
gōng yì xué
  • technology
工艺学[gōng yì xué]
  1. 工程学和工艺学互不相同,也有别于自然学科。

    Engineering and technology are disciplines distinct from one another and from science

  2. 化学工艺学CAI平台的开发

    The development of the CAI software in chemical technology

  3. 这些公司将大量资金投入生物工艺学研究,尤其是药品和新种子方面

    The companies are pouring trillions of yen into biotechnology research , especially for pharmaceuticals and new seeds .

  4. 综合葡萄品种学和葡萄酒工艺学等多门学科知识,采用高级数据库语言VISUALFOXPRO6.0成功地开发了酿酒葡萄原料评判系统。

    Integrate knowledge of ampelography and enology etc and use advanced database language Visual FoxPro 6.0 Wine Grape Materials Assessment System ( WGMAS ) was successfully developed .

  5. PBL教学法在电化学工程专业化学电源工艺学教学中的应用

    An Application of PBL in Teaching Chemical Power Source

  6. 在金属工艺学课程中使用多媒体CAI对优化教学过程和内容、提高教学质量具有重要意义。

    Making use of multimedia CAI in metal technology course is important to optimize teaching course and content , also to improve teaching quality .

  7. 酸牛奶酒(Kefir)工艺学研究进展评论

    Reviews on the Technology Advance of Kefir

  8. 根据玻璃工艺学的基本原理,设计了化学计量比和高热膨胀系数的BAS系基础玻璃。

    Based on the principle of glass technology , main compositions of the two groups of BAS glass with stoichiometric and nonstoichiometric celsian were designed .

  9. 采用陶瓷工艺学原理,对混合好的配合料进行高压预处理,合成了Gd2O2S∶TbX射线荧光粉,并研究高压预处理对合成硫氧化物X射线发光材料Gd2O2S∶Tb发光性能和物理特性的影响。

    Gd_2O_2S ∶ Tb X-ray phosphors was synthesized by ceramics technology with high pressure pretreatment on the thoroughly mixed raw materials .

  10. 基于所开发的机械制造工艺学多媒体教学(CAI)软件,重点介绍软件开发的前期准备工作、软件总体结构框架设计以及软件的运行与测试等主要环节。

    Based on the developed software of the multimedia instruction system about machining process technology , this paper illustrates the preparatory work in developing the software , the basic structure frame of that , and how to run and test the software .

  11. 食品化学、微生物学、食品工艺学、食品分析。

    Food Chemistry , Microbiology , Food Processing , Food Analysis .

  12. 宝石及材料工艺学专业课程体系的建设与思考

    Construction and Thinking of Courses System of Gemology and Material Technique

  13. 食品发酵工艺学课程的教学改革与实践

    Teaching Reform and New Practices for the Food Fermentation Technology Curriculum

  14. 矿物岩石材料工艺学岩石材料损伤与应力波参数关系研究

    Study on Relationship Between Rock Material Damage and Stress Wave Parameters

  15. 浅谈食品工艺学实验教学的改革

    Some Preliminary Discussion on the Experimental Teaching Reform in Food Technology

  16. 信息技术革命与口腔修复工艺学的发展

    The Revolution of Information Technology and the Development of Prosthodontic Technology

  17. 发酵工艺学实验课的教学改革

    The Reform on the Experimental Course of " Fermentation Technology "

  18. 他们目前正在生物工艺学领域开拓新路。

    They 're currently blazing a trail in the biotechnology field .

  19. 茶鲜叶匀浆悬浮发酵工艺学研究

    Studies on the technology of suspension fermentation of tea leaf homogenates

  20. 本文主要介绍微系统在生物工艺学方面的应用及市场和技术发展趋势

    Application of microsystem in biotechnology and market and technologic development-tendency

  21. 金属工艺学试题库系统软件设计与应用

    Programing and Application of Exam Paper Database System of Technology of Metals

  22. 冲压工艺学网络教材的开发

    Development of Network Textbook on " Sheet Metal Forming "

  23. 《人造板工艺学》网络课件的制作

    The Making of 《 Man-made Wood Technology Learning 》 Courseware

  24. 制药工艺学双语教学改革的研究与实践

    Research and Practice for Bilingual Teaching Reform of Pharmaceutical Technology

  25. 多种教学方法在化学工艺学教学中的运用

    Brief Discussion on Applying Various Methods in Chemical Technology Teaching

  26. 岩石破裂全程数字化细观损伤力学试验研究矿物岩石材料工艺学

    Meso-damage mechanical digitalization test of complete process of rock failure

  27. 《光学零件工艺学》网络课件的制作与思考

    The Design and Consider of Net-courseware about " Optic Component Technology "

  28. 化学工艺学&化工基础知识与工程实践的桥梁

    Chemical Technology : The Bridge Between Chemical Basic Knowledge and Engineering Practice

  29. 热能与动力机械制造工艺学教学的探讨

    The discussion of teaching for thermal energy and dynamic mechanical manufacture technology

  30. 药物化学、化学制药工艺学等。

    Chemical Pharmaceutical Technology ; the Principle of Medicinal Chemistry .