
  • 网络rear frame
  1. 根据实测E级钢材料的拉伸试验,和弯曲疲劳实验得到的数据,以及大秦线载荷谱对车钩和钩尾框进行疲劳寿命计算。

    Use the experiment data of grade E steel and the Da-Qin line load spectrum , the fatigue life of coupler and yoke is computed .

  2. 基于锻造E级钢钩尾框调质热处理进行的热处理技术研究工作为其它热处理工艺或工件提供了新的研究思路和技术方向。

    Research on heat treatment technique of forged grade E steel coupler yoke provide new ideas and technical direction to other heat treatment technology and workpieces .

  3. 采用有限元方法中的1/4点位移法进行了钩尾框的应力强度因子计算,采用Paris公式计算了车钩、钩尾框的裂纹扩展寿命,并对结果进行了分析。

    Compute the stress intensity factors based on 1 / 4 displacement method in finite element method , calculate and analyze the crack propagation life of coupler and coupler yoke using Paris formula . 4 .

  4. CKD(7F)型机车钩尾框变形和裂纹的原因分析及对策

    Reason analysis and countermeasures of the deformation and cracks on the coupler yoke of CKD_ ( 7F ) locomotive

  5. 分析了15C型车钩钩尾框上翘的原因和危害,提出了改进措施与建议。

    The causes and harm of the bending upwards of 15C coupler yokes are analyzed . The improvement measures and suggestions are given .

  6. 采用局部应力应变方法,根据AAR机务规范的载荷谱以及大秦铁路实测载荷谱对车钩、钩尾框进行了裂纹萌生寿命计算,并将两种载荷谱计算结果和实际寿命进行了比较分析。

    According to the AAR spectrum and test spectrum of Da-Qin Railway , the crack initiation life is estimated using local stress-strain method and comparison of computed results and actual life is processed . 3 .

  7. 研制出以WA-2000型数控系统、PLC控制器+触摸屏等为核心的自动焊接机器,运用双面焊接工艺方案开始批量生产锻造/焊接钩尾框。

    The automatic welding machine consists of WA-2000 digital control system , PLC controller and touch-sensitive display , etc. It adopts bi-side welding to manufacture the forging / welding hook tail frame in mass production .

  8. 利用DEFORM-3D软件对钩尾框调头分段模锻成形过程和整体锻造成形过程进行数值模拟,分析对比两个工艺方案的优缺点。

    The software DEFORM-3D was used for simulating the processes of both overall forging process and U-turn sub-die forging process for couple yokes . The merit and demerit between two processes were compared and analyzed then .

  9. GB/T17425-1998货车车钩、钩尾框采购和验收技术条件

    Purchase and acceptance of couplers and coupler yokes for freight service

  10. 17号车钩、钩尾框疲劳寿命及可靠性分析

    Fatigue Life and Reliability Analysis of NO.17 Coupler and Coupler Yoke

  11. 钩尾框成形工艺及实验研究

    Frame of Trail Hook Form Technics and Reserch of Experiment

  12. 钩尾框的磁记忆检测研究

    Research on Metal Magnetic Memory Testing on Coupler Inspection

  13. 提速货车钩尾框安全使用寿命的估算方法

    Service Life Estimation for the Safety of the Coupler Yoke of Speed up Freight

  14. 13A型钩尾框的研制及应用

    Development and Application of 13A Coupler Yokes

  15. 火车锻造/焊接钩尾框自动焊接机的设计与研发

    Design and Development of Automatic Welding Machine for Train Forging / welding Hook Tail Frame

  16. 基于单轴损伤的货车钩尾框多轴疲劳寿命分析

    Analysis of multi-axial fatigue life based on single axial stress condition of the coupler yoke

  17. 针对提速后转8A型转向架主要部件及车钩、钩尾框疲劳裂损日趋严重的情况,重点分析了侧架和钩尾框疲劳裂损的原因和改进措施。

    The fatigue cracking in the main parts of Zhuan8A bogies as well as in the couplers , yokes becomes more and more serious after speed increase .

  18. 研究了磁记忆技术在车钩钩尾框检测中的实际应用,磁记忆技术能够对钩尾框进行准确检测。

    The practical application of MMMT in cast steel coupler inspection is studied and the result shows the technique can be used in inspection of steel casting with high precision .

  19. 钩尾框是火车车厢之间的连接部件,也是火车的关键受力部件,其质量的好坏直接影响到火车能否安全运行。

    Couple yokes are interconnecting parts between railway carriages . They are also the key stress components of the train . The quality 0f couple yokes direct influence safety operation of the train .

  20. 对造成货物列车分离的原因进行了归纳:解钩装置造成的分离;钩尾框断裂及车钩自动分离。

    The essay concludes the causes resulting in separation of freight train , such as separation due to the uncoupling device , rupture of coupler yoke as well as the natural separation of train couplers .

  21. 采用蒙特卡洛方法,对车钩、钩尾框的裂纹扩展寿命进行了可靠性分析,计算了不同寿命下车钩、钩尾框的失效概率。

    Analyze the reliability of the crack propagation life of the coupler and the coupler yoke based on Monte Carlo method ; compute the failure probability of the coupler and the coupler yoke in different life span .

  22. 金属磁记忆检测是无损检测领域的一项新技术,不仅可以对钩尾框的失效进行早期诊断,而且可以对钩尾框缺陷进行准确检测。

    Metal Magnetic Memory Testing ( MMMT ) is a new technology in metal non-destructive test ( NDT ) . MMMT is not only used for failure early diagnosis , but also for defective inspection of steel casting .