
  • 网络NICA;Seneca;guernica
  1. 毕加索的《格尔尼卡》就悬挂在那里。

    Picasso 's " Guernica " hangs there .

  2. 尽管《格尔尼卡》创作于1937年,但作品反映的普遍真理早已超越了时间,超越了国界。

    Although Guernica was created in1937 , the universal truth of the work transcends decades and borders .

  3. 尼卡地平下调大鼠系膜细胞Bcl-2基因的表达

    Down-regulation of Bcl-2 Gene Expression in Rat Mesangial Cell by Nicardipine

  4. 结果尼卡地平在蛋白及mRNA水平均下调Bcl-2基因的表达,对Bax基因的表达则无明显影响。

    Result Nicardipine reduced the expression of Bcl-2 gene of rat mesangial cell in mRNA and protein levels .

  5. NE组术野质量评分和尼卡地平用量明显低于N组(P<0.01)。

    In nicardipine dosage and surgery field grade , group NE were significantly lower than group N ( P < 0.01 ) .

  6. 方法:30例择期行支撑喉镜术的患者,随机分为常规组(C组)和尼卡地平组(N组),每组15例。C组常规麻醉用药;

    ME_THODS : 30 patients undergoing elective direct laryngoscopy were randomly divided into two groups : the routine group ( group C ) and nicardipine group ( group N ), 15 patients for each group .

  7. 豚鼠脑缺血再灌流前后血浆β&TG和PF4浓度的变化以及尼卡的平对其的影响

    Experiment Study of Cerebral Ischemia-Reperfusion and Effect of Nicardipine on Plasma Content of β - TG and PF_4 in Guinea Pig

  8. 方法使兔右肺吸低氧气体,用胸窗法观察HPV及吸入尼卡地平对HPV的作用;

    Methods Make the right rabbit lung to inspire hypoxia gas , and observe HPV and the effect of nicadipium inspiration through thoracic window .

  9. 结论:脑缺血前经参附注射液联合尼卡地平预处理后,能明显减少细胞凋亡的发生,可能与bcl-2蛋白表达增强有关。

    CONCLUSION : Preconditioning with Shenfu injection and nicardipine before ischemia can significantly reduce the incidence of cell apoptosis , which might be correlated with increased expression of bcl-2 protein .

  10. 目的:研究二氢吡啶类钙通道阻滞剂尼卡地平对大鼠戊四唑(PTZ)化学性点燃(kindling)的拮抗作用。

    Objective : To study the antagonism of dihydropyridine calcium channel blocker nicardipine against pentylenetetrazol ( PTZ ) kindling .

  11. 4用对点燃无明显影响剂量的尼卡地平2mg/kg与托吡酯50mg/kgig合用,缩短点燃大鼠的后放电时程(P<0.05);

    ( P < 0.05 ) 4 The combination of ineffective doses of topiramate 50 mg / kg ig and nicardipine 2 mg / kg ip shortened ADD .

  12. 结果单独应用尼卡地平(NIC)对耐药肝癌细胞BEL7402/ADR有不同程度的抑制作用;

    Results Nicardipine alone exhibited different degree of suppressive effects on drug resistant liver cancer cells , BEL 7402 / ADR .

  13. 目的:探讨尼卡地平(Nic)对异丙肾上腺素(Iso)舒张气管的增强作用。

    AIM : To study the effect of nicardipine ( Nic ) in the isoprenaline ( Iso ) - induced relaxation on the guinea pig airway .

  14. 结果:纳洛酮可易化杏仁核点燃,可乐定、东莨菪碱、MK-801和尼卡地平则可抑制杏仁核点燃发作(P0·05)。

    Results : Naloxone facilitated , while clonidine , scopolamine , MK-801 and nicardipine inhibited amygdala kindling ( P0.05 ) .

  15. 研究尼卡地平(nicardipine,Nic)对小鼠胸腺细胞胞浆钙浓度([Ca~(2+)]i)及增殖的影响。

    To study the effect of nicardipine ( Nic ) on the cytoplasmic free calcium concentration ( [ Ca2 + ] ;)

  16. 结论尼卡地平联合艾司洛尔配方对OPCAB期间全身和组织氧合具有保护作用。

    Conclusion Nicardipine combined with esmolol regimen may maintain systemic and ( tissue ) oxygenation during OPCAB .

  17. 方法:建立大鼠PTZ化学性点燃模型,观察尼卡地平对PTZ点燃发展进程和点燃发作的影响。

    Methods : PTZ kindling model was established in rats , to investigate the effects of nicardipine on kindling development and kindled seizures .

