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zūn chēng
  • courtesy title;honorific title;address sb. respectfully;a respectful form of address;address sb.respectfully
尊称 [zūn chēng]
  • (1) [address sb.respectfully]∶尊敬地称呼

  • 人们尊称他为王老

  • (2) [a respectful form of address;honorific title]∶尊敬的称呼

尊称[zūn chēng]
  1. 你的品质如梅花一般刚强;我的性格像冰川一样含蓄;你有令人折服的内涵;你有让人倾倒的酷;于是我们尊称您为“梅川内酷”!

    Your character is like wintersweet my disposition resembles general and doughty ; you have implicative ; like glacier you have admirable connotation ; the cruel ; of dump letting a person then you are our address sb respectfully " the cruel inside Mei chuan "!

  2. 两人都被尊称为“夫人”。

    Both were accorded the courtesy title of Lady

  3. 人们尊称他为朱老。

    People respectfully called him the venerable Zhu .

  4. 本周《纽约时报》(theNewYorkTimes)的一篇文章在提到一位发言人时使用尊称Mx.。

    An article this week in The New York Times referred to a speaker using the honorific Mx .

  5. Sir和Madam是对年长位尊者的尊称,但在实际习惯用法上却有一些微小的差别。

    " Sir " and " madam " show respect for position and seniority , but there is some slight difference in actual usage .

  6. 《私人帝国》(PrivateEmpire)一书的作者史蒂夫•科尔(SteveColl)写道,他“就像一位埃米尔(Emir,对穆斯林统治者的尊称,译者注)统治着埃克森美孚(ExxonMobil)”。

    Steve Coll , author of Private Empire , wrote that he " ruled over ExxonMobil like an Emir . "

  7. 毫无疑问,自从进入NBA的大门以后,AI就一直被人误解,而在NBA的舞台上,迈克尔-乔丹(MJ)得到了人们的认同,并且被尊称为“篮球之神”。

    There is no doubt that AI has been misunderstood since his step into the magnificent door of NBA , a place where MJ was enthroned and honored the title of God of Basketball .

  8. 贾尼今年82岁了,被他的追随者们尊称为Mataji(娘娘神只)。

    Prahlad Jani who is known by his followers as Mataji , which means the Mother Goddess , is an82-year-old .

  9. 足,罗河谷拥有充足的淡水与阳光,这二者被古埃及人奉为神灵,他们尊称太阳为AMON,称尼罗河为APIS。

    The Nile valley is a fertile one where there is an abundance of water and sun , elements which the ancient Egyptian believed were gods , they called the sun Amon and the Nile Apis .

  10. 霍利节那天傍晚,我把被泼得色彩斑驳的衣服送到营地的洗衣房后,他安排我前往法尔纳村(Falna)的一座庄园,拜会被尊称为塔库尔(Thakur)的村长AbhimanyuSingh。

    On the evening of Holi , after I send my paint-spattered clothes to the camp laundry , he arranges for me to visit a manor house in Falna , to meet Thakur Abhimanyu Singh , the village 's leader .

  11. 这座寺庙建立于15世纪,它的创始人DrukpaKinley被人尊称为“神圣的疯子”。他酗酒,沉湎女色,藐视神灵,还讲粗俗的笑话。尽管如此,在这座寺院里,他还是很受人尊敬。

    Built in the 15th century , the temple 's founder , Drukpa Kinley , was known as a " Divine Madman " and thought of as a saint despite his affinity for alcohol , womanizing , blasphemy , and crude humor . Neverthless , Kinley is revered within this monastery .

  12. 中国的学者把孔子尊称为一位伟大的老师和圣人。

    Chinese scholars honor Confucius as a great teacher and sage .

  13. 存在主义者尊称他为存在主义之父。

    The existentialism regarded him as " Father of Existentialism " .

  14. 先生用作对男人的尊称。

    Used as a form of polite address for a man .

  15. 西班牙语中表示对绅士或贵族男子的尊称的头衔。

    A Spanish title of respect for a gentleman or nobleman .

  16. 他被人尊称为现代奥运会之父。

    He was honored as the father of the modern Games .

  17. 西班牙人对已婚女子的尊称。

    A Spanish title of respect for a married woman .

  18. 为他赢得了现代奥运之父的尊称。

    Won him the title @ Father of the Modern Olympics @ .

  19. 今天,爱因斯坦被尊称为原子时代的奠基人。

    Today Einstein is regarded as the architect of the Nuclear Age .

  20. 而很多教会提到教会的领导者,则以牧师尊称。

    And many churches refer to their leader as Reverend .

  21. 论语用距离对尊称礼貌性的制约

    On Pragmatic Distance as the Determinant of Deference 's Politeness

  22. 当这位公主与国王结婚就会获得王后的尊称。

    The princess takes the title of queen when she marries the king .

  23. 故后世文献曾尊称她为皇、为帝、为神。

    Therefore , all people respect her as god .

  24. 英国已经开始使用这种尊称。

    The honorific has already made headway in Britain .

  25. 福克纳因此被尊称为意识流大师也就不足为奇了。

    Not surprisingly , he is admired as a master of stream-of-consciousness technique .

  26. 尊称我凯撒并不能让我成为凯撒。

    Calling me Caesar doesn 't make me him .

  27. 对印度教宗教教师的尊称。

    The title of a Hindu religious teacher .

  28. (对伯爵长子的尊称)子爵

    Courtesy title of an earl 's eldest son

  29. 一直以来,蒙古不需要任何理由的被尊称为“金帐汗国”。

    The Mongols were dubbed the " Golden Horde " for no small reason .

  30. 尊称为“土库曼巴什”的尼亚佐夫总统的雕像。

    Statue of the Turkmenbashi , President Niyazov .