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  1. 高速客车蛇行运动Hopf分叉的研究

    A study of Hopf bifurcation of hunting motion for high-speed passenger cars

  2. 随着机车运用速度的提高及蛇行运动的加剧,东风4D型机车边长为180mm的正方形抗蛇行减振器座频繁出现裂损,严重影响了机车的运行安全。

    With the increasing of locomotive speed and the hunting movement , the square anti-hunting damper holders appears cracks frequently , and in result the locomotive safty operation was influenced seriously .

  3. 高速转向架车辆蛇行运动的稳定性

    On Stability of Hunting Movements of High Speed Truck - Carriage

  4. 建立了地震作用下综合考虑输入地震波、轨道不平顺和车辆蛇行运动的车桥体系振动的动力分析模型,推导了体系动力平衡方程组。

    A dynamic model of the train-bridge system is established .

  5. 列车系统蛇行运动稳定性研究

    Research on the Hunting Stability of the Train System

  6. 车辆蛇行运动稳定性和曲线通过性能之间是相互矛盾的,因此在进行稳定性设计时需要兼顾曲线通过性能。

    There is a fundamental design conflict between vehicle stability and curving performance .

  7. 北京型内燃机车蛇行运动的研究

    Investigation on the Hunting Motion of Beijing-Type Diesel Locomotive

  8. 机车蛇行运动的动力学仿真报告

    Dynamics Simulation Report of Snake Motion of a Locomotive

  9. 货车转向架蛇行运动极限环的快速求解方法

    The Rapid Solution Method for the Hunting Motion Limit Cycles on Freight Car Bogies

  10. 机车车辆在滚动振动试验台上蛇行运动稳定性计算

    Calculation of the Hunting Motion Stability of Locomotives and Rolling Stock on the Roller Testing Rig

  11. 对影响四轴内燃机车蛇行运动稳定性因素的分析

    An Analysis on the Factors Affecting the Stability of Hunting Movement of the Four Axle Locomotive

  12. 防止蛇行运动的措施

    Measures to Prevent Hunting Motion

  13. 本文首先从理论上叙述了铁道车辆系统非线性蛇行运动稳定性的求解方法。

    First of all , the nonlinear hunting stability solution method of railway vehicles is described theoretically .

  14. 分析结果表明跨坐式独轨车辆的转向架存在不稳定的蛇行运动,其临界速度取决于转向架本身的结构及参数。

    It has been shown that there is unstable hunting in the monorail car which inheres with the bogie structure .

  15. 计算了对不同频率和不同波形的蛇行运动的稳态反应,特别是计算了侧向最大挠度和最大加速度。

    Steady response to zigzag motion with various shapes and frequencies , especially the maximum lateral deflections and accelerations , are calculated .

  16. 因此,近年来独立回转车轮日益受到重视,与传统轮对相比,独立回转车轮不存在纵向蠕滑力产生的偏转力矩,因而不产生蛇行运动,对提高稳定性有好处。

    Independently rotating wheels don 't engender lognitudinal creep forces , so hunting won 't occur and the stability of vehicle system is very good .

  17. 当达到某个临界值时,车辆会产生稳定的横向震荡,继而出现剧烈的蛇行运动。

    When the speed increases to a critical value , there will be a stable lateral vibration of the vehicle and then the hunting motion will appear .

  18. 首先分析铁道车辆传统刚性连接轮对蛇行运动的产生机理,进而研究独立车轮轮对的复位和导向原理。

    It first analyzes the traditional hunting operation generation mechanism of the wheel sets with rigid connection and then studies the principle of restoring and guiding of the ISWs .

  19. 结合车辆蛇行运动稳定性的讨论,探讨了影响提速线路横向稳定性的因素,提出了加强措施。

    Combining the discussion of stability of vehicle snake movement , the effects on transverse stability of increasing speed rail line are studied and the enhanced measurements are presented .

