
  • 网络coupled planting;opposite planting
  1. 紫外B辐射增强对植食性昆虫的影响

    Effects of elevated solar UV-B radiation on herbivorous insects

  2. 牙骨质对植牙牙根吸收的影响

    Influence of Donor Cementum on Root Resorption Following Homologous Tooth Transplantation

  3. 植物次生物质是一种十分重要的抗虫物质,它对植食性昆虫具有驱避、抑食、毒害作用。

    Plant allelochemicals is an important substance of insect - resistance .

  4. 连作对植烟土壤及烟株中微量元素含量的影响

    Influence of Continuous Cropping on Microelements in Tobacco-planting Soil and Tobacco Plant

  5. 热养护对植纤水泥复合板强度的影响

    Effect of heat cure on strength of plant-fibre reinforced cement composite boards

  6. 树木挥发物对植食性昆虫的诱导抗性

    Induced Resistance of Volatile Substance of Trees to Phytophagous Insects

  7. 油脂种类对植脂鲜奶油搅打性能的影响

    Influence of Fat Type on Whipping Properties of Whipped Cream

  8. 单宁-醛-胶原的反应&对植醛结合鞣机理的再认识

    Reaction of vegetable TANNIN-ALDEHYDE-COLLAGEN & a further understanding on vegetable tannin-aldehyde combination tannage

  9. 植物表面蜡质对植食性昆虫的影响研究进展

    Effects of Plant Epicuticular Waxes on Phytophagous Insects Behaviour

  10. 有机物料对植烟土壤速效养分含量的影响

    Effects of Organic Materials Application on Available Nutrient Contents in Tobacco Growing Soils

  11. 光苕翻压方式对植烟土壤性状的影响

    Effects of Turning and Pressuring Model of Vicia villosa on Properties of Tobacco-growing Soil

  12. 氮肥对植食性昆虫的影响及其对水稻主要害虫种群的诱导

    Nitrogen Fertilizer Affects Herbivores and Stimulates the Populations of Major Insect Pests of Rice

  13. 秸秆还田对植烟土壤中微生物结构和数量的影响

    Effects of applying crop straw on the microbial composition and quantity in tobacco cultivated soil

  14. 不同覆盖方式对植烟土壤温度和水分及烤烟品质的影响

    Effect of Different Mulch Ways for Temperature and Moisture of Tobacco-Cultivated Soil and Tobacco Leaf Quality

  15. 秸秆及土壤改良剂对植烟土壤微生物的影响

    Effects of Gramineae straw and soil conditioner on the quantity of soil microorganisms in tobacco fields

  16. 植物次生代谢物对植食性哺乳动物营养和生理生态特征的影响

    Effects of plant secondary metabolites on the traits of nutritional and physiological ecology in mammalian herbivores

  17. 黑麦草翻压对植烟土壤修复及烤烟产、质效应的研究

    Effect of Ryegrass Application on the Characteristics of Soil and the Quality and Yield of Flue-cured Tobacco

  18. 不同施硼措施对植烟土壤钾素变化及烟叶钾含量的影响

    Effects of Different Boron Application Methods on Changes of Potassium Content in Soil and Flue-Cured Tobacco Leaf

  19. 水氮耦合对植烟土壤理化生物特性及烤烟生长的影响

    Effects of Water-Nitrogen Coupling on the Growth of Flue-cured Tobacco and Physicochemical and Biological Properties of Soil

  20. 犬自体睾丸移植术的改进及其对植睾功能影响的研究

    The Study of Modification on the Technique of Testicular Autotransplantation in Dogs and Its Influence on Grafted Testes

  21. 氮源中尿素对植生克雷伯菌生物被膜的形成也有促进作用,其它氮源几种影响效果不明显。

    Urea could also improve the forming of biofilm , but other nitrogen sources had no obvious effect .

  22. 植物对植食性昆虫的抗性可包括两个方面:组成抗性、诱导抗性,其中诱导抗性是植物的主要防御机制。

    Plant resistance to herbivore attack is primarily concerned the two aspects : constitutive resistance and induced resistance .

  23. 施用芝麻饼肥对植烟根际土壤酶活性和微生物碳、氮的影响

    Effects of sesame cake fertilizer on soil enzyme activities and microbial C and N at rhizosphere of tobacco

  24. 不同草炭处理对植烟土壤理化性状及烟叶产质影响研究

    The Effect of Different Peat levels on Soil Physical and Chemical Traits and Tobacco Leaf Yield and Quality

  25. 大鼠含肾上腺种植体肾移植模型的建立及其对植肾保护作用的初步研究

    Establishment of rat model of transplantation of kidney containing adrenal implants and its protective effects on the transplanted kidney

  26. 物种之间的表观竞争被认为和资源竞争具有同等的重要性,尤其是对植食性昆虫来说更为重要。

    It is now known that apparent competition is as important as resource-mediated competition , especially for phytophagous insects .

  27. 综述了社群学习对植食性鸟类和哺乳动物觅食行为的作用,并述评了其学习机制。

    This paper reviews the effects of social learning on foraging behavior in herbivorous birds and mammals and the underlying mechanisms .

  28. 鸡粪有机肥对植烟土壤和烤烟烟叶品质的影响研究

    Studies on the Effects of Organic Chicken Manure Fertilizer to the Soil for Growing Tobacco and the Quality of Flue-cured Tobacco Leaves

  29. 通过对植脂末和果葡糖浆不同配方配制的米乳饮料进行感官评定,确定了植脂末的添加量为0.8%,果葡糖浆的添加量为5%。

    The percentage addition of non-dairy creamer and fructose-glucose syrup were decided upon , byorganoleptic evaluation , at0.8 % and5 % , relatively .

  30. 外加电场下细胞膜电穿孔的不对称性分析复杂性角膜穿孔伤角膜移植手术对植片内皮细胞的观察研究

    Study on the asymmetry of the membrane electroporation under the externally applied electric field ; Affection in donor corneal endothelium following combined penetrating keratoplasty