
  1. 你对待人生的态度非常轻松。

    Y ou treat human IIF e very ight y.

  2. 应以尊严和理智对待人生的一切打击。

    All life 's buffets should be met with dignity and good sense .

  3. 安乐死是一种消极对待人生的态度。

    Euthanasia is a negative attitude towards life .

  4. 你必须以积极的态度对待人生,来不得半点的松懈和侥幸。

    You must take a positive attitude towards life science , which permits no slack and lucky .

  5. 许多有过上山下乡经历的人在对待人生方面都是现实主义者,他说。

    Many people who went down to the countryside are realists with regard to life , he suggests .

  6. 所以在某种程度上,禅是以审美的态度对待人生和世界的,这就成为禅文化与中国园林艺术发生联系的契机所在。

    So in some distance , this atitude is the connective point of Chinese gardens art and zen culture .

  7. 但是在对待人生的基本态度上,他却依然坚持我们文化传统的某些特点。

    However , his basic attitude towards life is never dissociated from the cultural tradition of his own nation .

  8. 在不算长的篇幅中,把素材、主题、结构和风格融为一体,揭示出在疾病、战争和死亡的威胁下西方人的处境和对待人生的态度。

    It reveals the Westerners ' position and their attitudes towards life in the face of disease , war and death .

  9. 生活艺术论就是一种注重人生体验的生活态度,其核心在于以审美的眼光对待人生。

    " The Art of Living " neglects an attitude towards life and experience , its core being taking life aesthetically .

  10. 于是,人们不再以逃避现实的态度对待人生,而是考虑如何更能适应社会、善待自己、驾驭命运。

    People begin to realize that the proper attitude towards life is to try to adapt to the society and to enjoy the life .

  11. 寒少王子被邀请参加一个电视节目,他说了很多关于他的车,他的书,他对待人生的态度。

    Cold Junior was invited by a TV program , he talked much about his sport , his books , his attitude to life .

  12. 管理自己的生活,感受到在北京的生活压力与无奈,必须正视自己的现状,勇敢面对,努力改善自己对待人生的态度!

    Management of your life , and feel your life in Beijing pressure and helpless , must face their status , brave face , and strive to improve your attitude towards life !

  13. 同时,也能让人们更正确全面地对待人生中的苦难,真正从生活的曲折中收获美感,在生命的动荡中把握幸福。

    Meanwhile , it also helps people to comprehensively treat the suffering of life , which makes us obtain the aesthetic experience from the suffering and hold the happiness from the unstability .

  14. 美能让人在科技的迷茫中寻找到自身的安身立命之处,它能美化、构建人的心灵,让人学会用审美的态度对待人生。

    The aesthetics can lead people to find himself in the confusion of science , it can beautify , build the human mind , teaches people how to use the aesthetic attitude in life .

  15. 因此,在高等院校开设女性学系列课程,对于女大学生树立正确的性别意识和观念,引导她们正确地对待人生、事业和家庭,实现自身价值,有十分重要的意义。

    It is of great significance to set up a series of courses in female study so as to help female college students form a correct gender consciousness and perspective in viewing their life , career and family and hence achieve self-fulfillment .

  16. 所以,美感敏锐的人对梦境现实的关系,正如哲学家对生活现实的关系那样;他是一个精细而乐意的观照者,因为他从这些画景上体会到人生的意义,他凭借梦中的经历来锻炼自己对待人生。

    The person who is responsive to the stimuli of art behaves toward the reality of dream much the way the philosopher behaves toward the reality of existence : he observes exactly and enjoys his observations , for it is by these images that he interprets life , by these processes that he rehearses it .

  17. 你究竟想要怎样对待你的人生呢?

    What do you really want to do with your life ?

  18. 善良的对待你的人生吧!

    Good deal of your life !

  19. 如果你想知道你应该怎么对待你的人生,你需要审视一下你的状态。

    And if you want to know what you ought to be doing with your life , you need to look at your shape .

  20. 他们思想产生的现实原因同样有相似之处.但他们对待社会与人生,即应世的态度却大不一样,博尔赫斯止于怀疑和无奈,而庄子却以顺应自然去乐观地应世。

    The real reasons which produced their thoughts were similar , but their attitudes towards society and life , that is , towards the world , were quite different .

  21. 二人在咏史诗中表现出了对待历史与人生的不同态度,从中可以看出造成他们在迁谪心态上的这种差异的一些原因。

    Each of them showed a different attitude towards history and life in historical poems , from which we can find out the reasons why they had such differences after being banished .

  22. 当代美育应超越传统的学校审美教育的狭窄圈子,转为对现实审美问题的发现和解决,重视审美的功利性价值,培养人们以审美的态度对待社会现实人生。

    The present aesthetic education should surpass its traditional domain and turn to look for solutions to the realistic aesthetic problems , to attach importance to its utilitarian value , and to help people adopt an aesthetic attitude towards their social life .

  23. 他们就是这么对待我的整个人生的

    they 've been doing it to me my whole life .

  24. 读者肯定会觉得他们言不由衷,但事实上,童年或许是这些球员唯一未被当作名人对待的一段人生岁月。

    You inevitably suspect cant , but , in fact , childhood was about the only time in their lives that these players were not treated as celebrities .

  25. 她的存在主义思想主要表现在她追求个人存在价值,崇尚个性自由,不受上帝摆布,不为环境所迫的人生态度和敢于直面人生痛苦,乐观对待死亡的存在主义人生观。

    She manifested her existentialism in her pursuit of individuality and freedom , not manipulated by God and surroundings , and her facing suffering of life and death with optimism .

  26. 首先通过对当代中国画写生观念的反思,回顾画史,重新审视历史上山水画大家们对待写生的状态和言论,以及由此折射出他们专心致志、一以贯之的对待艺术人生的态度。

    First of all , through the concept of contemporary Chinese painting draw reflection draw Recalling history , re-examine the history of landscape painting everyone who treat the state and freedom of speech , and hence a reflection of their outstanding and a consistent attitude towards the arts of life .