  18. 目的研究体外循环(CPB)下肺缺血/再灌注(I/R)损伤对肺功能的影响及尼卡地平对肺I/R损伤的预防作用。

    Objective To study the influence of pulmonary ischemia-reperfusion ( I / R ) induced by cardio-pulmonary bypass ( CPB ) on pulmonary function and the preventive effect of nicardipine .

  19. 应用聚乙二醇(PEG)6000(2)和号丙烯酸树脂(3)为混和载体,用溶剂法制备了盐酸尼卡地平(1)肠溶缓释固体分散体。

    Nicardipine hydrochloride ( 1 ) intestinal dissolved sustained release solid dispersion was developed using PEG 6000 ( 2 ) and acrylic resin ⅱ( 3 ) as mixed carrier by the solvent evaporating method .

  20. 目的观察艾司洛尔和尼卡地平用于心肌缺血患者在腹腔镜手术期间心电图S-T段改变的情况。

    Objective To observe the change in electrocardiogram S-T section of patients with myocardial ischemia received esmolol and nicardipine during laparoscopic surgery .

  21. 结果:腹腔注射尼卡地平2mg·kg~(-1)显著延缓杏仁核点燃发展进程(P<0.01);

    RESULTS : Nicardipine ( 2 mg · kg-1 , ip ) significantly retarded the development of amygdala kindling ( P < 0.01 );

  22. 20mg·kg~(-1)尼卡地平显著提高杏仁核点燃大鼠脑内抑制性氨基酸神经递质GABA的含量(P0.05)。

    20 mg · kg-1 of nicardipine significantly increased the content of GABA , a kind of inhibitory amino acid neurotransmitter , in the brain of amygdala kindled rats ( P 0.05 ) .

  23. 通过钙离子拮抗剂尼卡地平(NCDP)作用,提高了VM26对耐药的C6细胞株的敏感性。

    The sensitivity of VM 26 increased and its resistance is reversed by the cooperating of Nicardipine ( NCDP ) .

  24. 方法:40例重症高血压患者持续静脉滴注尼卡地平2~4h,速度为0.5~4μg/kg。

    Method : Forty patients with hypertensive emergencies were treated with intravenous nicardipine for infusion duration of twenty four hours . The nicardipine dose was 0.5 ~ 4 μ g / kg .

  25. 尼卡地平预处理组:缺血前30min静脉给予尼卡地平0.2mg/kg。

    Nicardipine preconditioning group : Animals were intravenously administrated with nicardipine ( 0.2 mg / kg ) at 30 minutes before ischemia .

  26. R7943可完全阻断正常组和肥厚组心肌细胞由E-4031诱导的激动作用。尼卡地平不能阻断E-4031的增加作用。

    KB-R7943 completely blocked the activating effects induced by E-4031 in both of normal and hypertrophied cardiomyocytes .

  27. 目的:检测经参附注射液和尼卡地平联合预处理后的沙土鼠脑组织中抑凋亡基因bcl-2的表达,探讨参附注射液联合尼卡地平预处理对脑缺血后再灌注神经细胞凋亡的影响。

    AIM : To investigate the effects of preconditioning with Shenfu injection and nicardipine on anti-apoptosis gene bcl-2 expression in brain tissues of gerbils , and probe into the effect of preconditioning with Shenfu injection and nicardipine on neuron apoptosis ischemic reperfusion .

  28. 目的探讨尼卡地平联合艾司洛尔(N+E)是否对非心肺转流(CPB)冠状动脉搭桥术(OPCAB)期间全身和组织氧合具有保护作用。

    Objective To study whether or not nicardipine combined esmolol ( N + E ) has protective effects on systemic and tissue oxygen metabolism during off-pump coronary artery bypass (( OPCAB ) . )

  29. 方法选择45例高血压住院患者使用静脉注射尼卡地平治疗,并记录0·5、1、2、4、6、12h血压和心率。

    Methods Forty five patients with hypertensive emergency received intravenous infusion of nicardipine . Blood pressure and heart rate were measured 0.5 , 1 , 2 , 4 , 6 , 12 hour after administrations .

  30. DMA的增强正常大鼠离体心功能和对左心室乳头肌的正性肌力作用不能被L-型钙通道抑制剂尼卡地平(nicardipine)阻断。

    The effects of DMA on cardiac function in normal rat isolated hearts and myocardium inotropism in normal rat isolated papillary muscle of left ventricle cannot be blocked by nicardipine & one of calcium channel blockers .