
  • 网络Industrial Computer;IPC
  1. 成形工艺的流程控制和运动扫描数据都由上位工业控制机产生,控制板需要与上位机进行通讯。

    Because the forming process control signal and the motion data are generated by IPC , the control panel needs to communicate with IPC .

  2. 为了实现泵测试系统的自动化过程,采用组态软件为开发平台,以工业控制机为硬件核心构成了测试系统。

    For the sake of realizing the automation process of pumps test system , the Platform is developed by configuration software and the hardware core is the industrial computer .

  3. STD&Bus工业控制机与SuperAT微机异步串行通迅

    Super at microcomputer and STD-bus industrial control machine asynchronous serial communication

  4. 基于ARM的嵌入式一体化工业控制机硬件系统设计

    A Design of Embeded Incorporate Industry Controlling Machine Hardware System Based on ARM

  5. PC工业控制机在万吨饲料机组控制中的应用

    Application of PC Industrial Control Computer on Ten - thousand Ton Feed Unit Control

  6. 基于工业控制机的并行CNC系统控制

    A Concurrent CNC System Control Method Based on IPC

  7. ISA总线工业控制机与DSP系统的数据交换

    Exchanging data between industrial control computer having ISA buses and DSP system

  8. STDBUS工业控制机测控系统的软件设计

    The Software Design of the STD BUS Industrial Control Computer in the Measuring and Controlling System

  9. 工业控制机数据采集系统用RC模拟滤波器的计算和选用

    The calculation and selection of the analog rc-filters for the industrial data acquisition system

  10. STD总线工业控制机下的高质量汉字打印

    Printing High Quality Chinese Characters with STD Bus Industry Control Computer

  11. 在STD工业控制机上开发汉字显示系统

    Development of Chinese character display system for STD industrial control computer

  12. 新型多CPUSTD总线工业控制机

    New-Type STD Bus Industrial Controller With Multiple CPU

  13. 用STD总线工业控制机控制铝电解过程

    Control of Al Electrolysis Processes with STD Bus Industrial Computer

  14. STD工业控制机DMA通信板的设计

    The design of DMA Communication board Based on STD Bus Computer

  15. 介绍了所研究开发的基于工业控制机的并行CNC系统的控制原理,主要特征及其实现过程。

    Basic principle , main features and implementation of self-developed concurrent CNC system control based on IPC are stated .

  16. 用STD总线工业控制机实现工业窑炉温度控制

    Controlling Temperature in Industrial Kils with STD Bus Microcomputer

  17. STD总线工业控制机在打叶线改造中的应用

    The Application of STD BUS IPC to the Technological Transformation of Tobacco Processing

  18. 主站工业控制机负责总线通信管理,及其所有从站的通信;现场PLC控制根据实时采集要求,采用总线方式或现场I/O方式,以保证系统具有更好的实时性。

    The field PLC control uses bus or field input / output mode to assure the system with better real time capability .

  19. STD工业控制机高速串行通讯卡

    The High-Speed-Serial-Communication Card of the STD Industry-Controller Computer

  20. STD总线模块式工业控制机在连轧机速度控制中的应用

    Application of STD bus , modularized industrial computer to speed control in continuous mills

  21. STD总线工业控制机VGA卡硬件设计及实现

    The Realization and Design of VGA Card for STD Indus-controlling Computer

  22. STD工业控制机在矿区自备电网测控系统中的应用

    Application of STD Industrial Control-computer in measuring and Controlling System of Mining Area Power Network

  23. STD工业控制机在混凝土自动化搅拌站上料系统中的应用

    Application of STD industrial control computer in raw material charging system of automated concrete mixing station

  24. STD工业控制机在常压塔产品质量控制中的应用

    The Application of STD Industrial Computer in the Product Quality Control of the Atmospheric Crude Distillation Tower

  25. 在工业控制机的总体结构形式,CPU互连方式,机间通讯及各微机通讯优先级设定等方面进行了初步研究。

    This paper also studies the complete structure form , the linking way og multi-CPU and the communication among micro - computers .

  26. 本文介绍了十六位STD工业控制机中图形显示系统的硬件和软件。

    Hardware and software of graphic display system of the 16 bits STD industrical control computer have been inducted .

  27. STD总线工业控制机在污水处理自动化监控系统中的应用

    The Application of STD Bus Industrical Control Computer in the Automatic Measure and Control System of Waste Water Processing

  28. 文中着重介绍了工业控制机ISA总线及其与高速数据采集卡的接口技术。

    The interface between ISA bus and high-speed data sampling card is the emphasis of this paper .

  29. 用单片机和VGA彩显组成工业控制机

    The Industry Control Computer with Single-ship Processor and VGA

  30. SCM和PLC可以通过编程实现各种复杂的控制要求,成为应用广泛的工业控制机。

    SCM and PLC , which are wildly used in industrial controlling machines , can be programmed to realize different kinds of complex control modes .