  20. 但带有锥度的踏面引起的蛇行运动限制了传统轮对临界速度的进一步提高,这也使得其在应用中存在一定的缺陷。

    While actually there are some disadvantages and shortcomings of traditional wheelset derived from restrictions of further increasing the critical speed influenced by hunting motion caused by cone-shaped tread .

  21. 独立旋转车轮虽然不存在蛇行运动,但在直线上的自动复原能力不如传统轮对,近年来在城市轨道车辆上被广泛采用;

    The independently rotating wheel is inferior to the traditional wheelset in automatic recovery in straight lines though without hunting movement , and is widely applied in mass transit vehicles .

  22. 轮轨接触参数的实验室模拟及轮轨冲角、蛇行运动、油水污染、真实接触面积对粘着&蠕滑性能的影响

    Laboratory Simulation of Wheel and Rail Contact Related Parameters and Influence of Contact Area , Angles of Attack , Kinematic Oscillation and Water , Oil Contamination on Wheel Rail Adhesion

  23. 通过求解描述列车系统的运动微分方程组,得出了列车蛇行运动稳定性、动态曲线通过性能及运行平稳性等方面的一系列数值仿真结果。

    By solving the differential equation groups to describe the train system , a series of simulation results about hunting motion stability , dynamic negotiation and ride comfort were worked out .

  24. 在此基础上,以正弦蛇行波理论为基础,建立了以轮对蛇行运动及轨道不平顺为系统横向振动激励源的车桥系统动力分析模型进行了车桥体系横向动力响应分析。

    Further more , the vehicle - birdge transverse vibration model was created , based on the sinusoidal yaw wave theory , through imputing random artificial haunting waves and track irregularity .

  25. 采用磁流变阻尼器的半主动控制策略不仅降低了车体摇头的角加速度,减少了发生蛇行运动的可能性,而且还可以使前、后转向架的摇头角降低,从而提高运行的安全性。

    It could not only lower the angular acceleration of the locomotive , which reduces the possibility of hunting , but also lower the yaw angle of the frontal and back bogies , which improves the security of operation .

  26. 本文对新型的三架六轴铰接电车按竖向振动、横向振动和转向架蛇行运动的稳定性问题进行了分析和计算,为工程设计提出了一些理论依据。

    In this paper , The vertical and transversal vibrations of a new type of the articulated tram with three bogies and six axles are analyzed and calculated , and the stability of its bogies in crawl is discussed .

  27. 主动径向转向架可以在曲线上根据线路实时信息实时控制轮对摇头运动,使之处于径向位置,并提高直线上蛇行运动稳定性。

    The active radial bogie can control the yaw movement of the wheelset based on the real-time information of the curve , making the wheelset in the radial position on the curve , and the hunting stability on straight track is enhanced .

  28. 独立旋转车轮能够消除轮轨间的纵向蠕滑,理论上不存在蛇行运动,故在直线上可以获得较高的临界速度,在曲线上可使因纵向蠕滑而产生的轮轨噪音消失。

    Independently rotating wheels which have no hunting motion in theory have a high critical speed in straight track , noises between wheel and rail may be removed in the sharp curve because longitudinal creepage of independently rotating wheels may be eliminated .

  29. 根据高速探伤需要,为超声波探头设计了抗蛇行运动和垂向振动的电液伺服系统来保证探头与钢轨相对位置保持不变,为实时探伤提供了可靠的保障。

    In order to meet the needs of high-speed track inspection cars , the electro-hydraulic servo system is designed for the ultrasonic detector heads to resist sinusoidal movement and vertical vibration , maintain invariable relative positions between detector heads and rails , and provide reliable guarantee for real-time detection .

  30. 蛇行运动的研究始终是轮轨系统动力学的重要内容之一,本文研究最基本、最简单的单轮对过岔的蛇行运动,对于更为复杂的车辆转向架乃至整个车辆都有一定的参考意义。

    The study of hunting is one of the most important components of wheel-rail system dynamics . The thesis aims to studying the most basic and the simplest hunting of the single wheelset , which has certain referential significance for more complex vehicles bogie , even the entire vehicle .