少优评,多少差评?

    How many of those are positive and how many are negative ?

  9. 竟然没提到《迈阿密风云》,所以我给了他差评

    I graded him down ' cause he didn 't mention " Miami Vice "

  10. 它尝试让好评和差评保持一种平衡的状态,这样,顾客能从正反两方面了解产品。

    It tries to balance positive and negative reviews , so shoppers get a balanced perspective .

  11. 现在评论员们在方方面面都给了美人奴差评,说它笨拙、矮胖、颠簸而且反应迟钝。

    The crosscabrio has been tarred for being lumpy , dumpy , shaky , and sluggish .

  12. 那些更有天赋的批评家写出了具有建设性的差评。

    Written by the more talented critics , they 're the ones who give constructive bad reviews .

  13. 艾莉森咨询过律师之后得知她给出的差评算不上诽谤。

    Allison has now taken legal advice and been told the review she wrote was not defamatory 。

  14. 就个人而言,我看过许多对我的差评,真的。

    Now personally , I 've read a whole lot of my bad reviews , all right ?

  15. 但目前来说,美人奴跨界敞篷车成为“年度差评车”,已经是板上钉钉的事。

    But for now , it is safe to label the crosscabriolet the most disrespected car of 2011 .

  16. 有些人说自己从不看差评我则很喜欢看差评

    You know something , people say , I never read bad reviews . I always read bad reviews

  17. 我认为这顿饭很可口,但是尼克的差评让我很不是滋味!

    I thought the meal was delicious , but Nick 's comments left a bad taste in my mouth !

  18. 虽然与其他四部电视剧相比,《大唐荣耀》的评分并不算低,但是仍然有许多观众给出了差评。

    While not a low rating when compared to the other four dramas , it was still criticized by many audience members .

  19. 容说,和事业生涯早期,她的脸皮厚了一些,对待差评也有了更加哲学的态度。

    Ms. Jong said she had a thicker skin than she did earlier in her career and is more philosophical about negative reviews .

  20. “续集病”——一种症状为拍摄不必要续集的传染病——正在电影院蔓延,结果是招致差评和低迷的票房。

    Sequel-itis , an infestation of unnecessary sequels , is spreading through movie theaters , resulting in poor reviews and weak box-office numbers .

  21. 警告:不买不拍,拍下即买,否则举报警告、差评处理。

    Warning : does not buy does not pat , pats namely buys , otherwise reports to the authorities the warning , the difference comments processing .

  22. 排行榜并未说明这位演员兼歌手获此差评的原因。塞勒斯凭借迪斯尼频道的电视连续剧《汉娜-蒙塔娜》一炮走红。

    No reasons were given for the poor showing of the singer-actress and the popular star of Disney Channel 's " Hannah Montana " television series .

  23. 但是在食品行业,你得依靠你的声誉经营下去,我认为那个差评给我们带来了很严重的损失。

    But in the food business , you depend on your reputation , and I think that one bad review has done us an awful lot of damage .

  24. 他很少发表对什么书的差评,他说,这是因为他觉得没必要浪费时间告诉人们为什么不应该读什么。

    He rarely posts negative reviews of books , explaining that he sees no need to waste anyone 's time telling them why they shouldn 't bother reading something .

  25. 交易量较低的卖家将更快受到差评的影响,因为其须支付的费用占总交易额的比例将会更高。

    Sellers who do small volumes will be effected much faster by a negative rating , since the payment involved will represent a larger percentage of their overall activity .

  26. 由摄影师史蒂芬.克莱因拍摄的这张封面照片把这位模特塑造成深肤色,而这张照片很快就遭到了成千上万名粉丝的“黑脸”差评。

    The model appeared with darkened skin on the front cover , shot by photographer Steven Klein , and was soon hit with " black face " comments from thousands of fans .

  27. 该诊所还说他们给艾莉森提供了多次预约,都被她取消了。诊所否认它置她于疼痛中不顾的事,还说她必须删掉差评。

    The firm said it had offered her a number of appointments which she had cancelled , and denied they had left her in pain , adding that her review must be removed .

  28. 诊所认为艾莉森的评论是对他们的诽谤。该诊所还说他们给艾莉森提供了多次预约,都被她取消了。诊所否认它置她于疼痛中不顾的事,还说她必须删掉差评。

    The firm said it had offered her a number of appointments which she had cancelled , and denied they had left her in pain , adding that her review must be removed 。

  29. 艾莉森多尔在一家牙医诊所遭遇了不愉快的经历之后,她像其他很多人一样:在一个消费者网站上给了这家诊所差评。

    After Allison Dore had an unhappy experience during a trip to the dentist , she did what thousands do as a matter of routine : she posted a negative review on a consumer website .

  30. 艾莉森·多尔在一家牙医诊所遭遇了不愉快的经历之后,她像其他很多人一样:在一个消费者网站上给了这家诊所差评。但这一行为令艾莉森付出了昂贵的代价。

    After Allison Dore had an unhappy experience during a trip to the dentist , she did what thousands do as a matter of routine : she posted a negative review on a consumer website 。